Catamount, on 29 November 2012 - 07:18 AM, said:
You know, we used to see this a lot in BF2142. That game had excellent mechanics for teamwork, even for non-premades. VOIP was integrated and superbly functional, and the game generally attracted team players, so many people, if not most, were good about using them.
But here's what's significant: I saw a lot of games, and I mean a lot, where coordinated groups of mediocre shooter players who were willing to do everything necessary to win as a team, absolutely and utterly creamed uncoordinated groups of skilled lone wolves.
2142 single handed is the best model of how PUG groups can work as well as a clan.
If you divide the teams into small squads with a leader ho can give orders on the HUD of his squad, that squad will do well. Even without voip, having a super simple tactical map to give orders and radio jsut a preset few announcements (need backup, follow me, yes sir, no sir) made your PUG squad a powerhouse. Bring back the single player radio orders to bots from odler MW games. Next o betty, If I heard "Form up on me" and "Attack my target" and then my hud highlights my target, I would be tingling with immersion and teamwork prowess. Toss in a "Hold you fire" and "Weapons free" You can now organize an ambush, or sneak to the flank without having to waste time typing in teamchat. A right click in the tac map from the lance leader to make an objective appear, and a hotkey to the radio (F buttons?), you have a fully fledged MW lance in a PUG!
MW now has a touch of this with a command console, but I'm hoping the servers will eventually place PUG players into a 'lance,' and allow for simple tac-map orders to appear on the UI of your lancemates: Move here, defend here, attack here. My hope is that the command console will lose it's tonnage and space reqs as those discourage it's use, thus discourages PUG team coordination.
The BF2142 Tac map would be a perfect fit for MWO, and not force grouping to only occur in the teamspeak channels.
Edited by JadeViper, 29 November 2012 - 08:22 AM.