rollermint, on 24 April 2012 - 09:47 AM, said:
So be a Highlander then, just not the NORTHWIND Highlanders. The devs aint stopping you from forming a group based on cultural traditions, im sure your group can come up with a sensible background story to fit in with bt lore. Your group r not the only ones, there are other scottish groups forming in House Liao with their own unique bckgrounds, if they can do it, why cant you?
Likewise, im sure there r many FRR aligned players who would love to play the Tyr Regiment but many accepted the devs decisions and formed their own units. The shieldwall of Rasalhague for eg. Im sure them vikings are as patriotic of their roots as you are. Im sure they dont feel less vikings just because they cannot take a famous lore unit name....
Im not trying go single u out or anything so i mean no offence.
There's more to it than just the Highlander background, though. As I stated earlier, most of us have an extensive history with the Northwind Highlanders. For some, they bought the source book the day it came out in 1996 and started their tabletop RPG campaigns as members of NWH. For others, NWH was the unit they first joined when they first started playing NM95, or MW3, or MW4, or MWLL, whatever. Either way, due to the nature of the MW/BT universe, we've formed a bond with a specific unit. That bond has been encouraged and fostered by MW/BT game developers for decades and its one that simply isn't going to be broken.
Now, again, that's not to say we demand the right to use the Northwind Highlanders name. We are not
the Northwind Highlanders. We are a unit within the Northwind Highlanders, however. We share the name Northwind Highlanders with thousands of others and there will no doubt be other units in MWO that we share the name with as well.
That is the disconnect that many people demanding that canon names be banned have, however. Perhaps they formed their own completely unique merc unit in the tabletop version of BT, or in one of the online versions of MW. Whatever the reason, they didn't connect with one of the canon units as presented by the developers of the BT/MW universe. That's perfectly fine. But what right do they have to tell those of us who did connect with said units that we can't maintain that connection?
Again, this isn't the same as rolling a wizard named Raistlin in WoW. It's more like creating a Wizard of High Sorcery in the Dragonlance setting. And becoming a member of a canon unit in BT/MW was always encouraged by the developers.