plodder, on 13 July 2012 - 04:57 PM, said:
Greetings Lone dudes

, How's things? Hopefully smile'n and style'n. Enjoy the thought of dropping with the best of you

, see ya around! uncle danno
33 on website, things looking good...
Baron Rivera, on 07 July 2012 - 07:56 PM, said:
Opus - if you are still pushing ahead with this idea, please pm me. I have some thoughts on the site and would like to help.
Yes site is running, I need some mods/admins, as my work has me swamped 6 days a week ....
Spidren, on 17 June 2012 - 09:52 PM, said:
A good idea, whether it will flourish or decay will be interesting to find out. Good luck.
plodder, on 15 June 2012 - 10:07 PM, said:
The Lone Wolf/Wolves road can be difficult, there are many reasons, and the results are hard. I respect those that want to to exist within self dependance, and I think this place is a place that will allow for some community. I was a Lone Wolf for a while. I think those that will excel will be heavily sought out, to join a faction. I look forward to the best of you to jump with us, and the rest to enjoy what we have to offer. I believe you will be able(no inside knowledge) choose the faction you jump with. Seek us out to jump with if you can, give me a shout out, I think you guys will play an interesting role, not to be overlooked. Enjoy your lot!!! thanks uncle danno
everything is running guys.... I just need some help, to moderate, and help create stuff,,, I am not a website guru