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#1 Tex Arcana


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 08:46 PM

Duke Nukem.
Player sucided his Mech three matches in a row. Then makes a comment along the lines of him being awesome for doing so.
As a matter of fact: Get a punishment system in the works for anyone who afk's or suicides.
One should not be firing up the game if one does not intend to play.

#2 cmopatrick


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:06 PM

fyi, name and shame threads are not supposed to be on the forums. report players you have problems with using the support email (i know, it is clunky, but that is what we have). might be worth editing the name out before the mods get into it... i know you are new to the forums, just trying to help keep you from getting on the bad side...

btw, ctd (crash to desktop), freeze frame and bsod (black screen of death) almost always now look like "afk"... if you have crashed at all since you started, you might consider that you too were someone else's "afk" annoyance... even though you had no choice in the matter. and if you haven't crashed... well... congrats, but enjoy it while it lasts, because you will if you play at all.

Edited by cmopatrick, 28 November 2012 - 09:09 PM.

#3 Talvann


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 11:48 PM

Not to jump on the bandwagon since I know we are not supposed to post players names in the forums but I have seen this specific player do this myself. Its bad enough that he does it but he does actually brag about his actions and screwing over the rest of the team at the same time.

#4 drevan105


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 12:20 AM

I mentioned this in another post, but possibly a punishment system in place would be good.
-If a player does zero damage in a match, then he/she gets no experience points or cash whatsoever.
-Furthermore, the players that commit suicide should pay half of the repair bills of all the other players (minimum) whether they win or lose.
-If a player does considerable damage to a "friendly mech" AKA "Team Killing" they will pay for the damages and get no experience or cash for being in the match.

It is bad enough with these players taking up spots in a match just to suicide. Had a match (my worst yet) where 3 committed suicide and they were all large mechs. the mechs that remained where 1 heavy, 1 medium and 3 light mechs. We died like drowning fish in a barrel getting shot at. Seriously, not fun, not fun at all.

#5 Brothastonebones


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 12:41 AM

there are system that are similar to the ones mentioned that, while not being based on punishment are rather based on reward. the players who play with teamwork and stay get accumulative bonuses while those that do not either get no bonus or enjoy a reduction to their bonus. in this game I think it would be beneficial if they get nothing more than the money necessary to repair their mech, so it can be playable but receive nothing extra. no profit.

edited for poor typing :P

Edited by Brothastonebones, 29 November 2012 - 12:43 AM.

#6 sycocys


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 04:19 AM

No name and shames as stated above - also take another 30-40 seconds to look in the forums and see we have several threads on this topic already. Help to keep things organized and discussions moving forward.

#7 Sen


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:26 AM

Name and shame aside, people are now actively running bots that are OPENLY TRANSMITTING THAT THEY ARE SUICIDE FARMING BOTS. I can't post pics, because that'd name and shame. . . but I have them. One bot even mentioned having been reported and PGI not caring.

I don't know what the reasonable fix is, but I watched this happen in about 80% of my matches yesterday [10am - 2pmish CST], various people, high latency [suggesting location] with the same start script. . most with the same general chat text.

If activity like this continues to expand, it's gonna drive away business, and NONE OF US want to see that happen.

Edited by Sen, 29 November 2012 - 05:26 AM.

#8 Hayashi


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 11:52 AM

AS they've said, N-S threads aren't allowed. Report suspected botters/suiciders/whoever who does weird stuff ingame to Support. They will take care of it from there. The Game Masters moderate ingame behaviour, none of us have the ability to.

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