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Mwo Has Finally Got To The Point Its No Longer A Mechwarrior/battletech Game

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#341 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:12 AM

View PostMister Zeus, on 07 November 2012 - 09:13 PM, said:

Play Solaris VII and realize that PGI didn't do anything wrong at all.

Play Solaris VII and realize that FASA didn't get it right either.

There is no rationale why a PPC should pay 6 tons and 4 additional heat sinks for a bit of a range advantage and single hit location damage over a Medium Laser that deals the exact same damage over a 10 second timeframe in Solaris.
There is no reason why an MG should turn from a weapon that deals 2 damage per 10 seconds to a weapon that deals 8 damage per 10 seconds.

Throw Solaris VII out of the window. It's badly designed and the designers didn't have a clue how to balance rate of fires and Battletech weapon stats there either.

#342 Djarid


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:39 AM

Ok, I only read the first page so if this has been covered I apologise.

IMO, The mechanisms employed for balance do not define this game as BT or MW, the lore does. We are driving large robot tanks that look and behave like battlemechs in an environment filled with detail from the BT universe therefore it very clearly justifies the Mechwarrior title.

If DHS are underpowered then they are likely to get some love, this is why we are still in a BETA phase so that game changes can be made without excessive justification.

Frankly DHS and matchmaking are small fry compared to Artemis missile flight profiles right now... an undamaged atlas should not be dropped by 40 missiles

#343 Kekrebos


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 07:37 AM

View PostMister Zeus, on 08 November 2012 - 12:38 AM, said:

A single weekend of play certainly represents a fully fleshed out and tested experience with a new rule set. By all means, keep that one experience with the Solaris VII rules as the de-facto experience of anyone and everyone who has ever played with them.

But on that subject, what were you doing wrong letting the battlefield be dominated by 90 meter range (120 meter extreme range) weapons? Did the player's opposition have nothing but CBT tweaked god mechs mounting nothing but ERPPCs and Gauss Rifles? Did they have no secondary or tertiary weapons of their own to bring to bear on your players when they got into knife fighting range?

Regardless, the only point you make is one that can be easily adjusted by tweaking the refire rates or damages of weapons over that refire rate to prevent insane rapid fire instant death. Notice how PGI didn't have Machine Guns do 8 points of damage every 10 seconds like they could in Solaris VII? You do have a point about small lasers though, but at least they make more sense to adjust refire rate for while machine guns are defined by a rapid/constant fire rate and thus necessitate a damage adjustment to balance them.

On the subject of small lasers, they are effective if you can close range. This appears to be easy to do in MWO due to a.) lag shields on light mechs, and b.) speed cuts to assault mechs which prevents them from keeping their distance somewhat from faster opponents in order to keep their big guns on them for a little longer. But at least the number of them you can mount on a mech is limited rather than unlimited like in CBT.

There is no rule that says PGI has to adhere to a 10 second delay between firing every weapon. There is also no rule saying that the heat system must directly copy that of CBT. I actually prefer the Solaris VII heat system since it eliminate ******** alpha strikes from mechs like Masakari's or Awesomes and forced them to have to spread their fire out a bit more. It encouraged mixed weapon designs to take advantage of different situations regarding range, cover, heat, ammunition levels, and weapon reload/recharge. That a few weapons were overpowered is no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water. If that were the case, CBT would be in the same boat as Solaris VII, but because of the opposite end of the weapon spectrum (i.e. super heavy weapons are supreme in CBT, small fast refiring weapons are supreme in Solaris VII provided you can close range quickly).

Seems like there has got to be a happy medium ground somewhere between those two.

DId you ever even play those rules? I hate when people assume that you have to give something years of play time to understand and fully test out. You don't have to. A group of people who can recite the rulebook in their sleep can definitely tell if changes are going to be positive or negative in even a few hours of play, let alone a weekend marathon for 12 people. It became a long running joke for us all. It took us less than a weekend to discover that DHS were BROKEN. It took us less than a weekend to realize that LRMs were coming from near verticle. A weekend of battletech for a hardcore group would include more games than a casual player would have in a year.

Hex "size" was divided by 4, as were the rounds, while things like heat were multiplied by 4. Which means that you could shoot 4x as far, making those pitiful 90 meter weapons equal to a mid ranged weapon. I'd have to dig out my rule book, but I'm pretty sure machine guns could fire every round, create 0 heat, and go 4x as far... I'm sorry but if you can't see why that was BROKEN I have no idea what to tell you.

You're trying to say that they've got it spot on because they're using the Solaris VII Mech duel rules, but they aren't exactly, they've even changed it from that. Also, those rules were very very bad. In all my years of playing, you are the very first person I've ever found that actually liked them.

