DCM Zeus, on 02 December 2012 - 12:58 AM, said:
Running 1920x1080 on both setups I run on average 12 to 40 FPS on Forest, 18 to 50 FPS on Caustic, 20 to 40 on Frozen, and 20 to 40 on Frozen night.
I even used one of my older Crusial M4 64GB SSD's for MWO Only.. No change.
Drivers are up to date everything is default, every other game runs either 100 FPS or higher, the CryEngine SDK runs at 100+ fps on my GTX 680, and about 70 FPS on my 6970.
Boarderlands 2 is well over 100+ FPS
Metro 2033 is Well over 100+ FPS
MWO Is the ONLY GAME, I can't get passed 40 FPS.
I did come across one thing, While waiting for the match to start I will be between 60 to 120 FPS, but when the game starts, down to 12 FPS then up to 40 then back down to 13 and up to 50, it's ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Asus Crosshair V 990FX
AMD 8120 oced to 4.5ghz and AMD 8350 OCed to 5.2Ghz
AMD 6970 2GB and nVidia GTX 680 4GB
Corsair Dominator 32GB PC2133
4x Corsair neutron 240GB SSD's
Ok, I did a complete overhaul of my machine.
Same hardware, using Windows 8 enterprise this round.
All my other games and benchmarking programs have gotten 10 to 20 FPS boosts.
But MWO, is a different beast, I have tested at Low, Med, High, and Very High, nothing really changes.
I can only hope something comes down the line tomorrow, then again PGI is to damn busy putting resources "looking into 3rd person".
Edited by DCM Zeus, 03 December 2012 - 04:52 PM.