Joseph Mallan, on 11 October 2013 - 08:16 AM, said:
Thing is that Clan is not here, nor is it run by PGI. If I walked in to your Clan and claimed to be Joseph Kerensky, would you recognize my Bloodname?
Fortunately for me, the Smoke Jaguar unit I won my Bloodname with in MW4 is actually still around & I was able to gather & provide proof to my former Clan as well as my current one, Ghost Bear ( that I did win the Corbett Bloodname, which they both accepted. Once you have proof, you are good. However my former Clan had a stipulation that only Bloodnames won in Mechwarrior games, with proof of course, would be recognized. We had a guy who won his in a TT tournament & his claim was not recognized. Each Clan does things differently.
Joseph Mallan, on 11 October 2013 - 08:16 AM, said:
Why would a PGI run Clan (canon to MWO) have to recognize either of our claims?
There has never been a MS or FASA run Clan. We the people create and/or join the units we associate ourselves with be it a Clan, a House or a Merc Unit. What if some people wanted to join a group associated with the Periphery who would stop them?
Joseph Mallan, on 11 October 2013 - 08:16 AM, said:
Once you have a core of Bloodnamed players for the clan then you can amend how the Clan would run things.
And just how would you go about gathering this "core" group of Bloodnamed players to begin with? Hold a ToB everyday? That would cheapen the experience. How about people who have earned Bloodnames before......... but then you would have to legitimize their claims would you not?
Joseph Mallan, on 11 October 2013 - 08:16 AM, said:
To maintain your Bloodname you need to be an active player. It's fairly simple for PGI/Clan leaders to identify an Inactive player. The names won from the Commandos were good for one year(or more if very active), and any player that was not "active" were then counted as "dead" and that Bloodname was put up for Trail. The details of what counts as vacant would be up to each Clan I would figure.
I can see problems that I would have detailed in some previous thread & post regarding this issue.
Joseph Mallan, on 11 October 2013 - 08:16 AM, said:
Some good stuff there Jaroth. {I'm afraid there doesn't need to be more than one Clan Wolf. As there are more than one Galaxy of Wolf Warriors Each timezone can be broke down into a different Galaxy, thus grouping the like time zones together for ease of play.This could even be broke down by Cluster so that every timezone can be part of any Galaxy. It is not so difficult to arrange.} <--- This I wrote out even before I read your take, so we are actually close to the same page!
I take it you are referring to my draft on how the Clans should be implemented. In that case, thank you. If you do share the same sentiments, then I am glad we can agree on something. Have you seen my idea regarding Bloodnames? I posted a link to it in the draft.
Joseph Mallan, on 11 October 2013 - 08:16 AM, said:
The 10th Lyran Guard will be headed by PGI employees as I heard and read it, so why would that not hold true for Clans. As such PGI would be telling the Clan players what unit they would start in, What rank they begin at. They should have a set number of Bloodnames available for each legacy, which is to be earned be the Clan players as they earn their Loyalty points. Each level of notoriety would cost more points to bit for. And of course the players would then have to battle to earn them. If Murphy's Law can coordinate a Inner Law Tourney and run it over 2-3 days A Bloodname tourney should be a piece of cake.
It is a piece of cake & has been since MW3, where we the players have been doing it without MS, FASA & certainly PGI. We have had Trials of Grievance, Position, Possession, Refusal & Bloodright for all these years without the holder of the IP being involved. WE have been doing that. US.
Joseph Mallan, on 11 October 2013 - 08:16 AM, said:
What Microsoft did or didn't do has no bearing here though. We will have to wait and see who is right about deployment. PGI may or may not restrict Clans to 5 person stars. I would lay odds on them being lazy and allowing them to stay restricted to 4 man lances.

To a certain degree you are right because those games were FINISHED products that were released by "them", bought by "us" & that was that. We went our separate ways. This is a different experience but again. What if a CC sub unit choose to deploy their mechs in groups of three as I mentioned before? Who could stop them? with 12 mechs on the field that would be four groups of three. So even if the grouping at the start of the match shows FOUR FOUR FOUR on the HUD, on TS3 or Ventrilo or whatever they use, that sub unit would coordinate & organize themselves into the play-style THEY want.
Joseph Mallan, on 11 October 2013 - 08:16 AM, said:
I have been fueling this franchise for 30 years now. I have sunk thousands of dollars and countless hours immersed in it. I've even been an insider as a Demo Rep. There was a huge fan outcry to just rewrite the Jihad era of CBT. The DEVs said No, and the game continued on. Losing some players and gaining others. The makers of the game did what they thought was best for the game and in 2008 Blake Ascending was published! And we were pissed at a lot of it!
Ok so that was your experience there. Here people got to a point where they said enough was enough & asked for a refund. PGI was put on notice. As much as I love this franchise, I will NOT be putting any more $ into something I do not like, where I am treated as a sale rather than a human being. If MWO gets too messed up, I would leave. I would rather have my good memories of MW4 than pay $ for something that is not making me happy.
Edited by Jaroth Winson, 11 October 2013 - 10:35 AM.