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#1 Deamhan


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 11:42 AM

I'm completely lost. I just started, and I seem to be having a couple issues.

Where do I go to buy weapon, engine, heatsink, etc. upgrades?
Where do I go to modify my mechs?
Can modification not be applied to 'trial mechs'?
I bought PC gamer and redemed the code but how do I apply the skin to my mech?
How do I get my nVidia 3D vision to work? (the toggle is greyed out and won't let me select even though it is all set up and ready on my computer?
How do I get the game to run in full screen?

I'll stop with those 6. So far I have found things to be quite confusing and would suggest that they put in pop up help tips for first time players.

#2 OxHR


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 11:59 AM

For 1. and 2. can be found here with some other details: http://mwomercs.com/...ort/kb/20756111
3. No they can not be modified
4. Mechlab--> Camo Spec
5. Have no idea, I'm happy that I can run MWO at all ;)
6. Left bottom corner, Menu--> Options--> Windowed mode: set Fullscreen

#3 MagicHamsta


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 12:08 PM

1) Mechlab.
2) Mechlab.
3) They cannot be applied to the trial mech.
4) Mechlab -> camo spec.
5) Not sure.
6) What OxHR said.

#4 RadioKies


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 03:27 PM

For the 3d vision, I've seen a topic about that.. The search function (better yet google) is your friend:
The reason you cant enable 3d vision via the regular options is that the 3d mode is still in beta. Not everythin is working 100% properly.

#5 BoomDog


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 06:49 PM

When you first start the game, you'll be on the "Home" page. On the left side of the screen it shows the 4 trial mechs you can use.

At the top of the page you'll see 2 more tabs. One says "Mechlab" the other says "Pilot Lab".

Click on the Mechlab tab.Now, if you look down at the bottom left there's a box that says "Mech Inventory". One line says "Trial Mechs" the other says "Owned Mechs". I you click on the "Owned Mechs" line it should take you to an empty mech bay. Select "Add new Mech" then select "Create New Mech" right above that. This will take you to where you can buy you're own mech.

And, no, you can't customize trial mechs. And, no, there's almost no in-game information on what anything does. You'll have to go to Ohm's guide to get the hard numbers. To modify your mech, go to the mechlab, select the mech you bought, then select the "Loadout" tab. The other tabs provide other things to modify.

Also, the PC Gamer code only works on the mechs that were available at the time. I don't know for sure which ones though. I do know the Cicada doesn't get it. To apply it to a mech, click on the mechlab tab, then click on the "Camo spec" tab right below that.

#6 Deamhan


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 08:27 PM

Thanks for all the help. Most of it I figured out since I posted. Some, well, thnx for letting me know. I can't believe I missed that full screen option. I must've wenth to that config section a dozen times. lol. Been a great game so far although I miss my Timberwolf.

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