Khobai, on 25 November 2012 - 01:28 PM, said:
No. Friendly Fire is the funnest part of the game. Because if I dont like a teammate I can just kill them.
#1 reason to get rid of FF, this guy.
Jager Wolf, on 25 November 2012 - 01:42 PM, said:
If more was required there could be an xp penalty based on points of damage done added in and the offending player could be penalized the cost of the repairs instead of the person getting hit. This could also work to curb intentional team killing if the penalties were steep enough to put a team killer in the poor house. I imagine they would get sick of using trial mechs after a while. At the very least it would require them to play as a team member so they could afford to repair/rearm mechs.
Hah! Clearly you sir, have never played EVE Online, and thus have an unrealistically optimistic view of how this sort of thing works out.
That game has scads of players who spend 90+% of their time flying around in ultra-cheap ships and ganking random folks for little to no proffit, just to make them cry. Tis called griefing and trust me, they don't get sick of it.