Fellow Skye Ranger 'Mechwarriors,
I would like to personally extend my sincerest thanks for posting all these wonderful recruitment posts...Like any online guild, the SR will rise or fall based on our reputation and ability to bring in new folks. All your kind words of support, jokes, memes, recruitment posters and descriptions of what the Skye Rangers are all about are what should really appeal to new, prospective members...The SR has evolved into a wonderful community of over 850 Members, yet still retains that small guild character. It truly is a pleasure to serve you all as your Commander. You guys are the reason I do this and spend 2-4 hours/night on our website and CMS updates...
Besides, some of those meme posts had me cracking up...
I guess I just wanted to make a post here on the MWO forums to recognize the hard work and let you know we all thank you and you have our support too.
Please keep up the great work and continue to make us proud!
Good work! here, here !
Edited by Arturus, 10 October 2013 - 06:33 PM.