For the x-th time, when playing the game, an enemy cat flies from behind the hill with his jetpacks, aims at me in the mid air, fires 2xlrm 20 salvos at me and does 60+ dmg to me. When i finally have a position to use my weapons, am already half dead with half of my weapons destroyed, and the ******* has more or similar speed as i do, just he is going backwards.
Am using 2 ac 20,my optimum range is 0-270m, if i hit with both i do 40 dmg. I have standard 200 engine, max speed 53 kph, 63 (or 9 tons of ac20 ammo, 7 shots per ton).
He has 2 lrm 20, optimum range 180-1000m, if he hits full he does 70+ dmg, he can mount an xl engine and has 9 shots per ton. And yea, he almost has auto aim. And thats without artemis.
So what i am saying is, the ******* can lock me, 300-450 m away, use the jumpjets to stay in the air for 3 sec (for lock), and do 70 dmg to me (from 300-450m its almost impossible to dodge the missiles in a 53kph mech), and becomes "invisible" (behind the hill) again.
So, am gonna try to add some constructive proposition how to fix this, because its not fun not having a chance.
1: make using jumpjets create shaking of the cockpit or render lock impossible while using them
2: using a weapon in fly mode (jumpjets) creates major instability on the mech (force from firing a weapon makes a force that intefers with the force from the jumpjets making a discrete change in resultant force that is imposible to compansate and creates the instability/shaking) that would cause almost 100% of braking the lock
3: reduce the maximum reverse speed on mechs
4: reduce the speed of the rockets (making them easier to dodge)
5: increase the time for the lock
6: reduce the time for braking the lock
7: make the missiles less smart, when the lock is broken, they continue the last know path or self destruct
8. increase the minimum range of LRMs to 500m, and create MRM that would go with optimum range of 180-500 m but with different stats. Creating that would force support cats to balance the range creating better balance for the rest of us, while keeping the stats/usefulness of support weapons such as LONG RANGE weapons.
Currently LRMs only bad point is the price of the lrms and the minimum range of 180 m that is a joke for xl engine lrm cats (vs some med/heavy/assault mechs). The only way to kill a lrm cats is to get it in the open and run head on to try to decrease the range (or if the cat is caught unguarded). They are more then balanced weapons when compared to other weapons especially since they are both support and damage weapons with short lock timers and low need to maintain the lock vs slower mechs. Damn for a precise hit i need a 1.5-2 sec (aiming and waiting for the torso to align with my aim) and he needs 3 for autoaim. That he can go have a cup of coffee while i need to run to find cover. Just think about it.
So manual aim, vs almost autoaim, then i need to run while he waits for his fuel to reload in a perfectly safe conditions. If i get closer, he outruns me. Sounds fun?
Currently i see little to no satisfaction in playing a close range mech because am killed/disabled in 2-3 salvos from a lrm cat from 200-500 m.
And the interesting fact is that lrm atlases don't cause similar problems because of their lack of mobility. On the other hand hunch's have the mobility, but not the jumpjets, and can't carry so much lrms.
Edited by ZliDiabetichar, 02 December 2012 - 08:42 AM.