As for opponent custimzation I had a rather detailed process and different classes ranging from stock to fully modified, and the modification rules required a good group of techs and time to do the most simple of tweaks. They would go against opponents that had modified their mechs to a similar degree. It wasn't that they weren't challenged, or that they were challenged too much, they just simply found it very BORING to have to use a very small variety of weaponry and to boat it to win the field. Some of them actually enjoyed using mixed weaponry on their mechs... softening up with LRMs as they close to finish off with lasers and autocannons, instead of cramming as many small weapons that have little to no heat on.

The point is it made EVERY long range weapon useless, except maybe the gauss rifle, and that was even sub optimal compared to smaller weapons. It also made every stock mech incredibly useless aside from a few weird designs and most light mechs.

If you really think the developers should be encouraged to use a broken model for their game that causes the players to use only little to no heat weapons, where you can close without much risk to get said weapons into the fight, then I again don't know what to tell you.

Wait... if it wasn't for LRMs being death guided super missles from above and no one would take them otherwise that'd be what we have here....

I do appreciate one thing from you, you made me realize what they're trying to emulate, and why a lot of us hate it so much.

#344 Sayyid


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 08:22 AM

View PostHelmer, on 05 November 2012 - 08:10 PM, said:

When developing MWO PGI started with the exact TableTop stats . As someone who has been testing since the early Friends and Family stages, I felt that the game (with a 1 - 1 TT translation) was simply not fun.
Small lasers on a fast moving 'mech was an instant win button, LRMs were grossly ineffective, and Autocannons were next to useless.

Although I can respect the opinion that perhaps PGI has strayed too far from the TT values, I feel that almost every single change has been for the better. Things are still in a state of balancing and fluctuation. Adherence to the original TT rules is great, however, there comes a time when the TT fail in a First Person setting such as this.
The TT rules were very complex for a TT game, however, they represent , in some cases, abstract values and concepts that are not needed in a environment such as this. The rules do not scale well and must be adapted.

Again, I can respect your opinion, I hope you can understand that perhaps not everyone will agree with you.


I want to counter this initial arguement.

The problems with the game in the early stages is few of the original "testers" were TableTop players, they were from the Mechwarrior 2+ game line and had no clue about the original Battletech game.

PGI I feel, no matter how much they actually claim are from that exact same school. The game maps they designed are cramped and cluttered with things that prevent things like LRMs from being as effective as they were in the Table top. But then when mated with the fact that they ignored most of the addons to the table top game that add the rate of fire rules table to the game or even the adjusted heat scales. Even though these exact things were used by other computer games in an MMO market in the past, Multiplayer Battletech EVA/Solaris VII, and MPBT:3025 by EA.

They jumped to extremes, instead of adjusting the hitboxes or adding some variation to the hit locations based on movement of the shooter, they instead doubled the armor of the mechs. This then made weapons like LRMs, SRMs, Autocannon 20s considerably weaker than the table top counterpart. Even with the rate of fire increase they see over the table top core rules.

Now lets fast forward a few months to now.

Now we have a game that the AC/20 is a joke, it is used by a select few but it is mostly out classed by the newer more efficient Gauss Rifle, or by the lighter AC/5 and UAC/5. They softened the Double Heatsink to just a "Slightly" improved heatsink. And the LRM was changed from its 1.0 damage of the TT to the damage of a SRM at 2.0 per missile. Then they realised that FCS makes that the most nasty thing in history, well duh, TT players knew that for years when someone slapped a FCS on a SRM Carrier and its 10 SRM6s. But conversely they did nothing signifigant to the SRM launcher, it gained 20% more damage but thats it. So for the past 3 months they have been adjusting and tweaking and balancing weapons instead of just sucking it up and admitting that not all guns are equal in Level 2 rules (advanced tech for those of you non-TT players), and they should have just made the original concept of 3015.

PGI has done much to make me realise how much I miss the original Mechwarrior, and MPBT:EVA/Solaris 7, or MPBT:3025.

#345 Diablobo


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 09:08 AM

The game seems okay, and it is a lot of fun, but when they use the weapon damage and heat ratings almost verbatim from tabletop, and then cripple the mechs with a heat dissipation system that doesn't account for the tripled rates of fire, they have completely thrown out the fun of mech design and even combat is not very fun when mechs have to shut down so often from overheating.
They use video game and realtime rates of fire with a tabletop turn-based heatsink system. All they have to do is to strengthen the heat dissipation. Mechs will still overheat from firing too many weapons, but the ones that properly design their mechs will be able to fire without such overheating concerns, just like good mech designs in Battletech are supposed to.

