Khavi Vetali, on 18 November 2012 - 05:49 PM, said:
You are linking to a post concerning knockdowns occurring because of weapons fire in a weapon balance thread. Paul is stating that they will they will be changing impulse values for the AC20, they will not be adding a knockdown to it. There is nothing about a "charge" ability in that post or thread.
Knockdowns on collision were removed because of netcode issues (warping on standing up, disappearing, etc), and PGI has always stated that pending on resolution of those issues that collision based knockdowns will be back. There is no evidence to the contrary.
PGI had always stated MWO would be 1st person too. It is worrying that knockdowns were taken out and then to see Paul saying knockdowns will stay limited to the Charge ability. 'limited to' typically means 'only'.
But, if I indeed have this all wrong, a post from Paul stating knockdowns resulting from bad piloting will indeed be coming back - that ends it.
Edited by Kaijin, 18 November 2012 - 06:10 PM.