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Would you pilot a Quad Mech / Quad Mechs (merged)

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#441 Tebbo


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 11:08 AM

View PostLordDeathStrike, on 15 April 2012 - 02:05 AM, said:

go hit up armored core 5, its got biped triped quads treads hovers, you name it.

mechwarriors pilot bipeds exclusively.


someone hasn't played or read anything battletech related.
off the top of my head. stalking spider, goliath, scorpion, snow fox, thunder stallion, barghest, sirocco, bishamon, tarantula of course... lot of quads in 3060.

i'd love to see a snow fox in the game. would be a pain to animate nicely though.

Edited by Tebbo, 31 May 2012 - 11:10 AM.

#442 Scarlett Avignon


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 11:15 AM

I'd like to see quads in game. The would be kind of pointless, though, unless they had the same special ability (sidestepping) as they do in TT, though.

#443 Zervziel


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 11:26 AM

I can understand some of the reasons why they made the Ares like that, but damn did they screw it up. First of all the first real mechs in fiction were the Martian Tripods from H.G. Wells War of the Worlds. Something that has a tripodal form of locomotion is going to be really freaky to humans who are used to seeing two or four legs. That plus if the mech is going to be 135 tons, adding a third leg would aid in stability. However the Ares just looks daft. Why is the main support structure of it's feet on the inside instead of the outside to help with stability?

Posted Image

Basically cool idea, bad follow through. Though I love the fact in the fluff, the Lyran's tried to raid the factory world for it. I guess the temptation of upgrading from 400 ton to 540 ton Scout lances was too much.

At any rate, if there was a quad I'd go with it'd be this thing.

Posted Image

2 ER Large laser and a LBX 20 AC? Yes please!

Heck the one with an Improved Heavy Gauss rifle and two light PPCs would be nice as well.

Posted Image

It's all a moot point really. The resurgence in interest for quad mechs didn't come until the 3060s.

Edited by Zervziel, 31 May 2012 - 11:29 AM.

#444 Tebbo


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 11:27 AM

whatever they need to do to make them functionally the same sort of thing as bipeds.

quads are just a different flavor, that's all. something that's a little interesting and different from the usual designs. nothing wrong with that as long as the operate in a way that makes them the equivalent of a biped.

i doubt we will see anything like that for a while though. i'd rather see them nail biped movement, weight, control, feeling, etc. before doing anything else. make sure the gameplay feels great, then add interesting alternatives and ideas (like quads).

#445 Renan Ruivo


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 11:30 AM

I only can't see a quad mech on the front-lines. It will either be an almost strictly no-combat scout role or a fire support role like artillery or missile mech. quad mechs can't keep up with bipedal mechs since they have a fixed torso. Unless they have a proper turret that follows its locked target, but those are in a very vulnerable position.

#446 Rougeskra


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 11:56 AM

View PostStormeris, on 31 May 2012 - 11:02 AM, said:

Just imagine the look on someone face who has arachnophobia xD

I like this mental picture.

#447 DeformedSlowest


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 12:13 PM

View PostHereticTLL, on 15 April 2012 - 05:08 AM, said:

Come-on Siilk old buddy, don't say "No" until you've tried them....they are one of the most neglected 'mech types in all MW games...it's not like the OP is asking for Land-Air 'Mechs or anything crazy! Posted Image

I know that they are almost certainly not going to ever be seen in a PC MW title (except that 1 appearance in MW2, and even then they were only pilotable with the hack that opened BA up for the player also)......but they could be cool if done well.

Why not include LAMs? I mean they are part of the universe. True they aren't that effective as traditional aerospace fighters, but I would pilot one for the heck of it. I'd get shot down a lot but it would be fun nevertheless.

#448 corpse256


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 12:14 PM

I'm gona go no on this because I never really got into the quad leg thingys like in Metal Warriors, Armored Core series, and Front Mission series. I'm sorry but I like two legs better than four because it gives a human like characteristic to the mechs. Plus I would think that they would be too large of a target and would be too easy to aim at the legs since there are four of them. In addition the mech would move too slow having to move 4 legs kinda kills your speed.(If you know what I'm saying, RIght?....Wrong??)

Well I put in my 2 cents on this topic didn't read anyother post than the main.

#449 Skylarr


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 12:14 PM

View PostZervziel, on 31 May 2012 - 11:26 AM, said:

I can understand some of the reasons why they made the Ares like that, but damn did they screw it up. First of all the first real mechs in fiction were the Martian Tripods from H.G. Wells War of the Worlds. Something that has a tripodal form of locomotion is going to be really freaky to humans who are used to seeing two or four legs. That plus if the mech is going to be 135 tons, adding a third leg would aid in stability. However the Ares just looks daft. Why is the main support structure of it's feet on the inside instead of the outside to help with stability?

Posted Image

Basically cool idea, bad follow through. Though I love the fact in the fluff, the Lyran's tried to raid the factory world for it. I guess the temptation of upgrading from 400 ton to 540 ton Scout lances was too much.

