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Battlemech 18 - Blackjack

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#141 Randodan


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:20 PM

Somehow, this 'Mech totally look like:

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#142 Marev Kilmer


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:55 PM

I never really liked the look of the Blackjack, but this design reminds me of the Rifleman, which we're sure to never see.

I'm very excited to pilot this chassis!

#143 resotsor


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 04:39 PM

Cockpit looks like a quarian helmet. :)

#144 Odanan


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 05:49 PM

View PostRandodan, on 08 November 2012 - 01:20 PM, said:

Somehow, this 'Mech totally look like:

Posted Image

I saw that episode this week!

#145 cyberFluke


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 08:59 PM

View PostSquareSphere, on 07 November 2012 - 11:21 AM, said:

... THIS IS SO WRONG! This is Omni mech version, the battlemech NEVER had UAC5s as default weapons! This mech breaks the time line. The omni Blackjack wasn't available until 3057, that's post Tukkayyid!

if they were going to start announcing "future" mech they should have started with Clan invasion mechs :lol:

I'm calling out who ever decided to include this mech at this phase!

The neckbeard is strong in this one :)

#146 River Walker


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 10:21 PM

So where are the date when thee mechs are coming out, not that I be wanting the Black-Jack which I think is going to be Pick apart with all its guns on its arms and its to slow, the Jenny will be smoking them at will.

The mech that will be my number one will be the Highlander but I still cant find any info when it will be on sale in the Mechlab.

#147 Melcyna


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 10:24 PM

View PostcyberFluke, on 08 November 2012 - 08:59 PM, said:

The neckbeard is strong in this one :)

Not sure why he is fuming like his crotch is on fire either...

it's almost like he insist that they all use the base model, despite the fact that in every battletech literature they modified quite fair bit of the mech (sometimes out of necessity, sometimes due to preference)... which were feasible within the lore, just not easily done on the field base which is what omnimech allows as far as weapon loadouts are concerned..

a non omnimech would also have great difficulty modifying it's ballistic loadout for energy weapon for example, but should be able to replace them with another ballistic weapon in a properly equipped facility with much less difficulty. Which again they had to do sometimes in the literature when they didn't have enough spare parts for the original weapon.

some ppl just have a few screw loose in their head i guess.

either that or he never actually understood what omnimech and what the normal mech differences are and ACTUALLY THOUGHT that only omnimech can be modified...

Edited by Melcyna, 08 November 2012 - 10:28 PM.

#148 MasterofBlasters


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 10:34 PM

View PostRiver Walker, on 08 November 2012 - 10:21 PM, said:

So where are the date when thee mechs are coming out, not that I be wanting the Black-Jack which I think is going to be Pick apart with all its guns on its arms and its to slow, the Jenny will be smoking them at will.

The mech that will be my number one will be the Highlander but I still cant find any info when it will be on sale in the Mechlab.

Assuming they continue to release mechs once a month in the order of their announcement the release schedule should look something like this...

December- Stalker
January- Trebuchet
February- Jagermech
March- Spider
April- Flea
May- Highlander
June- Blackjack

#149 River Walker


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 10:40 PM

View PostBarg12, on 08 November 2012 - 10:34 PM, said:

Assuming they continue to release mechs once a month in the order of their announcement the release schedule should look something like this...

December- Stalker
January- Trebuchet
February- Jagermech
March- Spider
April- Flea
May- Highlander
June- Blackjack

Ahh 6 mouth in tell i can park my butt in a Highlander Ohh man Bummer :) Will at lest my Jage is not to far off.
Thank you for the Info :lol:

#150 MasterofBlasters


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 10:51 PM

View PostRiver Walker, on 08 November 2012 - 10:40 PM, said:

Thank you for the Info ;)

Posted Image

#151 DirePhoenix


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 11:17 PM

oh, Blackjack, why is it when I look at you I hear a voice in my head screaming "WHY ARE YOU NOT A PHOENIX HAWK?!?" (this is, btw, similar to the voice that screams "WHY ARE YOU NOT A MARAUDER?!?" when I see the Cataphract {when I see a JagerMech it says, "Rifleman? Ehh... close enough"})

I mean, it's so close!!! Same tonnage, it has jump jet capability, and it even has the weapon hardpoints to place the same weapons in the same locations... but without lower arm actuators, it's a bit less... flexible, less able to quickly react as a Phoenix Hawk would.

