<<Devs>> The People Are Speaking, Lrms Are Way Too Op!
Started by SaNMaN, Nov 07 2012 04:37 AM
11 replies to this topic
Posted 07 November 2012 - 04:37 AM
Come on People!?!?
WTH is up with the LRMs...?
Anyone that has played BT or MW at ALL knows LRM missles are SUPOSE to do 1 point PER MISSLE!!..look, I understand the Devs upped it to 2pts per missle, ok fine, so ya needed to know the potential point spread for WHEN Artemis IV came out, due to its affects. But its out now... Lets give it a Rest shall we? Put the LRM damage back to where it belongs... you folks know it, I know it, and 10s of THOUSANDS of MW fans out there KNOW THIS TO BE TRUTH!
P L E A S E! C H A N G E ! L R M s !
Thank you,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR RASALHAGUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTH is up with the LRMs...?
Anyone that has played BT or MW at ALL knows LRM missles are SUPOSE to do 1 point PER MISSLE!!..look, I understand the Devs upped it to 2pts per missle, ok fine, so ya needed to know the potential point spread for WHEN Artemis IV came out, due to its affects. But its out now... Lets give it a Rest shall we? Put the LRM damage back to where it belongs... you folks know it, I know it, and 10s of THOUSANDS of MW fans out there KNOW THIS TO BE TRUTH!
P L E A S E! C H A N G E ! L R M s !
Thank you,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR RASALHAGUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 07 November 2012 - 05:34 AM
I think dropping the damage to 1 will only solve some of the problem.
An Atlas will die in 10 seconds instead of 5. Flight paths need to be fixed and ECM needs to be introduced.
This is what we call "systems thinking".
You cannot test individual components, they need to be tested in the ecosystem.
Introducing Artemis before ECM was almost autistic, who cares if that project timeline or component was ready before ECM was, that's just lazy project management and bad inter dependencies. These systems should all be working so they can be tested together. It's more work for everybody this way.
An Atlas will die in 10 seconds instead of 5. Flight paths need to be fixed and ECM needs to be introduced.
This is what we call "systems thinking".
You cannot test individual components, they need to be tested in the ecosystem.
Introducing Artemis before ECM was almost autistic, who cares if that project timeline or component was ready before ECM was, that's just lazy project management and bad inter dependencies. These systems should all be working so they can be tested together. It's more work for everybody this way.
Posted 07 November 2012 - 06:30 AM
Introducing Artemis before ECM is like balancing the entire heat/damage/dps weapons system based on single heat sinks and then throwing double heat sinks into the mix.
Posted 07 November 2012 - 07:27 AM
i didnt see this problem. went with a team of 4 last night all night, kicking butt and taking names:P didnt see alot of lrm spam. did win 100% of the matches though. pug stomping continues unabaided. only now its not as fun. i miss all my friends, and dropping against other groups on purpose, i really miss 8v8. now its 4 and some random number of people who are playing(sometimes 1 or 4, who knows how many puggers will be afk/suicide/disco) vs some random number of people.
much less fun than dropping 8 premade vs 8 premade.
much less fun than dropping 8 premade vs 8 premade.
Posted 07 November 2012 - 07:59 AM
LRMs do 2 pts of damage because every mech has double the TT's armor values. end of story.
Posted 07 November 2012 - 08:14 AM
infinite xaer0, on 07 November 2012 - 07:59 AM, said:
LRMs do 2 pts of damage because every mech has double the TT's armor values. end of story.
That isn't a good argument because there is no point in doubling the armor value only to double weapon damage. Doubled armor is obviously intended to make a mech last longer in a fight. Clearly invalidating that LRM's should have double damage because of doubled armor.
Posted 07 November 2012 - 08:15 AM
Serber, on 07 November 2012 - 08:14 AM, said:
That isn't a good argument because there is no point in doubling the armor value only to double weapon damage. Doubled armor is obviously intended to make a mech last longer in a fight. Clearly invalidating that LRM's should have double damage because of doubled armor.
Lots not forget that LRMs also fire faster than they do in TT just like other weapons in the game. SO in reality thye already had their damage increased.
Posted 07 November 2012 - 01:53 PM
The final and ultimate solution to LRM's:
Reduce damage to 1.5 damage per missile.
Decrease LRM rate of fire slightly.
Decrease LRM viewshake to near-zero.
Increase lock-on time for LRM's without LOS. Locking onto an enemy without LOS should require at least 4 seconds.
If the firing mech does not have LOS, moving the reticule off of the target for more than 0.4 seconds should result in loss of target lock.
Instantaneous target loss if the scout loses LOS.
Vastly increase missile spread when firing on targets without LOS. (1/4 normal damage application against non-moving assault targets without LOS)
Reduce TAG effectiveness (tighten spread by 10% per active TAG). Reduce NARC effectiveness (tighten spread by 15% per active NARC). Pinpoint-accurate LRM-strikes should be virtually impossible.
Flatten LRM trajectory. If you want your LRM's to fly up at all, then aim up.
Now let's analyze: Under what circumstances could an LRM boat hurt you?
