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Bigger, More Random Maps

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#1 Vance Avalon


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 04:17 PM

So, my friend (Nearic Vangar) had this idea for more diversity of maps. Not necessarily more maps (which would obviously be nice, and I am sure are coming), but maybe 6 points at which a base can be and then a random starting point/base for each of the two teams (or maybe even more than two teams).

This would, by itself, create some diversity and adaptation in play. As it stands now, there are only a few decent strategies to use on each of the 4.5 maps and they are becoming well known. (I say 4.5 maps because there is a Snow Forest Colony map now that is only stlightly different from the older Forest Colony map, and I only count it as a half of a map).

Imagine starting on a map where the enemy base is in one of 5 other places on the map, but you know not which place. Play styles would change and the normal "grind" wouldn't be the same. I am sure to accomplish this feat, new, larger maps would have to be introduced.

I am not complaining about the maps we have now, for I love them; but I would very much like about 3 times the number maps we have now.

P.S. How about some maps that would need the "Night Vision"
P.P.S. Isn't there already some sort of Desert map about ready to go?

#2 DarklightCA


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 05:03 PM

Not sure I can agree, when clan wars hits or factions wars whatever they are going to get called groups and clan will depend on stratagies which is not a bad thing. That would be quite difficult if spawn points are random and you have no idea where you will be facing in the match. Though for regular games that might be interesting.

The thing I can agree with is night vision maps. They already have the tools for it only problem is they are quite useless when all the maps are bright as hell and you don't have trouble seeing.

#3 IceWendigo


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 05:17 PM

I agree 100%, random start location and objectives are a must.

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