Christopher Dayson, on 05 May 2012 - 04:11 PM, said:
Way to miss the /entire/ point. *golfclaps*
I will try to explain again:
I have no problem with Guilds/Companies/Whatever you want to call them. More power to those who make them. I want people to make Mercenary Companies, I want them to have fun and be a success.
What I don't want them to be is exclusion based. If Players A & B both love the Wolf's Dragoons, have played them in TT, Leagues, whatever. Maybe they haven't played them before, doesn't matter. If both those players love the Wolf's Dragoons then they should both have the opportunity to play them equally.
That means they need to be /INCLUSIVE/.
When they're in the hands of players, they are not /INCLUSIVE/. They are /EXCLUSIVE/. They exclude others for whatever reason.
I've got no problem with (Player Made) Mercenary Groups being exclusive, if I make one, I will invite people I enjoy playing with and have fun with, I won't invite people I dislike. That's simply the way groups work.
However, Player A /claiming/ the Wolf's Dragoons before Player B and then /excludes/ player B for any reason then that's not fair. The established factions and organizations of the IP should /not/ be exclusive. Everyone should have an equal right to play in that faction/organization.
Or in whatever case, an equal inability to not play in that faction/organization.
Am I upset I can't be from my favorite faction? Sure. Is it nerd rage worthy? No. Move on.
I don't know what else I can say about fairness to make people understand that this was the only fair route PGI could take. Sometimes we don't get what we want.
Our unit inside the faction has a set of meetable standards that anyone can meet, they are reasonable, we just don't want someone becoming a member just to be an *******, and for the badge and try to get himself some publicity. We are a unit because of the fact that we are going to be fighting with each other, the reason we signed up, is so that way we could be a part of a dedicated unit. WE ARE BY NO MEANS, EXCLUSIVE... if you would actually take the time to get to understand our application process, we are consistent, and if someone wants to join, let them, but if they join, and then be an *******, claiming command of certain units, due to "past" experience, and not because of the fact that a) you founded the unit,

have actually talked to the COs, and they agree that you should be in command due to experience that they have seen, and just whining saying that you should be having your own command, is not acceptable. Neither is insubordination, unless with a good reason. We have standards, just like anyone else, just like your in game units, so quit whining about them.
Volthorne, on 05 May 2012 - 04:03 PM, said:
Take a fragging chill pill, man, you're getting too worked up. "Shape up to our standards or GTFO" is essentially all I'm getting from you about your unit right now. If it was real life, I'd say that's fine, it's expected, because that's how real life works (hell, I'd jump on your bandwagon). This is a ******* VIDEO GAME. What right do you have to say someone may or may not join your unit, given no reasonable grounds to reject them? If you applied to join a unit (your dream/favourite unit), yet weren't able to meet every single one of their 20 rigid specifications/standards (which have no reason to be so rigid in the first place), and they denied you entrance, you'd be pretty sad. Ease up a bit, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar (supposedly).
Our system isn't that rigid, it's like Christianity (now if someone wants to get into a religious argument, by all means, do it now, I'm Christian, and proud of it), all we ask is that you act the part, listen to your COs, and be a regular on the forums, and in game.