Garth Erlam, on 26 November 2012 - 10:34 AM, said:
Q: Does the general negativity and unrealistic expectations on the forums dishearten you at all? Or does it make you try even harder to please these particular individuals? [The Dutchmun]
A: It's hard not to have it affect one at all; generally it just makes people around the office less likely to read over the forums. I still do though, and for every negative/unrealistic expection filled post, there are dozens of PM's, emails, and threads that are the opposite. Also, we're dealing with long-time fans of a very old IP, so we expect people to be passionate. If I could have any one thing though, it would be the understanding that: A) we're barely a year into development, and
the poor guys are usually here till 10-11pm, so the 'you're just lazy' posts are unnecessary and flat out wrong. [Garth]
No wonder the game is having problems. Staying to 10 or 11 PM should be a regular occurance in the development of a great (not good, GREAT) game. I trust that you are striving to craft a GREAT game. Our posts are not lazy (calling the most passionate members of your playerbase "lazy" is not a good marketing stratedgy), we are the people that want to inspire you to reach your full potential and help you find the problems (that's what beta testers do, that is what I am trying to do). Know that part of the frustration you see on the forums is not from impatience, but it is the same kind of frustration that a father would feel when his genius son throws his life away with drug abuse. I am trying to solve the problem of imagination, the problem of passion.
If I had hours of time each day or the knowhow to help with the developement of this game on a higher level; the coding, the bugfixing, the modeling, the sketching, the idea-making, the brain-storming, the map-mapping, I would work for free just to see this game trump all previouse MW titiles and be known for years in the gaming world. I don't think you know how I and many other die-hard MW fans want to see this be the best it can be. In a world where the quality and complexity of video games is sadly declining, where companies are gradually shifting to prioritize quantity over quality, where video games are now becoming merely idiotic, thoughtless, pieces of garbage with no evidence of passion from the developers (COD is an example), true gamers who crave the old days when you had to be smarter than the average Joe to get past level 14 in Quake hope beyond hope that passion will return to the gaming world. I have a feeling of honor to take part in the development of this game, even if it is only an infinitesimally small part. The feeling I get when I look at the direction the game is heading, or rather the direction it
is not heading, is not anger, but jealousy; jealousy that my opinion is not one of the few that the MWO devs listen to and respect.
If working to 10 or 11 PM is "too much" then you need to set fire to the kindling of potential inside each and everyone one of your developers, managers, modelers, testers, mappers, painters, and coders to create a blaze of passion that will give you the want and the mental stamina to make this game happen. Please read this: This person is not trolling, not whining, not flaming, he is expressing his concerns. He knows there is a problem and he is trying to help you see it and to help you solve it. Take his advice. Don't skim over it and dash it away as an unrealistic complaint. Take it, use it, and witness the awesome result of the combination between true emotional investment, a supportive community, and skill (skill that I know your devs have). This game will be everything that you put into it; passion, time spent in the small hours, everything. The knowledge of that fact will keep you going through to the release date.
Edited by Hetfeng321, 26 November 2012 - 07:15 PM.