Q: Can we expect to see descriptions for weapons and equipment soon? [Ceribus]
A: We're working on it, but I don't have a solid date for when it will all be completed. It'll get there, though

Q: Number 1: have you an exactly date when new game modes will implemented in this game, something like Team DM or rush? [xDevineWarriorx]
A: I believe the new game mode arrives late this month, early next month. [Garth]
Q: Will the ability (or need) to stack Jump Jets ever be introduced? [Col Forbin]
A: Yes, that is being worked on. Though it will make me re-work my entire Jenner build

Q: Are you eventually planning to implement events like double C-Bills / GXP weekends to give added incentive to the existing player-base to keep coming back as well as to attract new players? [SUBZERO8K]
A: Early next year we should have that in, yes

Q: Why do you guys have to be Canadians? [Sandpit]
A: You see, sometimes a country feels the urge to go out and explore the world. And sometimes when they do that, they create a beautiful, new baby country. [Garth]
Q: Have you thought about changing the salvage bonus, so instead of C-Bills, players would get the leftover intact items of the opposing team? [wuselfuzz]
A: We have actually, yes. [Garth]
Q: When is the pilot POV slider going to be implemented? I'm not keen on fiddling with my .cfg file. [BarHaid]
A: It's important we find a good balance of numbers, as some end up creating rather annoying bugs. [Garth]
Q: Will we get a mouse sensitivity slider in the future, and will mouse sensitivity dynamically decrease according to what zoom mode we are in? [Clay Pigeon]
A: Yes, this will be coming 'soon'. [Garth]
Q: Since we're here in the land of FASA, any chance of Crimson Skies related cosmetics? Like a Pandora bobble or a Devastator bobble? Or maybe a red mech skin with the classic white Jolly Roger? [Thirdrail]
A: Those are cool ideas... hmm... [Garth]
Q: Anyway you can lower the chance for the AC/20 to get critted? As it stands the weapon is more fragile than a faberge egg. [GrimlockONE]
A: I'll poke Paul about it. [Garth]
Q: Garth, is there any update about taking full-screen screenshots? Having it show as full black unless I use an off-center window is slightly unappealing. [Iridin]
A: Yes - for now I use fraps. [Garth]
Q: will we be able to customize our HUD (in future), and by that i dont just refer to color, im looking forward if we can change the look of our "mech component armor (health) status display" that is right now? [Jale]
A: We will be looking into it, just low on priority at the moment. [Paul]
Q: UAC-5s are on a trial mech, when will the changes to the UAC-5 jamming system mentioned by Inouye be put into place? [Rathe]
A: Already in testing. [Paul]
Q: As covered in this thread, there has been some debate as to heat generation and the balancing issues for energy vs. ballistic vs. missile weapons. I'm aware that "balancing of weapons is being constantly looked at", but has this specific post been discussed as to validity? Rather than tweaking, has the heat/weapons interactions been or are they going to be reviewed as a whole? [Lanessar]
A: 99% of the time these threads are used in discussions, yes. We try to balance our developer experience against what the players are saying vs. what we see in game. [Garth]
Q: The thing that bothers me the most is map sizes. The current maps are very small in my view and limits the tactical part of the game. I loved the strategy and tacics in MW4 but here strategy and tactics is almost nonexistant. I have come to the conclusion that this is because of our game modes and map sizes. [Teralitha]
A: The next two new environments are much larger than the current set of maps. [Paul]
A: Also, I disagree that smaller map sizes limit tactics. [Garth]
Q: will their be any sort of in game achievements in the near future or at least are you thinking of adding them? [Shelshoq]
A: Currently the timeline for achievements is early next year. [Garth]
Q: In any mech, when you look to the right you see a big red button attached to the pilot's seat. What does this button do!?! [Jad3d]
A: It summons a giant murder of UrbanMechs. [Garth]
Q: While this is a cool feature what I would like to know if it has any effect on how well an AMS system works against the LRMs as they arrive? Or is it just for visual effect? [Sickocrow]
A: It's mostly for visual effect, and tends to be a preference thing. I like one giant wave of missile death, but some people like the slightly longer cockpit shake of the salvo style. [Garth]
Q: Which do you prefer? Android, iOS or Windows phone? And yes the correct answer will get you more money from me. [Stonefalcon]
A: I like Android myself. [Garth]
Q: Will more attention be given to the existing issues (i.e. crashes to desktop, hanging at close, low fps, etc..) and less to the marketing end (i.e. "flash" - crap that looks nice but does nothing for actual game play)? [Sable Hawk]
A: Different people work on each of those things so... we already do, would be my answer. [Garth]
Q: Would it be possible for PGI to make me a personalised bobblehead that matches my MWO name? I would consider paying C-BILL's for the privilege. [White Bear 84]
A: That is a damn good idea, let me write that down and steal it... [Garth]
Q: Why have you not reduced the advantage that the Gauss Canon has in comparison to LRMs? [Long Draw]
A: LRM's do more damage (even if 2/3 missiles hit, it's doing more damage) and is indirect fire, so it's tough to compare them side-by side like that. In 1v1 situations, the Gauss is better. With a spotter, I'd say the LRM20 is (much) better. [Garth]
Q: Before the clans invade there was no Pulse Laser, no ER-Laser, no Gauss Rifle, no ER-PPC, no LBX-Cannon, no Ultra-Cannon, no Artemis System, no AMS and so on … I think you got my point. [Gornn]
A: "First introduced in 2760 by the Terran Hegemony, the Extended-Range Particle Projector Cannon, or ER PPC for short, has a greatly increased range than that of a standard PPC." (Gauss Rifle 2590, Large Pulse Laser 3037...) I think you get my point.

Q: I would like to know what was the devs' intention to make many of the laser weapons to generate even more heat than it was supposed be as I noticed that the heat generation/damage ratios of all pulse lasers as well as small and medium lasers are somewhat disproportionate? Were the devs did not realized that the laser weapons are an essential element of the MechWarrior games? [Draken X]
A: As someone who pilots laser boats almost exclusively, I'd say the following: I really like the balance and design we've got for the lasers, particularly my favourite, the Medium Laser. At no point do I feel like I am using an inferior weapon when I use them. So, yes it was our intention, and the lasers ARE an essential element of the game. I regularly go up against Gaussboats, Missileboats, etc, and can defeat them (if I'm the better pilot). [Garth]
Q: Will we ever see more pilot animations? I would kill to see your pilot turning on or off the mech when you tell it to shut down, or similar actions. [TheAquired]
A: Yes; I don't have an exact timeline for you though. Suffice to say we feel other things are more important, but we will get to it. [Garth]
Thanks for your questions everyone, we hope you got some answers

The MechWarrior Online Team