Marowi, on 04 May 2012 - 06:59 PM, said:
This entire discussion of "vagueness" is a red herring. You know what you can call yourselves: something original. The issue isn't whether "Semper Fi" is too close to "Always Faithful", but whether you're trying to circumvent (what I imagine) will be the terms of use that proscribe the use of canon faction/unit names. Semper Fi isn't circumvention, and you know it, because it may reasonably refer to something else. Circumvention would be something like the Northwind_Highlanders, or the N0rthw1nd Hi1ghl4nd3rs, or the xXxNothwind HighlandersxXx. These cannot reasonably refer to something else, and would be off-limits. To use the Star Trek Online example, you're trying to say that it's unclear whether Jean-Louis Norman would be off-limits because it's tangentially evocative of Jean-Luc Picard. Obviously not. But JeanLuc Picard would be.
Besides, this entire discussion is also something of a non-issue. I've played every iteration of Call of Duty, and have always joined different clans, some with the same people. some with different people, some with a mix. Often, clans move into new games and change names, but are satisfied maintaining the legacy. "Yeah, we were [TDO] back in the original CoD and now we're [APD]." That seems... clearly reasonable. What's wrong with saying, "Yeah, here we're Hadrian's Wall, but in MWLL we were the Kearny Highlanders"? Nothing that I can see. I've yet to see a cogent, worthwhile argument that players should be allowed to use canon faction or unit names that isn't some variation of, "we had the name in a totally different game and we deserve it here." Arguing lack of clarity, I think, is a little disingenuous.
EDIT: STO also has a prohibition on any copyrighted name, whatsoever. I don't think "Semper Fi" is copyrighted, but if the same rule applied here, you wouldn't have people running around with references to Warhammer 40K or Spongebob Squarepants.
I wish that were so, but it isn't. Here's the exchange we had with Bryan from earlier in the thread:
maxoconnor, on 03 May 2012 - 12:43 PM, said:
Since we are discussing this on our forum. Can I get a definitive yes or no on the use of the word NORTHWIND in our name, is ok or not?
Bryan Ekman, on 03 May 2012 - 12:45 PM, said:
Northwind is just a word. So I would assume you could use it. Again, I leave the policy to the CSRs.
Devil Man, on 03 May 2012 - 01:42 PM, said:
I'm assuming you guys will outrank the CSRs when it comes to making decisions in the game.
If we put Northwind in our name and a CSR tells us we can't use it, can we tell them we have your permission to use it.
If we're looking for alternate unit names, we'd like to be able to settle on one.
Bryan Ekman, on 03 May 2012 - 01:46 PM, said:
If you haven't noticed, I'm copping out.
The final rules are not written yet. I promise to let you know when they're all drafted.
Note that he said that the issue would be left for the CSRs to decide. That's the stickler, if you will.
EDIT: What we are asking is for these rules to be codified, as Bryan said they will, eventually be. But he also stated the CSRs would handle this. You mentioned STO. If you'll note, STO has a policy on names that is codified, as do all MMOs that I can think of.
As for your unit(s) using numerous names in different games, or joining different units, more power to you. That's not our thing.
Edited by Devil Man, 04 May 2012 - 07:10 PM.