Official 3Rd Person Thread Locked?
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:06 PM
You can find it here.
I find it interesting that they decided to lock the official thread once they posted an "update" as if that was the end of the issue. (Note that it is linked then locked)
I feel as though the tone and demeanor of the post suggests they have virtually no interest in not putting it in and instead are going to ignore us. Clearly if they respected our wishes, as the gamers, many of us founders without which this game would not exist, they would have atleast said they are reconsidering it, or said they had decided they would not put it in. But as you can see they basically spend half a page saying nothing of substance and sounding like a douchey PR guy. (no offense personally, but thats what it sounds like then you passive aggressively act like you have acknowledged us directly while doing no such thing)
I am glad that they put out a statement but something more concrete would be quite nice. I do not wish for the community here to simply let this go. It is important that it remain a top topic until such time that a definite answer is given. And if you decide to ignore us, it would be nice to have a direct explanation of why you think 90% of your more dedicated fans opinion is irrelevant to a game presumably made to 1) be good and 2) convince us to give you more money.
Thank you. (This is not a rage thread, so please comment accordingly)
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:11 PM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:34 PM
Maybe one day they'll get it, but I doubt that'll ever happen.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:38 PM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:42 PM
PythonCPT, on 16 November 2012 - 11:11 PM, said:
I got from the updates/podcast three mindsets.
1. Being added
2. Looking at being added, will be added if it can be done
3. Not looking at being added, just seeing what would need to be done to add it
Basically, they floated an idea, the community rallied and shut it down. Now they are multi stage backpedaling.
Its like the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 11:59 PM
While they're at it they can add coolant flushes too...I mean new players have problems with heat right? And you'll just have the option to not use them in your matches and everything will be 'k...
[/sarcasm] So yeah I think 3rd person view is a bad idea...
On the constructive side why not more training videos (more than 2 anyway) and a tutorial map or two for people to get used to this rather than generally dumbing the game down? I mean in all honesty I enjoyed Mechassault...but that is not what Mechwarrior is about...
Edited by OfTheDark, 17 November 2012 - 12:01 AM.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 12:38 AM
The problem I have with it is that it doesn't solve the core issue's that are inherent to this game. They won't bring in 10-20,000 more members who will actually stay and pay no matter how much they arcadify or simplify the game, if they don't fix the inherent problems. If they fixed those problems, I bet their playerbase would grow more than if they simply add a 3rd person view. It's a smoke and mirrors tactic to add something new to shift focus off the problems while releasing a statement that the problems will be fixed. It happened all through closed beta, now it's happening in open beta, I'm sure it will continue on down through the games life cycle, however long that may be.
I honestly don't think they have a good grasp on all the problems in their software right now, and I don't think they grasp how serious they are and how much they are affecting their playerbase. If they did, I think they would realize that adding 3rd person isn't going to make new players ignore the inherent problems that are there right now.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 12:38 AM
Garth Erlam, on 16 November 2012 - 02:59 PM, said:
Over the course of development, we’ve had a huge number of requests for a 3rd person camera option. At this early stage, it’s something we feel that warrants further analysis, understanding and exploration.
THIS is the subject to which the Devs decide that they want to make a point of listening to "a huge number of requests"?
Not fixing PPCs, not improving the Social functions, not improving match-making or net code issues. They choose to show they are listening to the community by deciding to add 3rd person to the game. Somehow I doubt "optional" is going to be something many players will like. It will be "optional" in that if you don't use it you will be at a tactical disadvantage. Unless of course they separate the game play modes.
Gotta say, I'm disappointed in this lackluster response under the guise of "listening to the Community". I'd much rather they be straight up with us and explain it's a financial play to broaden the audience.
Some of our Canadian politicians should be so lucky as to be able to say so much but say so little.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 12:46 AM
Finding a relevant role for it? Might as well just say, once we figure out how to implement it, it's going to be there.
I'm still curious where this huge request for 3rd person thing came from. I don't ever remember there being a huge uprising from the community about a lack of 3rd person but more of "We will quit if you add 3rd person".
Simply another smoke and mirror's "Hey we are listening to you but actually aren't" PR release.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 01:06 AM
Posted 17 November 2012 - 01:45 AM
we're still doing it anyway.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 01:56 AM
Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:06 AM
Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:21 AM
klownnection, on 17 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:
That is how game development works, you aim for the masses to compensate your losses. Truely evil... yeah right.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:25 AM
Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:31 AM
Zlobsic, on 17 November 2012 - 02:25 AM, said:
If you really want to know why people think it is a bad idea, go read the 99 pages on the official feedback thread. If that's not enough, there is another 50+ pages of it in the 3rd person poll thread.
Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:53 AM
Back when I joined BETA there was even a key to activate if, if I remember correctly it was F1.
It was not advertised, I found out by looking thru the key bindings file. It was later removed and stopped working.
There is no point complaining. If PGI believes that it will bring new players let them try.
Anyone that cares to look at my profile will see a bunch of friends there. Most of them are my WOT clan mates. None of them play this game.
Their feedback was:
UI is clunky.
Game crashes too often.
No idea of weapon range or damage or heat (except for the MW buffs that just knew it.)
No matchmaker to speak of.
Can't really look at my mech as the mechbay is static.
why can't I use mouse wheel to zoom? why can't I bind mouse wheel?
Why do the Med lasers do more damage than anything else?
3rd person was briefly mentioned but not a major point.
I keep waiting for PGI to address some of this issues, so i can go back and bring them in.
It is a adult clan where most players use premium. That could be money in PGI's pocket.
We have over 100 players so we had to split clan.
If any of the devs reads this I suggest they look up the names in the Wot website. some of us have well over 10K games in and counting.
I am a big MW fan. But to be honest also getting tired. Let's see what happens on the 20th.
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