This is the Ares Mech. A handful were rumered to have been built in 3130. That is part of the click sytem. It is Non-Canon


The Ares represents a series of 'Mechs that are built to exceed the 100-ton mark. The Ares uses a unique tripodal chassis to support the 'Mechs weight bridging the gap between the biped 'Mechs and the quad 'Mechs. The Ares has its roots in the Rhodes Project and was first fielded sometime after 3132. Although the manufacturer of the 'Mech remains unknown intelligence has pointed to an Ares factory being located on the world of Kaus Australis in Prefecture I of the Republic of the Sphere. This intelligence, as well as the potential of the Ares was strong enough to provoke both the Lyran Commonwealth and Clan Nova Cat to raid the location in search of this factory.
While there has been a great deal of hype surrounding each version of the Ares 'Mechs, they have roughly the same amount of weapons as can be loaded onto a 100 ton chassis and are outgunned by some Assault 'Mechs dating from the 3060s. One unique aspect of these 'Mechs is that they are manned with three personnel.
As part of an experimental project, only a few selected MechWarriors can operate this 'Mech. It is also notable that, as a secret project, most of those MechWarriors are the research scientist's children or family and some also received training since their very childhood.

View PostRenan Ruivo, on 31 May 2012 - 11:30 AM, said:

I only can't see a quad mech on the front-lines. It will either be an almost strictly no-combat scout role or a fire support role like artillery or missile mech. quad mechs can't keep up with bipedal mechs since they have a fixed torso. Unless they have a proper turret that follows its locked target, but those are in a very vulnerable position.

Quad mechs side step. A biped Mech cannot side step.

View PostStormeris, on 31 May 2012 - 07:41 AM, said:

Well technically there should be 3 quads in this timezone Scorpion, Goliath and Xanthos,

Xanthos was built 2564. Then it was lost and did not re-amerge untill 3070.

#450 Stormeris


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 12:27 PM

View Postcorpse256, on 31 May 2012 - 12:14 PM, said:

I'm gona go no on this because I never really got into the quad leg thingys like in Metal Warriors, Armored Core series, and Front Mission series. I'm sorry but I like two legs better than four because it gives a human like characteristic to the mechs. Plus I would think that they would be too large of a target and would be too easy to aim at the legs since there are four of them. In addition the mech would move too slow having to move 4 legs kinda kills your speed.(If you know what I'm saying, RIght?....Wrong??)

Well I put in my 2 cents on this topic didn't read anyother post than the main.

well Scorpion can run at 97kph which is the same speed as RAVEN or COMMANDO which are light mechs, goliath moves at the speed of a hunchback,

#451 JP Josh


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 12:59 PM

i would like em to put quads in the game at later time. but quads were always desinged for a special purpose recon/ or support they must fallow the rules laid out in TT

#452 Renan Ruivo


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 01:30 PM

View PostSkylarr, on 31 May 2012 - 12:14 PM, said:

Quad mechs side step. A biped Mech cannot side step.

Does not matter, Side-stepping won't help you much if your enemy is circling you.

For reference, imagine in World of Tanks a Tank Destroyer going one on one against a light or medium tank. Hell, even against a heavy tank. If you get behind a quad-mech and it doesn't have any rear facing weapons, its doomed.

So like i said, it would only work for very fast scouting mechs that would come in from one side and leave through the other side, or a stationary heavy weapons platform, to take advantage of the increased stability. For "dogfighting", forget it.

Besides, bipedal mechs don't need to sidestep. They can just full twist the torso to the left or to the right and BAM, you're now "sidestepping". Okay, not the same thing ... but almost.

Edited by Renan Ruivo, 31 May 2012 - 01:32 PM.

#453 FrostPaw


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 01:41 PM

I'd say within the first 8 months, no chance at all. Within the first year, small chance. This time next year, definitely no chance, it'll be all about clan mechs then.

#454 Omega Harley


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 01:46 PM

If that mech is a Sirrocco(FWL circa 3060) I'm in.

#455 Zervziel


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 02:19 PM

View PostStormeris, on 31 May 2012 - 11:02 AM, said:

Just imagine the look on someone face who has arachnophobia xD

Great now you've reminded me of this thing!

Posted Image

#456 Skylarr


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 09:25 PM

View PostRenan Ruivo, on 31 May 2012 - 01:30 PM, said:

Does not matter, Side-stepping won't help you much if your enemy is circling you.

For reference, imagine in World of Tanks a Tank Destroyer going one on one against a light or medium tank. Hell, even against a heavy tank. If you get behind a quad-mech and it doesn't have any rear facing weapons, its doomed.

So like i said, it would only work for very fast scouting mechs that would come in from one side and leave through the other side, or a stationary heavy weapons platform, to take advantage of the increased stability. For "dogfighting", forget it.

Besides, bipedal mechs don't need to sidestep. They can just full twist the torso to the left or to the right and BAM, you're now "sidestepping". Okay, not the same thing ... but almost.

So in WoT terms. You woud move your Quad like you would a TD. DO not go ushing up to the enemy.

#457 Stormeris


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 10:39 PM

Yeah i imagine quads being simillar to Tank Destroyers from WoT, but able to move sideways, and have increased turning speed

#458 Renan Ruivo


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 03:28 AM

However what role do quad mechs fulfil on the canon? On here they would make perfect TD's, but are they that?

#459 NightbladeXX


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 06:59 AM

View PostTeulisch, on 15 April 2012 - 04:41 AM, said:

i suspect the problem is that in this era, we only have two quads, both unseen, plus they would require additional programming to allow for making those 2 potential models much more expensive to include. while we may see them in the long run, i doubt they will be availible during the first few months of the game because of how overworked the programmers must be.

the quads can be downright awesome with level 3 rules to allow for turrets. spinning you main gun 360 degrees and going hull down behind a hill gives them a nice edge.

A 2 person mech? that be neat in my OP. a Pilot and a Gunner altho Im sure it require a bit more programming

my other OP is: the more Mechs the merrier :)

#460 MitchellTyner


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 07:07 AM

would not pilot one, I like my 2 legs. I usually swat anything not on two legs anyway

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