If the LRM boat has LOS, they will be able to keep you target locked with reasonable ease and will not suffer horrible missile spread penalties. Counters: Shoot the LRM boat, or get within minimum range, or use AMS to reduce incoming damage.
If the LRM boat has LOS and you are tagged or NARC'd, then you could be in genuine and immediate danger. Counters: An AMS will help in this situation, but only up to a point. Break line of sight with the LRM boat, or core/disarm the LRM boat.
If they have scouts with multiple TAG/NARC, but no LOS, it will require a very skilled pilot with arm-mounted LRM's to fire over obstacles quickly enough to not lose target lock. Counters: AMS will reduce incoming damage, find cover, or force the scouts to retreat. Or draw them into an ambush.
When will an LRM boat not be able to hurt you?
If they don't know you exist (obviously).
If a non-TAG/NARC scout targets you, expect very minor (if any) damage. Only a very skilled pilot with arm-mounted LRM's will be able to hit you at all. The LRM's only concern you if you are dangerously close to being cored.
If you are a fast target and are spotted by an enemy scout, enemy LRM's are a minor issue at worst if you get a single enemy TAG/NARC.
These changes would increase the skill cap necessary for LRM pilots to function at maximum potential. Most pilots would maneuver and be required to expose themselves to enemy fire to effectively fight with LRM's. Non-LOS LRM bombardment would be an art reserved for the very best pilots (and still be only moderately effective).
Reduce damage to 1.5 damage per missile.
Decrease LRM rate of fire slightly.
Decrease LRM viewshake to near-zero.
Increase lock-on time for LRM's without LOS. Locking onto an enemy without LOS should require at least 4 seconds.
If the firing mech does not have LOS, moving the reticule off of the target for more than 0.4 seconds should result in loss of target lock.
Instantaneous target loss if the scout loses LOS.
Vastly increase missile spread when firing on targets without LOS. (1/4 normal damage application against non-moving assault targets without LOS)
Reduce TAG effectiveness (tighten spread by 10% per active TAG). Reduce NARC effectiveness (tighten spread by 15% per active NARC). Pinpoint-accurate LRM-strikes should be virtually impossible.
Flatten LRM trajectory. If you want your LRM's to fly up at all, then aim up.
Now let's analyze: Under what circumstances could an LRM boat hurt you?
If the LRM boat has LOS, they will be able to keep you target locked with reasonable ease and will not suffer horrible missile spread penalties. Counters: Shoot the LRM boat, or get within minimum range, or use AMS to reduce incoming damage.
If the LRM boat has LOS and you are tagged or NARC'd, then you could be in genuine and immediate danger. Counters: An AMS will help in this situation, but only up to a point. Break line of sight with the LRM boat, or core/disarm the LRM boat.
If they have scouts with multiple TAG/NARC, but no LOS, it will require a very skilled pilot with arm-mounted LRM's to fire over obstacles quickly enough to not lose target lock. Counters: AMS will reduce incoming damage, find cover, or force the scouts to retreat. Or draw them into an ambush.
When will an LRM boat not be able to hurt you?
If they don't know you exist (obviously).
If a non-TAG/NARC scout targets you, expect very minor (if any) damage. Only a very skilled pilot with arm-mounted LRM's will be able to hit you at all. The LRM's only concern you if you are dangerously close to being cored.
If you are a fast target and are spotted by an enemy scout, enemy LRM's are a minor issue at worst if you get a single enemy TAG/NARC.
These changes would increase the skill cap necessary for LRM pilots to function at maximum potential. Most pilots would maneuver and be required to expose themselves to enemy fire to effectively fight with LRM's. Non-LOS LRM bombardment would be an art reserved for the very best pilots (and still be only moderately effective).
Posted 07 November 2012 - 02:05 PM
your suggestions are too harsh. i think we should fiddle with 1.5 damage per missile w/o artemis and 1 dmg per missile with artemis and look how it plays out. perhaps increase the heat generated by lrm racks. as of now my lrm atlas has 13 dhs and fires its lrms heat neutral, and my 2 large lasers are also heat neutral. it only goes up if i fire them together, but even then its manageable (as long as im not on caustic)
oh and make lrms have double the ammo per ton. fits better with the bt rules, too.
but i would leave the rest relatively unchanged, perhaps increase lock on time if target is not LOS.
TL;DR: Halve the damage, double the Ammo per ton, increase heat slightly, increase time for successful target lock if not in LOS.
oh and make lrms have double the ammo per ton. fits better with the bt rules, too.
but i would leave the rest relatively unchanged, perhaps increase lock on time if target is not LOS.
TL;DR: Halve the damage, double the Ammo per ton, increase heat slightly, increase time for successful target lock if not in LOS.
Edited by Erasus Magnus, 07 November 2012 - 02:08 PM.
Posted 07 November 2012 - 02:12 PM
Read Dev post before freaking out please
Thanks for your time.
linked wrong post now cant find right one about them hotfixing the missile problem ASAP
Thanks for your time.
linked wrong post now cant find right one about them hotfixing the missile problem ASAP
Edited by Atayu, 07 November 2012 - 02:13 PM.
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