Discuss: Cataphract Builds
Posted 26 November 2012 - 04:07 PM
Runs at 60.something kph so I tend to be an easy target but its ability to brawl is excellent. Heavies and assaults are good fights and mediums are lunch. Weak against lights however unless your a dam good shot.
Probably it's best feature is it's bloody cheap to field.
Posted 26 November 2012 - 04:07 PM
3D: XL 280, DHS, 2 M-Lasers, 2 UAC5, Fully Armored. I carry roughly 250 UAC5 rounds.
I like this model because it has decent speed and manuevers well, and both AC's are on the right side. Granted one is on the torso and the other is on the right arm, they generally don't get to be too much of a problem when using the keyboard to turn rather than the mouse at close range. On the other hand it has an XL and does tend to get crushed hard.
4X: Standard 210, 2 M-Lasers, 2x AC2, 1 LBX10 OR 1 AC10, Endo Steel AND DHS Upgrades, Fully Armored.
This model is alright, slow as heck but does have the ability to pack a punch. I like the AC2s for the screen shake and the fact that this is definitely a support mech makes them work well. The LBX I like for short range fights (especially with light mechs) and the lasers do nice for core hits rather than armor. And I forgot the amount of rounds I carry off the top of my head. :X
Edited by Fenris Ro, 26 November 2012 - 04:08 PM.
Posted 26 November 2012 - 05:02 PM
TruePoindexter, on 26 November 2012 - 03:54 PM, said:
The PPC vs LL issue is something I did consider; part of the issue was that I originally wanted the longer range and more instantaneous damage output of the PPCs, and ER-PPCs (a closer range match for the AC, with which they would be sharing a reticle) run far too hot for the number of (not-quite-double) Heat Sinks.
Additionally, I had envisioned it having three TICs:
1.) MLas
2.) PPC
3.) AC/2
where the AC/2 would be used for long-range sniping and harassment, the PPCs would be used for support as a target closed, and the MLas would be brought to bear (together with the AC but generally not the PPCs) once the range had closed.
Though, if the heat is that bad, then I would again consider switching out the PPCs for LLs (with the freed weight and space going to more HSs and perhaps some more AC ammo).
Moreover, I really would prefer to keep the ECM/BAP if at all possible...

Also, I have another build that I would like to have evaluated:
Chassis Name: Cataphract
Variant: CTF-2X
Unit Name: "Dragoon"
Tonnage: 70.00
Engine: 210 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Internal Type: Endo Steel
Armor Type: Standard
Armor Total: 430 Armor Points
Heat Sinks: 13 Double Heat Sinks
x2 Large Laser (LT, RT)
x1 Large Pulse Laser (RA)
x1 AC/2 (RT) w/ x2 AC/2 ammunition (RT)
x1 AMS (LT) w/ x1 AMS ammunition (LT)
x2 SRM-4 (LA) w/ x2 SRM-4 ammunition (LA)
x1 Guardian ECM Suite** (CT)
1.) LPL
2.) LLs
3.) AC/2
4.) SRM-4s
Cost: ~6.4 Million C-Bills
Created in REMLAB
**GECM may be substituted for BAP
Edited by Strum Wealh, 26 November 2012 - 05:03 PM.
Posted 26 November 2012 - 05:09 PM
Posted 26 November 2012 - 05:17 PM
GizmoGecko, on 26 November 2012 - 10:42 AM, said:
ERROR patch has only just been out a week
Posted 26 November 2012 - 05:55 PM
I always want a truly viable ballistic heavy support or medium range brawler...my job is force multiplier. I find an Assault and shadow him the whole match.
My build, 2x AC/2, 2x UAC/5 and 2x MLas XL245 engine(I believe). Yup, I did equip an XL Engine, for whatever reason, I rarely die due to and when I do, its affordable to repair. The extra speed is an absolute God-send.
The ballistics really put a beating on mechs pre-occupied by other targets. The AC/2s fire fast enough to make lights nervous when they connect and the MLas provide reliable damage delivery to lights to really make think twice about hanging around. The MLas also provide a good way of preserving ammo for when using the ballistics would be questionable.
