Skylarr, on 31 May 2012 - 12:14 PM, said:
Quad mechs side step. A biped Mech cannot side step.
Does not matter, Side-stepping won't help you much if your enemy is circling you.
For reference, imagine in World of Tanks a Tank Destroyer going one on one against a light or medium tank. Hell, even against a heavy tank. If you get behind a
quad-mech and it doesn't have any rear facing weapons, its doomed.
So like i said, it would only work for very fast scouting mechs that would come in from one side and leave through the other side, or a stationary heavy weapons platform, to take advantage of the increased stability. For "dogfighting", forget it.
Besides, bipedal mechs don't need to sidestep. They can just full twist the torso to the left or to the right and BAM, you're now "sidestepping". Okay, not the same thing ... but almost.
Edited by Renan Ruivo, 31 May 2012 - 01:32 PM.