Used A Streak Cat Today...
Started by Igorius, Nov 28 2012 12:48 AM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 28 November 2012 - 12:48 AM
So, for the most part I run Hunchbacks. Love 'em. Yet after seeing repeated threads on the forums bemoaning the A1 loaded with Streaks, I decided to spend the afternoon using one. After having a blast, and learning a lot in the process, I thought I'd offer some potential nuggets of wisdom for my fellow 'MechWarriors.
Also, by way of denouncing any biases, please know that I've only used an A1 once before, early on in Beta. Secondly, I really prefer Autocannons and Lasers. That said, here are some of my observations:
1.) The Streak Cat rewards an aggressive play style. Streak Catters who kept back and worked the edges, in the matches I saw, didn't last very long, or do much damage.
2.) Chain-firing six Streaks causes way too much shaking. I say this from watching peoples' reactions, as well as being on the receiving end of such attacks.
3.) Using the stock engine, and with four tons of ammo, ams, and a ton of ammo for that, I wedged enough heat sinks in to basically ensure that, unless I was in the center of the caldera on Caustic Valley, I never got close to overheating.
4.) When I joined up with a few friends later this evening (who also brought out Streak Cats) the wolf-pack tactic became horrendous. Sure, it was fun, but it was also felt extremely sadistic.
5.) The best defense against Streak Cats I witnessed today was done by a Commando pilot (forgot their name, unfortunately) who shadowed me with his own Streaks and Laser combo. He waited until I was tied up with his heavier teammates, then gutted me completely.
So then, what is my verdict after running a Streak Cat for a day? They're deadly in the hands of an okay pilot, but lethal when used with a purpose. They exploit the current system fully, but without breaking it. Their main weakness lies in their ammo dependence, their weapon placement, and their effective range. I recommend either staying at range with one, or shadowing one until you can take advantage of their distraction.
Are they the perfect build? No, not really. Are they vicious when you learn how to use one? Most definitely. Like specialist predators in the animal kingdom, all it takes is observation and patience to learn how to render them completely ineffective. Good hunting!
Also, by way of denouncing any biases, please know that I've only used an A1 once before, early on in Beta. Secondly, I really prefer Autocannons and Lasers. That said, here are some of my observations:
1.) The Streak Cat rewards an aggressive play style. Streak Catters who kept back and worked the edges, in the matches I saw, didn't last very long, or do much damage.
2.) Chain-firing six Streaks causes way too much shaking. I say this from watching peoples' reactions, as well as being on the receiving end of such attacks.
3.) Using the stock engine, and with four tons of ammo, ams, and a ton of ammo for that, I wedged enough heat sinks in to basically ensure that, unless I was in the center of the caldera on Caustic Valley, I never got close to overheating.
4.) When I joined up with a few friends later this evening (who also brought out Streak Cats) the wolf-pack tactic became horrendous. Sure, it was fun, but it was also felt extremely sadistic.
5.) The best defense against Streak Cats I witnessed today was done by a Commando pilot (forgot their name, unfortunately) who shadowed me with his own Streaks and Laser combo. He waited until I was tied up with his heavier teammates, then gutted me completely.
So then, what is my verdict after running a Streak Cat for a day? They're deadly in the hands of an okay pilot, but lethal when used with a purpose. They exploit the current system fully, but without breaking it. Their main weakness lies in their ammo dependence, their weapon placement, and their effective range. I recommend either staying at range with one, or shadowing one until you can take advantage of their distraction.
Are they the perfect build? No, not really. Are they vicious when you learn how to use one? Most definitely. Like specialist predators in the animal kingdom, all it takes is observation and patience to learn how to render them completely ineffective. Good hunting!
Posted 28 November 2012 - 12:56 AM
You should try one with XL315 engine running @ 85 kph with speed tweek, more ammo and BAP.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 01:20 AM
No Mech with 64 or slower kph are able to escape a pimped Streakkat with its 85 kph. So the Tipp to get out of Range, is useless for them.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 06:22 AM
I built a streak cat a little while ago and have been working on tweaking it out. An XL315 engine makes a big difference. Your weapons are short range and most effective against smaller, faster mechs so positioning is key. If the opportunity presents itself a steak cat is also a mean base capturer. Bases tend to be fairly sheltered so if the enemy is out of position it is usually just light mechs that can get to you and they don't know what's coming until they are in missile range.
The best defence against a streak cat is range. Kill it before it gets close. Failing that, make sure that it's a heavy mech that engages it (preferably one with an AC that can core it). Since they can't control where their missiles hit it take the a while to take out heavier mechs and they will generally lose to one that can target specific parts of their mech.
The best defence against a streak cat is range. Kill it before it gets close. Failing that, make sure that it's a heavy mech that engages it (preferably one with an AC that can core it). Since they can't control where their missiles hit it take the a while to take out heavier mechs and they will generally lose to one that can target specific parts of their mech.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 07:07 AM
A streak Cat destroyed by a Commando...

Posted 28 November 2012 - 08:30 AM
Adridos, on 28 November 2012 - 07:07 AM, said:
A streak Cat destroyed by a Commando...
Not as out there as you might think. I've bagged several myself.
Not one-on-one, of course; they weigh almost three times as much, have twice the firepower and the same range.
Just hit them while they're preoccupied with ravaging one of your team-mates, and if they start looking at you get the hell away.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 08:45 AM
stjobe, on 28 November 2012 - 08:30 AM, said:
Not as out there as you might think. I've bagged several myself.
Yeah, but it's mostly becuase of the increased IQ degeneration of it's users.
With the twistrate of that thing and the fact it needs just one shot and you're doomed, even a pretty noobish player shouldn't have problems dealing with you.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 08:49 AM
I used a Streak Cat once. It was not pretty.
Looking forward to seeing the nerfhammer on the stupid things.
Looking forward to seeing the nerfhammer on the stupid things.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 08:54 AM
I've had a pretty epic 1v1 battles in my commando with an obviously "skilled" Streakapult pilot. Much ducking and juking was had around the West Base of Forest Colony. I ended up winning with fully critical internals.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 11:03 AM
Adridos, on 28 November 2012 - 08:45 AM, said:
Yeah, but it's mostly becuase of the increased IQ degeneration of it's users.
With the twistrate of that thing and the fact it needs just one shot and you're doomed, even a pretty noobish player shouldn't have problems dealing with you.
Honestly though, I laughed my *** of when I realized I'd been ganked by a Commando. We made a forward push, and all of the sudden the Atlas on our side decided to bug out and leave our push undergunned. I kept pushing forward, trying to wedge their defense. I dropped an enemy Streak Cat (which was also hilarious in its own right

What did I learn from all that? For every good Commando pilot, there are twenty bad ones.
Edited by Igorius, 28 November 2012 - 11:03 AM.
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