This is the best I can come up with.
Using my Atlas with 325 engine and 17 total DHS I came up with the following:
The interesting thing I found is that it appears for every 10degs C off a baseline of 30degs, ambient temperature adjusts your overall dissipation rate .5 H/10s. (or for a one step (temp-30*.05).
EDIT: Data to follow as soon as I fix formatting. EDIT EDIT: Fixed!

NOTE: pilot skill gets applied after the ambient modifier is applied, not before.
I'm sure I'm missing some other intricate nuances of the math or just plan lag and human error are throwing off the observations. That being said, I think I'm pretty close and the overall numbers appear to make sense.
Please feel free to test and post your results. I only had one mech and a couple hours to hit all the maps last night, so do not have a huge pool of data to work with.
Edited by Bubba Wilkins, 09 November 2012 - 10:45 AM.