#346 Krivvan


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 09:13 AM

View PostSayyid, on 08 November 2012 - 08:22 AM, said:

The problems with the game in the early stages is few of the original "testers" were TableTop players, they were from the Mechwarrior 2+ game line and had no clue about the original Battletech game.

You're crazy if you mean early closed beta testers (I can't speak for friends and family beta and alpha). They would never shut up about the TT.

#347 Lightfoot


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 09:36 AM

@OP Agreed.

I pointed this out to the Devs in many posts. That nerfing DHS 2.0 to 1.4 basically removed any Energy based Assault from MWO. 1.4 x 20 = 28 maximum DHS cooling. Less than Single heatsinks so a poorly thought out nerf.

Personally, I had specialized in the Awesome since it appeared in the Closed Beta. It seemed to have numerous flaws so I kept using it to see if they could be fixed. Most notable was that the Hunchback could deliver more damage and take more due to no support for the Awesome to carry large energy weapons with enough payload left to cool them. PGI promised a fix or at least DHS, which seemed like it would work, even though the Awesome would still be running very hot with stock loadouts. The AWS-9M stock.

Then we get DHS and they allow 'mechs with SLAS, MLAS, or not very many energy weapons to run cool. I'm thinking, yes, that's right, that's what they do. But suddenly, it's all wrong, SLAS must cause 'mechs to overheat! Wrong. You can't use Large Energy weapons if you are concerned about DHS cooling SLAS too well. DHS are to make energy based Assault loadouts work.

So I quit the Awesome because there is no support for it in MWO and instantly I was winning battles more than not and averaging 2-3 kills and 4 or 5 assists in the battles won. Usually in a medium with ballistics, full armor. Go figure.

#348 wanderer


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 09:49 AM

View PostRallog, on 07 November 2012 - 09:42 PM, said:

As someone who ran a Mechwarrior TT campaing for years, we dabled with the Solaris VII rules for one weekend just for kicks, to see if it would add anything to the game.

Guess what, everyone threw out all their PPCs LL and mounted Small Lasers and Machineguns. Infact, everyone crammed in as many machineguns as they could and owned their opponents.

My players practically had a revolt until I promised we would never ever use those silly rules again.

Wait a second...

On the other side, we used those with maps that were also 4x normal size- that is, a one-map-wide game was a 4-map-wide game under Solaris rules. If you used (say) 2 maps in a normal game and went to Solaris scale, that was like suddenly putting everyone in a game where they had the equivalent of 1/2 a mapboard to fight in. SL/MG boats, DUH at that point.

Given, the 4x map sized games took up most of a basement floor. But we loved it, and the aforementioned MG/SL boating didn't happen. And suddenly, people liked autocannons that didn't have a /20 at the end , and missile launchers...when before much of the "custom game" was PPC/ML/insert energy boat config here.

And holy crud, the Shadow Hawk was a good 'Mech!

#349 Mister Zeus


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 10:02 AM

Yes, the Shadow Hawk is a deadly mech and in Solaris VII rules it puts those extra heat sinks to good use.

For anyone running into problems with the Awesome, all I can say is that with the current 1.4 heat sinks my energy monster with 2 ERPPCs, 3 Large Lasers, and 17 DHS manages to run quite cool. I pace my fire and can lay down a fairly constant stream of ERPPC fire until the enemy closes, then I switch to the Large Lasers.

You don't have to mount as many weapons as a mech can carry and fire them all at once. If you try to do that, don't use the largest weapons. It's that obvious. Trying to be an ERPPC boat is going to obviously overheat you after some time firing on target, try mounting only 2 ERPPCs and backup weapons. With the quick refire rate I'm sure you will only notice a difference when you do your initial alpha strike, otherwise, you can keep a barrage of fire on target and keep heat in check.


#350 Sayyid


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 10:35 AM

View PostKrivvan, on 08 November 2012 - 09:13 AM, said:

You're crazy if you mean early closed beta testers (I can't speak for friends and family beta and alpha). They would never shut up about the TT.

Hince why I used the term "tester" not beta tester. The F&F alpha phase was when they got a lot of this magical data.

#351 zorak ramone


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 11:23 AM

View PostHRR Insanity, on 06 November 2012 - 05:55 PM, said:

The only reason that happened is because the Devs stubbornly refuse to add weapon spread which fixes ALL of your complaints and allows canon weapon, heat, armor, and damage values.

That's the problem. It's always been the problem.

Add cone of fire, fix MWO.


You're right, but they'd need to fix a hell of alot more as well.

