Brief history: After waiting many years for a worthy mech game to be released, I feel that it is time for me to build my very own simulator. I am going to keep this log going of my progress so you can follow along with me.
Since I didn't have any spare rooms left in the house, I just took over our walk-in closet =)

The pit will house three 42" LCD 1080p TV's.
A seat (not the one pictured) that will have Aura Shakers installed. It will have some extra Shakers for the walls as well.
The Saitek Pro X52 Joystick / Throttle, along with some Saitek rudder pedals. (I know some people like to wire their own joysticks, but I have never done that, and I have many other skills to learn for this project ahead of that)
Some speaker system (to be determined)
Fans, lights, switches, etc.
PLEA FOR HELP: So I have made my eyes bleed reading information on sim building. I have a small knowledge on wiriing...I used to hack my old xboxs and solder chips into them. My question is this...
After I have wired all the switches to a board (say a teensy++) How to you keep constant power to everything? I know the amp for the speakers, power for the PC, and 3 TV's can all be plugged into a surge protector. But the teensy's power, the fans, and I plan on running car leds behind to panels for backlighting (thanks to the info from another mech pilot on here) do those get power with out blowing them? I have old power supplies I could use, but I am not sure how to hook those things up to it without sending too much power to them.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. If even just a link to something that I could read on the matter.
Well I hope you all enjoy this log as I create it. Let me know if you have any questions.
Oh and one last thing, I would like to hook the powering on and off of the TV's to switches in a control panel, but I can't think of a good way to do it. Let me know if you have any ideas please!
Thanks all.