TalonOne, on 08 December 2012 - 03:06 AM, said:
The think is: IF I play smart, take long times between shots to not overheat in seconds, try to support my team.... I still get shred to pieces if somebody in a half-decend build decides to come after me.
And in C-Bills it doesn't make a big difference If my Mech survives or gets blasted to kingdom come.
Its about . what, 90.000 C-Bills for a really good round in a Trial? Something that is not very easy to accomblish and takes a lot of time.
Its about 60.000 for a loss, something you don't even have to participate the course of the game. You get that if you get killed in the first Minute and drop out of the game.
So actually the much easier, faster and less tedious way to get some Cash for the first Mech is just running blindly into the enemy, getting killed, leave game, pick the next trial Mech and jump into the next game. Rinse, repeat.
Sounds like fun, huh?
Tutorials are not gonna change that, I'm afraid.
The really bad thing about this: This senseless Grind has been around since before Open Beta.
And it still sucks out all the fun I want to have from this game.
Don't get me wrong, grinding for something you want is alright, but to grind for something that is essential to have fun with a game... just no.
I have better things to do with my precious time than that.
Yeah that's been a problem for a while :\ It sucks, hopefully the devs will think of something to fix that soon. I was thinking maybe increase the rewards for winning in a trial, and letting players make minor mechlab changes with them, to give new players a better feeling for customizing their own mech.