Edited by DirePhoenix, 08 November 2012 - 11:21 PM.

#152 DirePhoenix


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 12:05 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 07 November 2012 - 11:13 AM, said:

The unit emblem on its Right Leg is that of the 4th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT (aka "Eveline's Originals"), a FedSuns unit.

The "21" marking on its left torso is identical to the pic of the Blackjack in the original 3025 TRO art. Combined with the Deneb Light Cavalry logo, I wonder if both of these images are supposed to represent the 'mech described in the Blackjack's fluff text, where NAIS Cadet Captain Michael Ubudo, who defended planet Xhosa with a unit of Blackjacks and Locusts against a vastly superior number of Kuritan Wasps and Stingers. Ubudo was personally decorated by Hanse Davion for his actions there:


Notable 'Mechs and Mechwarriors:

Lieutenant Michael Ubudo

Ubudo is an intelligent, promising young officer, already awarded a permanent commission and the Davion Star of Bravery for his actions in defense of Xhosa. He now commands a recon lance of the Deneb Light Cavalry. Though his men were initially skeptical of his youth and his Blackjack, The Arrow, Ubudo's easy-going but efficient style of command has won their respect.

Lieutenant Ubudo is a great proponent of the maligned Blackjack, and will challenge anyone who criticizes it. He is just as fiercely loyal to his men and to House Davion

Edited by DirePhoenix, 09 November 2012 - 12:07 AM.

#153 Adridos


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 05:04 AM

View PostDirePhoenix, on 08 November 2012 - 11:17 PM, said:

I mean, it's so close!!! Same tonnage, it has jump jet capability, and it even has the weapon hardpoints to place the same weapons in the same locations... but without lower arm actuators, it's a bit less... flexible, less able to quickly react as a Phoenix Hawk would.

Although you are a Davion and probably hate the mech... http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Vindicator

Look up 1AA variant. You can easily make a 1 to 1 (except for the MGs, but seriously, who would ever bother with those?) conversion of Phoenix Hawk with this beautiful Capellan mech (no need to hide you love Capellan mechs, every Davion does).

What do you think?

#154 Goldhawk


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 05:51 AM

Anyone else (Shhhhhh quiet or Harmony Gold will hear) think this artistic rendering makes it looks like a ligher version Rifleman or the Glass Spider? I'm used to http://www.sarna.net...8BattleMech%29.

What I am getting is more


If he takes off the sombrero in the picture, we have a match....

#155 Draken X


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 06:11 AM

View PostAdridos, on 09 November 2012 - 05:04 AM, said:

Although you are a Davion and probably hate the mech... http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Vindicator

Look up 1AA variant. You can easily make a 1 to 1 (except for the MGs, but seriously, who would ever bother with those?) conversion of Phoenix Hawk with this beautiful Capellan mech (no need to hide you love Capellan mechs, every Davion does).

What do you think?

I'm not sure if the Phoenix Hawk's armor is comparable with VND-1AA. But I do know that VND-1AA was designed to compete with Phoenix Hawk.

Speaking of Vindicator, maybe they chose Blackjack over Vindicator was probably because of loadouts comparison. It maybe predictably unsurprised if they think the Vindicator variants have a 'lousy' loadouts.

I don't really hate the Blackjack though. It has a decent loadouts, but the devs must not cater the ballistics-loving fanboys too much.

