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Need Some Feedback For My Cent. Build

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#1 Naughty Prowler


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Posted 27 November 2012 - 01:28 PM

Hey All, I posted an earlier thread about loadout suggestions for my Centurian CN9-A. Right now, I upgraded to endo steel and I have the following weapons:

2 medium lasers
1 Guass
2 ssrm's

Everything else is stock. Any suggestions on weapons and other components would be more than welcome



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Posted 27 November 2012 - 06:35 PM

You could swap the gauss for the AC/10 and pack an extra Streak SRM-2. That could put out a little extra hurt, especially against light 'mechs.

#3 gregsolidus


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Posted 27 November 2012 - 06:37 PM

So what happens when they rip off your arm? Your better be going against severely damaged opponents or that 80% health Atlas will be coming for you.

#4 Molachai


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 12:55 AM

I would definitly consider losing the Gauss as the other poster mentioned. I understand the idea behind it you wanting big bang for your cent but what your packing on in the weight of the gauss your losing in armor and engine rating.

An a/c10 is definitly nice suggestion and having the third ssrm right now would definitly be beneficial but your going to want to consider 2 things first is how much ammo are you packing for each and second if what i've read about how they will be implementing ecms comes true the streaks might be losing their effectiveness come december. Thats not to say dont use them for two reasons. First they are right now the best weapon for countering enemy scouts and packing three of them on there will definitly punish any scouts you lock onto. Second there is no gaurantee that ECM will make them useless for scout hunting. So use them but know that at some point you may need to find an alternative to them which means looking for even more weight to cut. You might consider an A/C 5 or even an A/C 2 for your ballistic. You might not be doing as much damage per hit but you save space for ammo and a bigger engine.

I am in the process of deciding how i can redesign it to fill all the roles that I have been using it for including scout hunting if ECM lowers the efficiency of streaks for scout hunting. Right now I only have 2 medium lasers an ams and 3 ssrms, and that actually does the job for me. I dont put out the billion point alphas that everyone thinks is necessary but I have enough heat sinks that I actually have to try to overheat, I have maxed out armor carry enough ssrm ammo that i usually end up losing that torso before i run out, and the best part of it is I have a big enough engine that my cent can really move. Just remember that sometimes less is more, and lowering your alpha damage can increase the overall effectiveness of your mech because you allow yourself the tonnage and critical slots to boost other areas of need.

Edited by Agora, 28 November 2012 - 01:20 AM.

#5 Carrioncrows


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 01:48 AM

The streaks just bring so much more power to the build, and a lot less reliance on the Gun ARM.

Right now my Cent builds are

AC-10 x2 tons ammo
x2 Med Lasers
x3 SSRM2's x 2 tons of ammo
I kicked the speed down to 55KPH, 60 kph with elite speed boost but full armor and 13 HS.

Honestly it has a ton of firepower. Don't rush in to use the streaks, play it chill with the AC10 and snipe softening up CT's and then chain fire your SSRM2's to keep them rocking around.

x2 Large Lasers
x2 Med lasers

Dosn't seem like much but i've got a crap load of heat sinks on it which makes all the difference in the world. Snipe with the LL's as much as possible, that's 18 dmg a hit so precision counts. When a opening presents itself open up with the mediums as well.

X2 LRM15's + Arty (6 tons of ammo)
x2 Med lasers

First thing you want to do is ditch the XL engine. I know it sounds fishy but honestly CN9's are not made for XL engines, their torso's are too flat so it makes you so much easier to kill. This is a mean mean build and is really good at murdering anything it can see. Like all LRM boats suffers up close.

#6 Gremlong


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 07:12 AM

The CN9-A is by far my favorite mech and cent variant. I own all 3 standard ones, I don't like the weapon points on the Yen Lo Wang.

Here is my set up
STD 200 (moves at 69.7 khp with all skills unlocked)
320 armor (all locations maxed, except legs are at 39/47 each)
10 heat sinks total with engine
Modules : 360 , increased scanner, faster info
Beagle probe (In leg)
Endo Steal
LBX - 10
2 tons LBX ammo
3 x SSRM 2's
2 tons SSRM ammo
1 ton AMS ammo
Small laser

Don't rush in, help out your bigger friends by keeping small guys off their backs. Most will try and blow off your gun arm, which is not the big source of your damage, the streaks are. Has no heat issues, even with continues fire of the streaks and LBX-10. I rarely fire the small laser, I may even drop it to max out armor, I just like having the just in case.

#7 stjobe


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 08:16 AM

I run my CN9-A "Big Daddy" like this:

Std 200 engine
Endo Steel
Double Heat Sinks +1 extra DHS in RT

Maxed armour (except 1 point on each leg)

1xUAC/5 with 3 tons of ammo
3xSSRM-2 with 3 tons of ammo
AMS + 1 ton ammo
CASE for UAC/SSRM ammo

And a custom paint job :P

It works well as a sniper with the UAC/5, as a light killer with the SSRMs, or as a general brawler.

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