Affs Regiment List
Posted 15 September 2014 - 06:56 PM
*mutters* *eyes the stack of paperwork*
Scorpions set to Merc status.
66th Avalon Hussars added to the list.
Off to the officers club for some Timbique Dark
Posted 28 September 2014 - 11:52 PM
Strata Merc Corp.
French unit
Web : http://forum.stratagame.net/
Recruting : Active
Posted 02 October 2014 - 11:34 AM
Might be handy to list the unit commander, and if you are on a public TS3, to list this too.
Good hunting!
Posted 03 October 2014 - 05:42 PM
Posted 06 October 2014 - 08:35 PM
UNIT: The Silent Seventh
WEB: http://thesilentseventh.enjin.com/
Small but Active
Recruiting is Open
Posted 09 October 2014 - 03:42 PM
Btw its always handed for groups to tell what TS3 they are on, unless its a secret off course and you may only know after you handed over your soul and signed in blood

Posted 29 October 2014 - 06:53 PM
casual group of players
we welcome pilots of all ages and skill levels
We are a pro Fox unit
Posted 30 October 2014 - 05:10 PM
Changes to HHRCT
Unit: HeadHunters Regimental Combat Team
Unit: HeadHunters Phoenix Guard
RCO: DarkBringer
RXO: Top Heavy
Unit: HeadHunters Marlette Military Militia
RCO: DemonicKilla
RXO: KillaCrome
Unit: HeadHunters Remagen Regiments
WEB: http://www.headhunters-rct.com/ http://www.hhrct.com/
***: Any Questions or to get any info contact Dark Bringer at darkbringer@headhunters-rct.com
***: Main House Davion TeamSpeak Server - Back Up vs24.tserverhq.com:7041
***: (Active)
Edited by DarkBringer, 01 November 2014 - 08:02 AM.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 01:25 AM
Mountain Wolf Renegades, added to the list.
Edited by Qin, 03 November 2014 - 01:31 AM.
Posted 04 November 2014 - 11:49 AM
CO: Superman1980 & Longshank
XO: Aodh
Website: hells-legion.enjin.com
TS3: Hells-Legion.enjinvoice.com
Contact: nikaodhmwo@gmail.com
Please point us in the general direction of Cappies and Dracs....will exterminate with EXTREME prejudice!
Posted 10 November 2014 - 09:05 AM
Unit: Knight Wardens
Tag: TKW
C-CO: Brew E
MWO-LT: LTG Renner
WEB: knightwardens.enjin.com
Status: Active
Recruiting: Yes
Comms: private and Davion TS server
Posted 10 November 2014 - 01:41 PM
My Mercenary Unit is still debating from which House to accept our first contract... but the Boss is a Davion Homer so I believe the bantering is so that we all feel included in his eventual decision to bring the Unit to the Federated Suns. It is just a matter of time.
The rolls of Davion might are wide and deep indeed... hopefully soon we'll see Davion efforts to attract and retain Mercenary (RSOI) as well as House planning efforts to cover down on all windows of combat to seize future Davion prizes and of course for defensive efforts of Davion Home Worlds. Different Units by their nature and planning will excel at either Glorious Offensive Tactics or Heroic Defensive Tactics (with Drop Decks build to take advantage of either style of combat, and Company synergies geared toward realizing Mission-unique, significant advantage.)
A modicum of planning now will permit line MechWarriors the opportunity to begin laying in the duplicates, triplicates or more of those expensive modules now so that each of our Mechs can be individually equipped with all that will be needed. Even the purchasing and outfitting of multiple Mechs of the same Chassis... whatever it takes to field a MechWarrior in the equipment he/she needs to best support Unit/House objectives.
I look forward to monitoring future Davion CW efforts as I am in part responsible for evaluation of House forces in order to best position my Mercenary Unit for the coming conflict.
Good Hunting, meet you on the High Ground!
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 10 November 2014 - 01:44 PM.
Posted 25 November 2014 - 04:43 PM
Unit: Warpigs Mercenary Co.
RCO: RoughKnight
RXO: Dark Fawkes
Website: www.warpigs.ca
***: (Active)
Comms: Teamspeak (NGNG & Private Server)
TwitchTV: WarpigMC
Language: English
Timezone: MST, CST, EST, & PST
Recruiting: Currently actively recruiting.
Casual, Competitive and Community Warfare based unit. Always a good time, always recruiting!
The following link (http://1stcetihussars.enjin.com/) requires relocation or removal. This link does not belong to us.
BGen. RoughKnight
Edited by RoughKnight, 25 November 2014 - 04:45 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 02:58 PM
The Templar Mercenary Corps (http://templarmercen....enjin.com/home) will be supporting you in the first wave of Community Warfare!
We are a MWO only guild, solely focused on succeeding at Community Warfare, utilizing full 12man teams.
If you a Davion Community Leader, I would love the chance to start opening up communications so we can better focus our CW efforts.
If you are a pilot, we encourage you to enlist in our ranks. There is no ELO in CW. Only Full 12man Coordinated Team(s) will have the greatest advantage in battle... We hope House Davion will join us in success!
Santanico Pandamonium
GM of the Templars Merc Corps
Edited by Santanico Pandamonium, 26 November 2014 - 02:58 PM.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 10:48 AM
CO: AztecD
WEB: http://aztecas.enjin.com/
***: (Active)
Timezone PST
Recruting : Not at the moment
Mexican Unit, Spanish, English
Edited by AztecD, 17 December 2014 - 10:49 AM.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 03:55 PM
CO: Hase36,
XO: Phellan_Kell, Imigo Montoya (Chiefdiplomat)
WEB: http://wuuu.enjin.com
Timezone UTC+1
Recruting : yes
German Unit
Posted 19 December 2014 - 03:25 PM
RCO: Spoo Hunter
RXO: MichaelAAF
Status: Active
Recruiting: Limited
Comms: C3
Timezone: UTC+10
We are a small unit from the Ancient Arts Fellowship dark ages re-enactment group (www.aaf.org.au). Currently we are only recruiting from the AAF and perhaps other Australian re-enactment groups.
Posted 24 December 2014 - 05:14 AM
RCO: WBCReaper
Website: TBA
***: (Active)
Comms: Teamspeak (House Davion)
TwitchTV: pmcaceman
Language: English
Timezone: MST, CST, EST, & PST
Recruiting: Currently actively recruiting.
Casual, Competitive and Community Warfare based unit. Always a good time, always recruiting!
Edited by WBCReaper, 24 December 2014 - 10:30 AM.
Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:00 AM
You can remove this entry:
Unit: Davion Guards - Knightmare Company
C-CO: CAPT Calon Farstar
C-XO: 1st LT Baelcros Weathers
Web: None yet
Coms: Ventrio private server/Getting on davion TS3 server soon.
This unit disbanded(never really formed fully) and all its pilots joined the Aces Wild over a year ago. A unit I noticed was not on your list.
CO: Colonel 100Mile
The roster tab on the enjin site has the break down of the regiment and company commanders.
Calon Farstar
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