Chuckie, on 04 May 2012 - 08:31 AM, said:
I think we will all just have to wait until the game is released and we can see how they plan to handle this complex and sensitive subject.
I'm sure PGI has a structure thought out.. but is still probably working on the HOW of implementing it in the game.. we all need to sit back and wait and quit getting our panties in a bunch over something that probably hasn't been fully fleshed out.
Units while an important part of RP, in the overall scheme of things is probably really low on the list of " Important things PGI NEEDS to get done before launch ".
Keep that in mind.. Seriously, do we want the game finished so we can play it sooner than later, or do you want to tie PGI up on minutiae of having to figure out the names and such of player units.
I simply plan to have fun, blow up sh*tuff up and when it comes time I will make a unit within the guidelines.
Anything else would be putting the Cart before the Horse (or Dropship in the Mech as it were)
I mean seriously, all those that put in a lot of effort I understand why you would be upset. But, you shouldn't be mad at the Devs. This is a forum for a game that has NOT BEEN COMPLETED.. They have been sharing IDEAS, and PLANS.. But not the final product. As its still a game in DEVELOPMENT..
So long story short.. Its' not their fault that you jumped the gun..
This perticular subject should have been handled long ago , the dev's as fans of the game know these things are important to many people.
Someone dropped the ball on this.