#156 Goldhawk


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 06:18 AM

View PostDirePhoenix, on 08 November 2012 - 11:17 PM, said:

oh, Blackjack, why is it when I look at you I hear a voice in my head screaming "WHY ARE YOU NOT A PHOENIX HAWK?!?" (this is, btw, similar to the voice that screams "WHY ARE YOU NOT A MARAUDER?!?" when I see the Cataphract {when I see a JagerMech it says, "Rifleman? Ehh... close enough"})

I mean, it's so close!!! Same tonnage, it has jump jet capability, and it even has the weapon hardpoints to place the same weapons in the same locations... but without lower arm actuators, it's a bit less... flexible, less able to quickly react as a Phoenix Hawk would.

Dire, all you are trying to get with the Phoenix Hawk that we can't get anyway because of Harmony Gold... is a decently fast mech that you can place lasers on and is jump capable...... You know I want it now....

#157 Adridos


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 06:37 AM

View PostDraken X, on 09 November 2012 - 06:11 AM, said:

I'm not sure if the Phoenix Hawk's armor is comparable with VND-1AA. But I do know that VND-1AA was designed to compete with Phoenix Hawk.

They have the same weight, so it is entirely possible to make a 1 to 1 conversion. At least to the stock one. With the engine restrictions, going higher could spell some troubles.

#158 DirePhoenix


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 09:07 AM

View PostGoldhawk, on 09 November 2012 - 06:18 AM, said:

Dire, all you are trying to get with the Phoenix Hawk that we can't get anyway because of Harmony Gold... is a decently fast mech that you can place lasers on and is jump capable...... You know I want it now....

The only thing Harmony Gold would get in the way of is using the original art. Any art that PGI makes for this game is new art. Look at the Cataphract. That thing is 75% Marauder already. If that arm and those legs are fine, there is no reason they can't make an identical arm for the other side and make a new torso (hell, just strap a catapult torso on there, like I did here). The same for the Phoenix Hawk and any other "Unseen". PGI (via FD's art) have shown that they can come up with good makeovers even for the non-unseen art. The original art is the only thing in contention. Not the name, not the stats, just the original art.

Solution: DON'T USE THE ORIGINAL ART. And that's easily done. They're not even using the original art for the non-unseen in here. And honestly, PGI *can't* use any of the art from any of the books, not even the present Catalyst books. All print media rights for Battletech belong to Topps (yes, the baseball card company). So EVERYTHING (art-wise) in MWO is created exclusively for MWO anyway (likewise, everything created for MWT is exclusive to MWT also).

Even in the AMA session on Reddit, they said that the only real thing stopping them from making the "unseen" is if the stats aren't unique enough from an already existing chassis to quantify making a separate one (although I may have to suspend some disbelief there seeing as how similar the CN9 and HBK's are). For the BJ-1 and the PHX, the only difference in the chassis would be arm actuators that allow the 'mech to aim its arm weapons (and all the PHX weapons are in the arms) faster and separate from torso facing.

Edited by DirePhoenix, 09 November 2012 - 09:11 AM.

#159 SVK Puskin


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 09:44 AM

View PostSquareSphere, on 07 November 2012 - 11:21 AM, said:

... THIS IS SO WRONG! This is Omni mech version, the battlemech NEVER had UAC5s as default weapons! This mech breaks the time line. The omni Blackjack wasn't available until 3057, that's post Tukkayyid!

if they were going to start announcing "future" mech they should have started with Clan invasion mechs :)

I'm calling out who ever decided to include this mech at this phase!

No, you are wrong, this is not the OMNI MECH version!

#160 trycksh0t


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 08:26 PM

Hmm....I can haz BJ-2 BlackJack? Yes? Please? Don't make me beg.

I think I'll turn my BJ-1 into a micro-Rifleman (Would that be a carbiner?). Dual AC/2s, Dual LL, Dual ML...maybe...

Anyway, looks nice, except for Alex's slip up with the hardpoints, but he lived up to the mistake so all is well.

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