wanderer, on 03 June 2012 - 04:13 PM, said:
Reminds me of a joke competition I heard on Solaris once.
The Kuritan flubs it hardcore, what with an ISF spook watching at the other end of the bar. Looks like he wants to kill himself for the dishonor afterwards.
The Leaguer isn't bad, but you'd heard it all before from a dozen sources.
The Capellan's is just plain MEAN- the only good joke he can tell are racist ones, and he manages to **** off the Kuritan AND the Leaguer telling them. He ain't winning.
The Lyran's isnt bad, but it's so formal you can tell she was used to telling it over canapes and ballroom dancing.
Finally, the FedRat starts. It is the FILTHIEST, MOST DISGUSTING BEAST OF A JOKE ever. The Kuritan actually turns kinda green, the Leaguer's just sitting there slackjawed at the sewage flow, the Capellan is trying not to be impressed, and the Lyran is going crosseyed at the words just staining the air.
It starts with this family going in to see a Solaris talent agent named Melissa about putting on a show at one of the five-star hotels at the Black Hills district. Old FedRat, nice young Lyran girl, five kids, one's a midget, happy little FedCom family. The agent asks the father "Well, what can your family do?"
The father tells them "Well, we do knock-knock jokes." This is child's play, the agent just doesn't give a flying Flea about that kinda kiddie stuff. "So, is that all you do?", the agent tells the father?
"No, we..." ...and this is where the ear-corruption starts, my friends. It's got killing of farm animals on stage, bodily fluids, six things nothing on two legs should do with a vrikk, seven ways no woman should love their children, waste byproducts going IN, waste byproducts going OUT, and ends with one of the kids doing something so rude to the mother and a block of pentaglycerine, I haven't been able to repeat it without ComStar censoring the whole transmission. It actually makes the agent throw up when they even demonstrate a few of the worst ones for examples of how good they are at it.
"Blake's Blood" says the agent, "WHAT DO YOU CALL THAT HORROR!"
And the father says, "I give you ... the Capellan Confederation!"
Nice play on 'The Aristocrats'. I approve. Yes, I'm just now getting around to this thread.

No, I don't have any jokes other than my KDR... on Halo 4.