*** UPDATE: Fixed math since armor repair didn't display in the screenshots! Thanks to TheRuslan for pointing it out! Fixed images. They borked when I edited something. ***
Hello everyone. We're all here to farm c-bills and get our mechs ready for Community Warfare coming Q1-Q2 next year. C-bills are hard to come by (even for Premium Founders and such) and we all want to be more efficient in farming.
I'm not here to tell you to get premium and a Yen Lo Wang if you don't want to spend a dime. I'm going to list down some economy tips that will help you enjoy the game at the same time earning more c-bills even if you drive a heavy or assault mech. There will be compromises, but hopefully they will be acceptable ones.
Our goal is to play the mechs we want without going negative or 0 in our profits. There are some things you should first avoid when upgrading your mech. This does not apply if you just turn repair and rearm off and suicide each game.
Upgrades to avoid:
Ferro Fibrous Armor
This upgrade is in all aspects INFERIOR to Endo Steel. If you need more tonnage at the cost of Critical Slots, get Endo Steel. Ferro Fibrous armor will make repairs quite unbearable if you want to repair your mechs armor. If you don't repair your armor, you won't have as much fun because you'll be running around in a paper-thin war machine.
Upgrade at your own risk:
XL Engine.
This significantly raises your 1) repairs and 2) chance to get killed. If you are not able to stay alive most games before giving significant contributions in order to get bonuses to offset the cost, then I cannot recommend getting an XL Engine.
Upgrades that are good for you:
Endo Steel - Lots of weight savings, negligable repair costs.
Double Heat Sinks - Increased heat dissipation, negligable repair costs. Subject to current balance tweaks so check patch notes frequently.
Upgrades that can be expensive but costs negated:
Artemis FCS
This increases the cost of your ammo, but you can use the 75% free reloads that the game gives you. Turn off auto-rearm and calculate your ammo needs based off having only 75% ammo instead of 100%. If you fall short, just try to put in an extra ton to make up for it.
If you have good firing discipline, 30-40 shots are more than enough to get you through a round for a dedicated LRM boat assuming you don't waste missiles into a mountainside and focus on targets that are already being hit as opposed to trying to take down an Atlas by yourself.
First of all, turn off your auto-repair and auto-rearm. No, we are not going to suicide farm.

You will get 75% of your ammo returned for free after each match, so do not worry about ammo. Now we will micro-manage our armor repairs. If you have a heavy or assault mech, armor can kill your income, but there is a way to minimize the hit on your profits while maintaining a relatively battleworthy mech. This is where we repair only the sections of your mech that are important!
If you are a small mech, you can repair fully without any problems, but once you get bigger the costs start to add up! So it would be great if you just repair your main torso (ideally where most of your weapons are) and just go with the free repairs for your arms and legs. Up to you if you want to repair the head.
So, I went out and got my Atlas shot up badly (sorry teammates!) for the sake of getting some screenshots and data. This is an Atlas LRM Boat with Artemis and 10 tons of LRM ammo. I will show you how I manage to not go crazy and perhaps even turn in a small profit even if you lose a game without premium or founders.
We will focus our repairs on the areas the matter. For this mech, it is the Center Torso and the Left Torso (where my missiles are at). I have no ballistic weapon and my ammo is stored in the Legs, Center Torso, Left Torso, and Head. Repairing only these sections will allow me to perform during a match without having to worry if my main weapons will get taken out too soon.
First we turn off auto-repair and auto-rearm as stated above! (See screenshot)
Next we will 1) Go to the mechlab, 2) Select our damaged mech, and 3) Go to loadout

After we select our mech, pick the sections that you want to repair. In this case, it will be the CENTER TORSO and the LEFT TORSO. You will see a repair button. Click it. It will repair the selected section of the mech and nothing else!

You will see the repair cost of the section and just repair it! The Atlas is huge and has tons of armor, but just the Center Torso are cheap!

Now let's repair our Left Torso cause that's where all my missiles and launchers are!

Now I can take my mech back into combat!! The arms and legs are battered up but we don't really need them that much. The free repairs cover what protection it has. The important part is that my main armament and center torso have full protection.
My total repair bill is

A bank-breaking, heart-crushing 218,463 c-bills! Even if I won that match I'd practically earn nothing with Founders + Premium. Ammo alone is worth 150,300 but we solve that by disabling auto-rearm and getting 75% ammo free. Guess what? 75% of 10 tons of ammo is still more than enough to last a whole match.
Next we'll look at our armor repairs!

Cripes! Armor repairs alone can wipe out your profits and make you go into the red when you lose. If you used Ferro armor this would have been much worse. Do not get Ferro!
Now we do
One more thing that is possible is that you can click off Items Repair. All your items have fixed hitpoints and these are also restored to working levels after a match. If I click off item repair for my CT and LT, I'll save 21,851 c-bills from my repairs at the cost of having my equipment break faster -after- my armor has been breached. That would reduce my CT/LT repair bill to 35,573 c-bills from 57,424 c-bills.
Now even if you lose, you can take your Atlas Missile Boat out and be confident that you'll be in good shape to handle what comes your way. This can apply to any large mech that has the majority of the weapons in the torso since repairing the torso also allows you to survive compared to repairing an arm or leg. Remember, it's up to you to decide what parts you don't need fixed and what parts you want fixed so that you can enjoy a decent game!
Anyway, give it a try and see if it works out for you. You can take your huge mech out for a spin and still enjoy the game since you won't be too busted up when you take it out of the garage. See what costs you can tolerate to repair between matches and mix it up until you find a good balance of playability and earnings. I hope that some of you find this useful!

(Credit to the Yen Lo Wang Zombie thread here for letting me know about repairs in individual sections)
Other References:
Hunchback HBK-4SP (5x) Medium Laser (2x) SRM6
Catapult CPLT-K2 Dual AC20 Quad Medium Laser
Atlas AS7-D-DC Budget ECM Assault
Atlas AS7-D-DC Alpha 85
Mechwarrior Meme Thread!
Edited by Elizander, 18 December 2012 - 01:01 PM.