In due time, I'll Elite the skill tree, and Im hoping the speed tweal will really help in getting the mech that last little bit of maneuverability to make it less of a lump on the log.
As of now, I can pivot fast enough to keep an XL Engine equipped Streak Cat in a close orbit in my sights.
Im sure the other variants are bit more flexiable, but as Ive said, I already have a good laser boat...but nothing can shake, rattle and roll lik emy 4X...its damn bruiser!
Posted 26 November 2012 - 06:03 PM
Posted 27 November 2012 - 03:22 AM
Stavros Mueller, on 26 November 2012 - 06:03 PM, said:
why, it's not like anyone can't press 'r' on you in game and see it...not that hard to work out how to fit a xl/standard engine to it. 2ac5 and 2 ultras is still the most effective and powerful build
Posted 27 November 2012 - 03:47 AM
3d with 300xl and JJ
14 DHS
2 LL in the arms
2 ML in RT/LT
1 gauss in the LT with 5t ammo (ammo seems like a overkill, but I tend to use the gauss all the time)
AMS with 1t ammo
Posted 27 November 2012 - 03:56 AM
All toads are build with different xl engines, and endosteel. Armor as max as possible, varies with the build. all on elite skills.
4X: Vanguard
2 Gauss, 2 MLAS 8t ammo. xl 255
3D: Diminisher
2 LB10 X and 4 MLAS 4t ammo xl 280
1X: Marauder
2 ER PPC and 1 AC10 3t ammo xl 320
1 LRM10 1LRM 5 5t ammo 1LB 10 X 4 MLAS xl 280
Many find the misslepod a strange hardpoint, call it "handbag",but you can fire LRMs straight up, and they fall straight down. great to engage enemies in cover.
Posted 27 November 2012 - 04:23 AM
Voridan Atreides, on 26 November 2012 - 10:19 AM, said:
EDIT: I'm not really leaning towards the 4X anymore mainly because it does not have the flexibility I want. I'm sure I will be ravaged by lights (I don't have the greatest aim). I will check it out when I have a better aim. Plus once the arms are gone you are in a heap of trouble.
Well since you have to play 3 to master it why not just decide for yourself through the hours it takes you
Posted 27 November 2012 - 06:36 AM
Firstly this is not a cheap build, but once built, it's not expensive to run.
Cataphract 2x
Standard armor (give it a tweak if you like - I'm a big fan of upping the front armor)
Standard 280 engine
Endosteel chassis
DHS - A total of 15 of them inc the engine
AC20 + 4tons of ammo
4 med lasers
2 ssrm2 + 1 ton of ammo
AMS + 2 tons of ammo
Split the ac and med lasers as group 1 and 2 with the streaks launching on either group. Killer brawler with almost as much punch as an atlas and a good deal faster. (finished the basic skills on this one without even dieing, first trip out in it I took 5 kills highly recommend this build for anyone who likes it up close and personal.
Edited by Triggerhippy, 27 November 2012 - 06:38 AM.
Posted 27 November 2012 - 08:43 AM
TruePoindexter, on 26 November 2012 - 03:54 PM, said:
So, I made some of the changes you had suggested.
What do you think of this?
Chassis Name: Cataphract
Variant: CTF-1X
Unit Name: "Corsair Mk.II"
Tonnage: 70.00
Engine: 280 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Internal Type: Endo Steel
Armor Type: Standard
Armor Total: 430 Armor Points
Heat Sinks: 16 Double Heat Sinks
x2 Large Lasers (LT, RT)
x3 Medium Lasers (x1 LA, x2 RA)
x1 AC/2 (RT) w/ x2 AC/2 ammunition (RT)
x1 AMS (LT) w/ x1 AMS ammunition (LT)
x1 Guardian ECM Suite** (CT)
1.) MLas
2.) LLas
3.) AC/2
Cost: ~6.6 Million C-Bills
Created in REMLAB
**GECM may be substituted for BAP
Edited by Strum Wealh, 27 November 2012 - 08:44 AM.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 01:45 AM
Posted 28 November 2012 - 03:28 PM

Posted 28 November 2012 - 03:41 PM
Spinning Burr, on 28 November 2012 - 01:45 AM, said:
Depends. I absolutely love having them on the 3D, and trading out a weapon to have them fits my play style. What the jets give you is a way to break line of sight - or to pop and shoot over cover. I use a GR+LL or two on my builds group fired that way... The jump range isn't extreme, but you can easily clear obstacles slightly greater than your mechs height in full stride. A good example is on forest colony snow. A lot of sniper/LRM types like to hang out on the ridge near the radar tower. With the 3d, the jets allow you to get up close with those guys before they can usually manage to bail...
Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:14 AM
3D with Quad LL, Std 280, 1 JJ, 17 DHS, 416 armor
36 firepower, 64.8 kph, 1.17 heat efficiency
I dropped the XL and Endo I originally had on here in favor of fitting more DHS. (29.8 effective heatsinks)
It doesn't seem like a powerful build, but you can chain fire the lasers ~12-15 times before overheating (no pause between shots), or alpha ~3 times. The LL's on the torso are mounted high up, giving you great shots over the hill crests and obstacles, while the arm LL's are good for swatting lights and mediums. I have success with this using the torso LL's at long range, and all four LL's in a brawl. You have to be careful with heat. The standard engine means you can lose a torso and keep on trucking.
4X with 2 AC/2, 2 LB-10X, XL245, 432 armor, Endo-Steel, 10 DHS. 4 LB-10X ammo, 3 AC/2 ammo
56.7 kph, 24 firepower, 1.11 heat efficiency
This one is a lot of fun at range (8 DPS with the AC/2's) and at close range (8 DPS with the LB-10X's). It runs a bit hot if you're laying heavily on the AC/2's, but you have enough firepower to scare and rock most enemies. I prefer this to the 2xAC/2 + 2x AC/5/2x UAC/5 I was running right after the phract came out. I use the AC/2's to snipe, rock, and harass at range, put solid DPS while closing, and switch to the LB-10X's when I have a good shot under 100m.
2X with STD 300, 2 SRM4 w/ 2 tons of ammo, 2 PPC (side torsos), 19 DHS, Endo Steel, 400 armor
40 firepower, 69.4 kph, 1.32 heat efficiency.
I originally ran this dual PPC phract with 30 SHS and 2 MPL on my 3D, but I prefer the punch of the SRM's at close range. I don't miss having a laser, as the SRM's are good up close, and the PPC's can rock most anything over 100m. This mech likes being between 100m and 200m from a target. You can fire one PPC indefinitely with the 19 DHS (32.6 effective heatsinks), and you can get a lot of shots off with both before overheating. The shoulder mounts, again, mean you can peek over a hill, fire 1-3 shots, and duck back without exposing your giant side torsos (which, even if blown up, won't kill you since you lack an XL).
I haven't had much luck mixing ballistics and energy on my phracts, and I haven't found an AC/20 build that I like yet.
I used to mostly pilot dragons and hunchbacks (with the occasional ac/20 LOL-raven), but the phracts are a real sweet spot for me in terms of firepower, survivability, and mobility. My favorite mech so far!
Posted 29 November 2012 - 09:07 AM
Fenris Ro, on 26 November 2012 - 04:07 PM, said:
This model is alright, slow as heck but does have the ability to pack a punch. I like the AC2s for the screen shake and the fact that this is definitely a support mech makes them work well. The LBX I like for short range fights (especially with light mechs) and the lasers do nice for core hits rather than armor. And I forgot the amount of rounds I carry off the top of my head. :X
Oh, wow. I was gonna come here to post a build I came up with, but you pretty much hit it on the head. Granted I carry pulse lasers, an ssrm2, and an ams at the expense of probably ammo and leg armor for a little extra close range punch, but really the same idea.
It's great for following the group and deterring anyone who looks at you funny.
Posted 30 November 2012 - 05:17 AM
Pros: High sustained damage
cons: limited effective range, slow, low alpha
Std Engine 230 (could potentially be downgraded for more ammo)
Endo Steel
DHS (build doesn't run very hot - SHS would be OK if you're on a budget)
1x AC5 (1t ammo)
2x UAC5 (3t ammo)
1x SSRM2 (1t ammo)
AMS (1t ammo)
Still working on a build for my 2X, haven't quite found the sweet spot yet
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