Helped a little, but my PC is at the lower end (or the lowest) of playable specs i guess.
* E6750 Dual Core
* 8800 GTX
* 8gig DDR2 Ram
* Win 7 64bit
Without tweaks i couldn't aim at all, the performance was more than bad, and Forest Colony was absolutly unplayable. (huge input lag, and very very low framerate)
Even with everything set to low and 1280:720 resolution.
I once had very smooth gameplay, when the game bugged out on me and started completly without sound. (Was on TS with a friend and could still talk and hear there)
Was never able to reproduce it sadly (muting MWO in windows or placing the sound-sliders all the way to the left had no effect)
So i tried to add a soundcard, since i was using an onboard sound-chip. Did nothing too.
Then i deinstalled my Realtek Audio software and drivers and used the Windows drivers. (helped a little)
The last thing i changed was opening the properties of my MWO shortcut, and enabling the checkbox -> "Run as administrator" under the shortcut tab -> advanced properties
(was kinda desperate and changed everything back and forth to find anything that helped the performance)
No idea why, but after doing it even Forest Colony runs quite good.
Everything on high exept shadows and object detail, using 1440:900 resolution, anything higher seems to melt my Graphics-Card:
Finally enjoying the game again (most of the time).
Maybe it can help someone.