Lefty Lucy, on 24 November 2012 - 10:46 AM, said:
Yeah, but they're not the same as they have been for months and months.
Did you notice that they got their damage *and* accuracy increased in a single patch?
One of the few subjects I disagree with Lefty about, however....
'easy button' StreakCats are still little threat if you are aware of them prior to engagement (i.e. they don't get the drop on you).
As players are becoming more experienced, actually using real skill in piolting them, they are becoming pretty uncounterable. I pride myself on hunting them in my 4SP and blowing off ears extremely fast. A well piloted SCat however, using all his tricks like feathering JJs, hovering above out of range-of-movement of any mech, and building hopping makes for an extremely tough fight..nigh impossible 1v1.
I'm not complaining about skill mind you, in fact I'm genuinely impressed when I encounter one that can avoid me using those tactics. Typically, those with that kind of skill, are well aware of the builds that can de-ear them quickly and actively avoid them for easier prey. Happened to me last night in fact, we were 2v1, and the SCat did a spectacular job of avoiding my de-ear alphas. I don't think he killed us both, but There was no way I could have one that encounter 1v1 with any build.
I'm not concerned yet, but I do see a problem developing where an extremely skilled streakcat pilot has no direct counter except for focus fire from multiple enemies. This becomes a problem as more and more builds become 'priority targets'. I think it's VERY good that there are more mechs that have extreme threats, but with no 1v1 direct counter...there is concern.
I'm not talking cheese ground-cat here...I'm talking two opposing players of high skill level. Cheese FotM pilots are obvious to spot, easy to de-ear or outright kill, and generally are little threat.
Just some random thoughts,
Mr 144
Edited by Mr 144, 24 November 2012 - 01:18 PM.