StainlessSR, on 19 November 2012 - 09:10 AM, said:
the engine takes damage and can be destroyed from crits thus "coring" the mech. Yes engine crits are in just like any other item can take crit damage.
Well as we have several conflicting statements on the issue of engine crits, I've added a note to my original post which states there is no official confirmation on this.
StainlessSR, on 19 November 2012 - 09:10 AM, said:
As to the OP.
This would be a nice idea, it would as you stated reduce the "alpha" damage while lowering heat to allow longer firing before overheat. Lowering the laser damage/heat would also allow AC's to be a more viable choice (more one hit damage than a laser [this does not take into account heat generation of AC verses laser]). This would not be so much of a nerf as a balancing, you are losing some damage but gaining longer firing time till overheat. The only change would be to lengthen the time it takes to kill a mech with lasers.
This is pretty much the case, and as PGI have already nerfed the small and medium lasers, all I would like is for that nerf to affect a different attribute.
Odanan, on 19 November 2012 - 09:12 AM, said:
I liked the solution... I don't know if it helps mechs with big energy weapons tough.
I think the devs should keep the much closer to the TT values as it is possible. The rate of heat dissipation should be increased (allowing the use of stock mechs) and DHS should dissipate 2.0 full. Currently, heat is an issue in every (non-Gaussapult) mech - that's too much.
And double armor = double ammo. Period.
- Gauss = looks like the weapon was balanced recently (by increasing the fire delay). It's not the king of brawling any more.
- Autocannons = still need some love. They should have no fire delay at all and a very high projectile speed (and maybe improved ROF).
- SRMs = should have minimal guidance (not necessary locking). Because you can't hit anything past 100 meters.
- SSRMs = are fine. (but AMS should have some chance to shoot down some SRMs and SSRMs)
- PPCs and ER PPCs = need major improvements.
- LRMs = should travel much faster and have slow ROF (to save ammo). Currently, it's too easy to find cover against incoming missiles.
- Small and Medium Lasers / Pulse Lasers = instead of just increasing the heat, I liked your suggestion of decreasing the damage.
- Large, Pulse and ER Large Lasers = almost balanced.
- Machineguns = need to do more damage.
- Flamers = need to make more heat.
Actually, I'm probably one of the few people who thinks that heat dissipation for SHS is ok. DHS needs to be back at 0.2.
I've run some spreadsheets with increased dissipation rates, and it does some weird things for balance.
The main issue I see with the game is that the heat threshold is set way too high and actively encourages these Alpha Strike builds.
If damage and heat generation were reduced across the board whilst lowering the max heat threshold, the pace of the game would even out a lot more.
It would also reward good heat management, and although overall heat will be easier to manange it would increase the skill cap further by making it more difficult to discern whether that final shot will overheat you.
Currently, heat levels are difficult to manage for beginners, but easy to master.
MCXL, on 19 November 2012 - 09:58 AM, said:
Yes, excellent thread!