Ramien, on 26 April 2012 - 11:05 AM, said:
Officers in a professional army have a different skill set than front line soldiers. However, in a setting like MechWarrior, the officers often lead from the front, which mean they do need to be some of the best pilots out there, or at the very least, competent enough to keep form tripping over their own two feet while monitoring and coordinating with their troops.
I totally agree, and it's a good thing for me and those following me that I'm pretty good. With that particular horn soundly tooted, I'll move on.

Let's not be silly and pretend that there isn't a certain amount of offline, out of game management that comes with leading a company of players in this game that even the best player might not have the skills to accomplish.
Just like in any setting. You'll have people not being fully utilized for their potential, and guys who are it a position far beyond their scope. So I guess my ultimate point is that if you claim it, you better be able to back it up. In my defense, I didn't "claim" the rank of Colonel for the Highlanders. I was nominated and elected with the four other leaders.
Kylarus, on 26 April 2012 - 12:12 PM, said:
Except this is not like a situation of the USMC or USA, this is closer to how the typical AF operates. Enlisted members will stay back in the hangers and bases doing the grunt work, while the officers will go forth in the war machines and do the fighting. Many higher ranking USAF officers I know of have spent a large chunk of their commissions in the seat, even if we aren't engaged in a hostile engagement.
You're totally right here with this parallel. I hope that I clarified my point a bit though? Rank is rewarded in game, for sure, but it doesn't necessarily mean they have the organizational skills to manage the team they're a part of. Know what I mean?
Edited by Tyr Gunn, 26 April 2012 - 03:05 PM.