I was thinking about Clan tech ... and how badly people would want this ... and well generating money for PGI ....
Clan Invasion being imminent, it is really not hard to imagine that there are some traces of Clans to be found around the universe ... think of Clan Skunkworks, aftermarket or merc stuff ... some technology that is being developed ... As we all know many would sell their closest familly members for a Timberwolf or a Stormcrow ... or even a decent (larger) UAC's ... so why not use this....
Make a lottery, once a month, where players can win.. for example... a Timberwolf... that recon stumbled upon on a mission to recon an abandoned Clan testing facility .. not only that but think also of other things like "unavailable" weapons and modules.... SSRM6?
Prizes don't have to be just clan tech but can be "hero mechs" or anything desirable in the game ...
so basically ...
1. you announce a lottery and prizes...
2. players can use a button in the main menu to pay, lets say, 500MC for a ticket and join the draw... only once!
3. you randomly select winners and publish the results on the forum
4. prize is automatically added to the winners inventory...
5. for worries about P2W ... maybe the "test equipment" found could have a somewhat "lesser" stats as in real life.. for example ... Timberwolf with engine/turn rate limitation..
I dont think this should be difficult to achieve right? Lottery should be no problem ... new mechs however could be a problem - don't know how difficult it is to add them to the game...
Also I wouldn't think that this is a P2W neither ... u need a great amount of luck for this ...
So what do you think?
Edited by McScum, 30 November 2012 - 03:01 AM.