Freeride Forever, on 14 November 2012 - 06:15 PM, said:
Hawken had almost 6 times that much from investors. Not sure if PGI has gotten funding from elsewhere. Hawken's team is only about 50 people. I would think PGI is about the same size? More money can't really bring more progress unless more people are hired so if PGI has at least as many people on MWO as Adhesive has on Hawken, then why does Hawken work so well while still in CB & this doesn't? I can't play Hawken for more than 10 minutes without getting bored, so maybe I just haven't played it long enough to notice any major problems, but MWO's are pretty numerous. I blame the devs for constantly tweaking rather than fixing & creating because they think every time someone whines about canon or whines that something is OP, that those whiners opinions matter enough to divert resources to something that will just p|$$ off another group of people after it's changed. PGI if you're likely to read these comments, fu<k off with the constant refining & tweaking & changing of things that you implemented into the game just because the toddlers are throwing tantrums over it. If the content hasn't broken the game & it functions as you intended, then leave it the way it is, even if some people are pissy about it. Move on & get to work on new things that may make those pissy people happy again. I mentioned in another post somewhere about LRMs as an example. If people are complaining that LRMs or Artemis are too powerful, leave the $h|t alone anyway & get to work on new maps with more overhead cover & taller structures that can be hidden behind & things like that. Get to work on new equpment for our mechs that can help to defeat the things people are b|tching about. MASC could be employed to defeat Artemis equipped LRMs. ECM could be employed. If we had that $h|t. Fix the bugs, deliver the content, stop fu<king tweaking $h|t for people that will always be at odds about how things "should" be. The sooner you realize that the complaining never stops, but only changes sides every time you change the game, the sooner MWO can be everything it should be.
Woah take a breath buddy
I agree with the majority of what you said there, but fail to see a comparison to Hawken. I agree totally with your summary and say it could not hold my attention longer than 10 minutes either. All that money pumped into a game designed for console jockeys, it's nothing more than an acrade style Unreal DM, but in mechs and also comes complete with bonus spawn campers.
This game, on the other hand, may feel unbalanced when new features are patched in and that many will and do complain about it. I'm not immune to having my say at times. Sure, it knocks the game sideways but play balance needs to be maintained, even in beta testing. That said, I fully accept and expect to see more of these issues in beta as the updates are rolled out. The devs already know when something is going to be OP in game on day of patch and they do tell us about it.
In fact they told us before they released Artemis that it was going to be somewhat OP in battle. I fully expected that and took advantage of it. I claimed many "Fwaygo" moments in just a few games. I knew it would be short lived and a hotfix would be released quickly but not before the dummies were scattered across the forums.
My only regret is Artemis is not really helping my style of play in its current state. I wait patiently for the finished product and all things to balance out proper. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy this journey throughout the development lifecyle. It has been a great trip so far.
Looking forward to the 20th Nov patch. Every one I've witnessed has been pretty damn good, discounting the bugs.
Edited by RaNDoMPReCiSioN, 17 November 2012 - 05:58 AM.