1. Clansmen get to start off as clansmen. I have never claimed to be anyone's spokesperson, so I am speaking for myself here. As someone who had to endure MW3, MW3:PM, MW4:V, MW4:BK & MW4:M, I really hate to have to play as another IS faction, whether it is a House, Merc or Lone Wolf. I want to be in a Clan, start in a sibko, take my Trial of Position (not trail people come on) & be assigned to a Binary/Trinary.
2. Doing so means that the time the Clansmen get accustomed to playing, they would learn the ropes of being a true child of Kerensky (zellbrigen & batchalls &trials oh my!). If you just came for the tech you will have to accustom yourself to how the Clans do things. which leads me to
3. Players starting off as Clan means, when the Clans are finally unlocked there is no mass Exodus (pun intended

Keep us separate until the invasion. Let both worlds work they way they are supposed to & let the invasion be as it was when we read the books & fell in love with the BT universe, a clash of two cultures.
I applied & have joined a Merc Unit as of now because I am not sure how much action I will see as a Lone Wolf. How does a Lone Wolf even factor into the equation? "Hey I have a mech, can I fight with your unit?" If two forces manage to run into each other & a firefight ensues, the Lone Wolf will stick out like a sore thumb. We have not even had a beta yet & I can already see two enemy units calling a momentary truce to pile on crossfire on a Lone Wolf, then resume hostilites once the annoyance has been dealt with.
You are creating a BT game, give us the Clans from the jump. Whoever wants to call this a rant can if they want to; if the

We have been waiting YEARS for Clans & the only ones who would have gotten the experience are those who played & still play from what I hear, MW2. I am sorry but this is 2012 & walking polygons do not float my boat. I am not an honorless mercenary, why should I be forced to act as one? I informed my unit that as soon as the Clans are unlocked, I will be leaving.
I am Jaroth of the Alberty-Winson Bloodright, of Clan Wolf, avengers of Andery, followers of the Great Father & keepers of the Kerensky legacy.
EDIT: Completely left out the details pertaining to this specific thread. Apologies. As Clans hold Trials for almost everything. If different units of one particular Clan determines which sub units they would like to be a part of, they can also, if the situation arises, come to some sort of understanding as to who might be in charge of the Clan as a whole since Khans are elected, or hold Trials of Possession for specific sub-unit names if a particular sub-unit name is in dispute. Maybe or maybe not but starting off in our own universe will foster comradery, even with the inter-Clan or inter-unit rivalry.
Edited by Jaroth Winson, 29 April 2012 - 05:58 PM.