The funny thing is that cone of fire has been implemented in numerous other FPS games, including online competitive FPS games, without taking away gunnery skill. The idea that it is impossible to do the same in a mechwarrior game is another one of those myths, just like the one about how its impossible to transfer the relative weapons balance of CBT into a real-time mech game with variable recycle times.

#352 Imagine Dragons


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:36 PM

Actually, I was thinking about how the amount of "OMFG MWO NEEDS TO FOLLOW TT LIKE A RELGION!!!" hyperbole noise back in July was a lot louder then compared to now...

Hmm... have they changed their minds or simply left the game?...

Edited by XenomorphZZ, 08 November 2012 - 06:34 PM.

#353 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:42 PM

View PostXenomorphZZ, on 08 November 2012 - 01:36 PM, said:

Actually, I was thinking about how the amount of "OMFG MWO NEEDS TO FOLLOW TT LIKE A RELGION!!!" hyperbole noise back in July was a lot louder then compared now...

Hmm... have they changed their minds or simply left the game?...

I dunno... I am still here, but in the end, I am not really married to table top. In fact, I played only 2 life matches TT and a few Megamek games.

But I would like to see 2 things happening:
1) Weapons to be balanced
2) Stock Mechs to be similar viable as they were in the table top. (that usually means - a real min/maxer may get better mechs, but also mechs that were known for being heat efficient still be so, and mechs that were known to be ovens still being ovens.)

Neither has been achieved yet.

#354 Sleeping Bear


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:52 PM

I know a way to make the crybabies stop b1tch1ng about double heat sinks. Rename them to freezers, then maybe we can get back to playing.

#355 Rifter


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:58 AM

So garth still no reply huh. I would really like to know how coring a atlas is possible in 3 seconds with or without DHS.

#356 MajorLeeHung


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:03 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 06 November 2012 - 11:38 AM, said:

DHS at 2.0 heat allowed me to core a fully armoured Atlas from behind in roughly 3 seconds. In my Jenner.

I don't give a poop who you are, that's a full on lie.

And the fact that PGI staff is lying out there ***** should be telling us volumes... Dont BS us as a community. Give us the facts head on. If you feel the need to lie then step down from your job.

Edited by MajorLeeHung, 12 November 2012 - 04:06 PM.

#357 TruePoindexter


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:21 PM

View PostValder, on 05 November 2012 - 08:09 PM, said:

Sounds like you should play battletech tabletop instead of MWO.

I'm going to have to agree. I'm having a lot of fun with MWO and I've been TT enthralled for a very long time. No my mechs from TT don't work in MWO. Of course I can't free customize blatantly OP mechs either like I can in TT. They're different games. Appreciate it for what it is. If you're having fun - HAVE FUN! If you're not having fun then don't play. As Rallog has said TT rules are very broken and unbalanced. Higher tech mechs utterly dominate lower tech with little to no possibility of even standing a chance.

EDIT: Didn't notice this thread was 18 pages not 3... I'm going to wager that this thread has de-evolved into uselessness.

Edited by TruePoindexter, 12 November 2012 - 04:22 PM.

#358 Stone Wall


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:22 PM

Posted Image

Edited by Stone Wall, 12 November 2012 - 04:22 PM.

#359 MrPenguin


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:22 PM

Can we just take this thread out the back and shoot it already?

#360 Teralitha


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:37 PM

View PostHelmer, on 05 November 2012 - 08:10 PM, said:

When developing MWO PGI started with the exact TableTop stats . As someone who has been testing since the early Friends and Family stages, I felt that the game (with a 1 - 1 TT translation) was simply not fun. Small lasers on a fast moving 'mech was an instant win button, LRMs were grossly ineffective, and Autocannons were next to useless. Although I can respect the opinion that perhaps PGI has strayed too far from the TT values, I feel that almost every single change has been for the better. Things are still in a state of balancing and fluctuation. Adherence to the original TT rules is great, however, there comes a time when the TT fail in a First Person setting such as this. The TT rules were very complex for a TT game, however, they represent , in some cases, abstract values and concepts that are not needed in a environment such as this. The rules do not scale well and must be adapted. Again, I can respect your opinion, I hope you can understand that perhaps not everyone will agree with you. Cheers.

If I remember correctly, armor was doubled because mechs died too quickly. It was the doubling of the armor that made AC, and missles "appear" useless. Not the the weapon values. Small and medium lasers were still very powerful even with armor doubled, mainly medium, and they received a heat increase.

AC and missles are still weak, because of double armor. They still need to increase the damage of AC weapons to compensate. They are not bad mind you, just need a small damage boost.

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