Victor Morson, on 13 April 2012 - 05:48 AM, said:
Everything you said makes one really fatal assumption (well two, really): You won't have enough heat sinks to cover the bill. For the tonnage of ammo and guns on the light ACs you can easily add enough heat sinks to cover the entire thing while removing the possibility of ammo explosions in the process.
This. This right here is why low caliber ACs suck.
Comparing a AC5 with a PPC, to make each heat neutral:
AC5 = 8 tons base + 1 ton ammo (minimum) + 1 HS = 10 tons
PPC = 7 tons base + 10 HS = 17 tons
AC5 does half the damage, but the cost of adding it in weight/heat is more than half the cost of the PPC. Even if it was half the cost (say, bring base tonnage down to 6 for 8 tons total cost), the PPC would still be better because it does all of its damage in one place. Oh yeah, and the ACs require ammo.
The AC5s and AC2s are one of those areas where the CBT rules need to be changed. They just dropped the ball when it came to balancing these guys (just like they dropped the ball on all clan energy weapons and GRs).
I'd suggest maybe increasing their overall DPS by 50%, but make them do it in more shots than the heavier ACs. E.g. if the PPC, AC10 and 20 hit for 10, 10 and 20 respectively and have recycle times of (for example) 6 seconds, make the AC5s and 2s have damages of 3.75 and 1.75 respectively and recycle every 3 seconds ... or have damages of 5 and 2, but recycle every 4 seconds.