Like a Sir, on 14 November 2012 - 10:21 PM, said:
There is a possibility that they will come, I will grant you that. Thing is, the game is free to play, so they will more then likely spend some time figuring out if they like it or not, before they invest any money in to it. Once they do, they will realize that there is no strafing and no dodging mechanic that some mechs move really slow and others take too long to kill... There is a damn good chance that at that point they will go to some game that also has 3pv, and all those other things. Without spending a penny on this... Does this sound improbable to anyone?
In case I am being too subtle, if they turn this in to a 3rd person shooter, MWO will have to compete with other 3rd person shooters, that do it much better. And with Hawken. Do you still think those people who come in for the 3pv will stay and proceed to spend money on this?
Yeah, I think some would....Dunno how many. There's certainly quite a few rabid 3pv fans who are big fans of mech in general, though not sure exactly how many. Up to PGI to decide if there would be enough of them though... Good post.
Again though, whats the harm in adding it as long as its not intermingled? SURE, other more important stuff (IE, a LOBBY, More Maps, Game joining additions (which would be fixed with launchable lobby similiar to msn zone btw), more mechs, fixed bugs - those are all higher priority to me personally - should take priority imho, but I also imagine pgi wants to get a bigger audience and they think 3pv may help do that.
More people to shoot is a big + in my book.
(and darnit, now I really am done posting for tonight lol).
kalabaddon, on 14 November 2012 - 10:28 PM, said:
dude I never even knew there where such large mechwarrior communities till I joined this game, I played mw4 by my lonesome and a LITTLE bit of mw2 also all by my self. I loved the games, but couldn't care less about online play, I am making my statements from a personal belief that any 3rd person would break the sim aspect of the game, that any way that 3rd person can make the game easier to play for new comers can be done by other means while retaining 1st person view.
I also never made an easy mode comment.
my thoughts is that if I was piloting a mech, I would be looking out of my cockpit.
that to add 3rd person would be a mistake not because a group of old time mechwarriors had a TIFF about it back in the days, but because I believe it to be true.
I have also asked SEVERAL times for some benefits that could be had from 3rd person and all i got was one response that said along the lines of "many" with out any more details.
Didn't mean to infer that you made those comments. Am trying to defend 3pv play from many "attackers", my response was aimed at multiple posts. Should have quoted more, sorry man.