There will always be a balance issue in Batteltech, no matter the iteration simply because of the pro/cons of ene vs ammo based weapons.
Heat vs Weight
Cost vs need/use
Damage vs Range
Reliability of ammo vs non ammo?
Player preference -
Mech limitations for space/critical slots.
Mission requirements.
Yes ballistics tend to hit harder, but more vulnerable to crits (mg ammo anyone?)
Personally I try to fit my load out if I can based on the mission.
Extended campaign vs Quick strike
Escort vs Patrol
Hunting mission vs defense
All are factors in the equation, so that complicates the variables considerably.
I think more so it will come down to player style/preference and Devs can't take that in to account because of the diversty of player base.
There will be cries of X weapon is OP, or Z weapon isn't strong enough.
Frankly it is up to Y to learn how to use X and Z or not use either.
Learn your mech's abilities first, then your terrain, then worry about the weapons. So I am inclined to think, I could be wrong.
Othen then the obvious of energy weapons on a open range map with a high ambient temp generally isn't a good thing.
That is just one specfic example. Unlike some other FPS/MMo games, the diversity of weapons in Battletech/Mech warrior I feel doesn't really give the chance for a "OP" weapon.
Though a med mech with a decent speed and lots of ER MEDS LSRs can do a lot of damange MUHAHAHA.
Then again with that specific model there is the "balance" that each weapon based on a roll, has a chance to hit a different location. So concentrated damage isn't guaranteed, less maybe the mech has a T-Com, still there are multpliers in play that affect that.
It just seems to me that there will be so many factors at play, that it would be difficult to stack the deck in favor of a specific weapons class/type.
There should be limitations though on the amount of one specific weapon class being on a single chassis.
Like loading an Assault with 15 LRM 5s.....
A light with 20MGs
However having a Naga with two Arrow IVs... mUHAHAHAHAH!
Anyone for a Med with 12 ER MEDs????? <cough Nova cough>
Just an example.
Personally I would lean toward energy, but I would be foolish to rely completely on them. I would advise the same to others.
I think that managing heat is a key element to being a pilot (and should always be ahered to, even with ballistic weapon), add in awareness of terrain, opponent, and capabilities of my mech.
Edited by 8100d 5p4tt3r, 01 May 2012 - 07:27 AM.