IceSerpent, on 14 November 2012 - 10:47 AM, said:
*sigh* Would a simple "worst idea ever" suffice, or does PGI really need us to elaborate on the reasons despite the fact that those reasons have been known for at least a decade?
Ice, you've already said all that should need to be said, but PGI seems to be lacking in the clue department. Maybe they should hire more people in that area. So even though I figure there's a high probablity that the 1790 posts on the topic have covered all I'm about to say, I also figure the more they hear it, the more likely they are to get it.
I just listened to the bogus interview where the game was being praised & how the launch went so well & all that bull$h|t. The argument for 3rd person perspectives is that the torso twist is the hardest thing to learn. PGI, you were even told in the interview that all you have to do is explain that it's a walking tank & you still think that that's not good enough?
The problem is not a lack of 3rd person view, the problem is NO FU<KING TUTORIAL!!! How many times do you have to be told?!!! Are we talking to a brick wall? New players are more frustrated & turned off by a lack of complete information on the game, INTEGRATED INTO THE GAME, game breaking bugs & no content!
Why with all that is wrong with this thing are you talking about something so stupid? Is it because you don't really know how to fix all the bugs in it? So you're going to waste some more time on some more dumb $h|t?
Is this supposed to be a sim? People don't float behind things they pilot, they pilot from inside. If you want to put something like this in the game then you either integrate it into the (currently non-existent) tutorial level where it could be helpful to new players & leave it in the tutorial, or you keep those players out of the matches where all the real MechWarriors are. A 3rd person view allows a level of awareness that 1st person can't. In 3rd person you can see around corners without exposing yourself, you can see where enemy fire is coming from all around the mech & you can see what the terrain is like all around the mech.
If you want to enable it for trial mechs while keeping trial pilots in matches only with other trial pilots then fine. Keep it out've the real battles with real MechWarriors. If you did nothing more than fix your broke as fu<k matchmaker so that trial mechs only went against trials, and/or skill/XP/play time were the primary criteria for matching mechs then you'd have a more satisfied group of new players right there. They can't learn much if I've killed them in 60 seconds or less 'cuz I'm a fu<kin' baws.
Even just stressing the importance of PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE would be a huge leap forward. First time the game starts up for a newly created account, stick it in their face. Just a page that explains what we're all about. BAM! Right there you've given new players a piece of a first impression that will stick with them to induce a level of patience that probably doesn't exist very often otherwise. Then accompany that with a tutorial level & a test arena for builds before buying & proper stats in the ML.
So speaking of the matchmaker, broke as fu<k, like so many other things in this seemingly dev forsaken mess. If you're gonna integrate this bogus idea (3PP) so that it's not as fu<ked up as possible, can you even do it without fu<king the MM even more? It already doesn't work, it already doesn't make matches based on skill & experience & it still can't manage to reliably put together 2 teams of 8. If it does then 1 person on either team DC's to take care of that (probably from CTD).
You have CTD, freezing, broken & incomplete MechLab, maps with base outlines where a base isn't supposed to be, memory leak, disappearing HUDs, huge amounts of missing content, only one game mode with fu<k all to do, only 4 small maps, no lobby, broken in-game chat window while spectating, do I need to keep going here, because YOU BETTER BELIEVE I FU(KING COULD!!!
Fix your broken $h|t first. Then what you do if you have a clue is you start a poll, or a thread, or both, asking new players what their greatest concerns are & what they'd most like to see, if new player opinion has now become a concern after ignoring what you were told by all of us prior to OB. You present that feedback opportunity via a big fat button in-game (like maybe next to the "BUY MC" button?). You need to make it easy for new, less concerned players to give their feedback. They likely aren't a fu<king crazy zealous mouthpiece about this thing like I am!
I'll bet you a 3rd person perspective isn't even on the list for most of them compared to everything else that this thing lacks right now.
I want to clarify some things here that I think you need to hear if you haven't already.
MWO is compared to Hawken, agree or disagree it's the way it is. Hawken is a simpler Q3 Arena kind of game with goofy magical BS that is easier to learn & although I play it very little, what it looks like to me is that they've watched the way you are fu<king up & making sure not to do the same. Hawken will have on 12/12/12:
- In-game integrated VOIP that works, despite not being a team only game.
- Tutorial level (not movie, A LEVEL!!!) despite being an easy game to learn. (A movie is good, but players learn better when they can "feel" it, accompanied by instruction. Same as learning anything. Experience with instruction, followed by PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE FTW!
- Chat window in their mech lab. Just noticed it last time I played.
- At least 4 maps (even though they all look the same) & 4 modes.
- Skill based match making, selectable servers & it looks like EU servers as well.
- Most importantly, a stable platform. I don't play it much 'cuz I find it boring. I like MW & that's why I b|tch so much here, but Hawken works with no major issues every time I play it. When it opens as a beta, it will be a real beta. They will probably deliver new content similarly as MWO does, but their beta is a real beta & their new content will come in finished form without the eternal excuses about why the FUBAR. Their Alpha worked far better than MWO does right now. Even MWO worked better in August than it does now. As time progresses, Hawken progresses. 2 days pass, 2 steps forward. For MWO, at worst, 2 days pass, 2 steps backward. Commonly in MWO, 2 days pass, 2 steps along the circle back to where it already was.
All I can do is observe & then formulate my own thoughts, but from what I've been seeing, it looks to me like Adhesive games might be paying better attention to the MWO community than you are. You guys have spent what I suspect to be way too much time fu<king with weapon & equipment balances that new players will never really give a $h|t about. Once they know how to play, they'd know how to handle those things that the fanatics b|tch about. Too much time on too many things with too little relevance to the biggest problems the way I see it. 3rd person perspectives are just another example. Even if MWO were feature complete & bug free, it'd (3PP) still be needless, unrealistic & therefore dumb as dumb can be.
Sometimes I wonder if this isn't more like politics than game development. Maybe even a bit of "magic" thrown in for good measure. Some misdirection accompanied by some new info & comforting words to try to quell the outrage at issues appearing to be ignored. What's the deal? Do you feel you've actually got a polished piece of work here that really only lacks something it doesn't need in the first place? Get off of it. It's a dumb idea & a stupid question.
Just 'cuz it's a stupid question doesn't mean I'm not glad it was asked. Just because we all b|tch about what's wrong doesn't mean we don't appreciate what's right. If you weren't doing anything right, none of us would be playing & we certainly wouldn't be posting our sometimes harsh opinions.
So why don't you forget about this 3rd person bull$h|t & go adjust some more weapon values or something?
Edited by Freeride Forever, 16 November 2012 - 09:13 AM.