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Affs Regiment List

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#1 Qin


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 06:59 PM

The goal of this thread is to get a list of all the Regiments out there that wish to fight for the Federated Suns.
This should give those wishing to start their own Regiment an idea about what names are already in use by the various groups that are out there. And give people who wish to eventually join an already established regiment somewhere to look.

Minimum listing of Regiment name, the CO/XO, How to get into contact.

Might also want to list things like websites/forums, other games your active in, Regimental History etc etc.


Took the info in the post of this thread and made it into a list, ill try to keep it updated when more info gets added.
Keep in mind this is not a list of who has the ultimate rights on regiments in game, as we have totally no idea how regiments and ownership if any is going to be in game.

*EDIT 2*

List split up into active and those who's status is unknown. If any of those units are still active please let me know and ill update them on the list.


Unit: 1st Blackburn's Raiders "Jolly Rogers"
RCO: Jack Gallows
RXO: Major Azantia Sandoval
WEB: http://www.blackburn...iders.enjin.com
***: (Active)

Unit: 1st Ceti Hussars
RCO: SgtDoughnut
RXO: Dermot
Web: http://1stcetihussars.enjin.com/
VOIP: Privite Teamspeak
Now Recruiting Members of an adult age (Over 18...Sorry Junior) both male and female. This Group is not recommended for the easily offended. (We get heated and competitive at times)
We are community of adults ages in the 20s to the 30s whom play several games together our most recent venture being MWO.
Our goal is to to 8 man premades and eventually 12 man premades when the cap is raised

Unit: 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry
RCO: Longbow
RXO: WhitePhoenix
WEB: www.1FSAC.net
***: (Active)

Unit: 1st HeadHunters of Davion Regimental Combat Team
RCT-CO: Aylward
RCT-XO: Iron
Unit: HHoD 1st Regiment
RCO: Angus
RXO: Burner
Unit: HHoD 2nd Regiment
RCO: Aylward
RXO: Iron
WEB: http://www.hhod.com
WEB: mwo.enjin.com
***: aylward@hhod.com - iron@hhod.com
***: TeamSpeak Server ts3.hhod.com:7345
***: (Active)

Unit: 1st Kestrel Grenadiers
RCO: Nightsniper
RXO: Quinn
WEB: 1stkestrelgrenadiers.com
***: (Active)

Unit: 186 Wolf Hounds [186]
CO: BushmasterTD
XO: Havokain
Web: N/A
Comms: Teamspeak3
Language: English
Time Zones: Any CST mainly
Active: Yes (Casual)
Unit Motto: Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.
Very small unit, just sitting at 5 members currently. Casual player base very welcome. CO and XO been playing since early BETA.

Unit: 2nd Heavy Continental Lanciers "The Centaurs"
RCO: Sealord
RXO: X52
***: (Active)
Timezone is UTC/GMT +1 (or +2 in summer)

Unit: 22nd Argyle Lancers
RCO: CMetz
RXO: StillRadioactive
WEB: 22ndargylelancers.enjin.com
COM: TeamSpeak: Private, coming 1/10/14
***: (Active)
Recruiting: Yes
Time Zone: Eastern US
We are forming the regiment now and looking for a solid group of men and women to join us. Its a laid back group, and we are looking for people across all US and Canadian time zones. Check out our website for more info.

Unit: 286th Highlander Dragoons
C-CO: Cale MacKenna
C-XO: TheBaron001
WEB: 286th Highlander Dragoons Command
Status: Active
Recruiting: Yes
Comms: Davion TS3:

4th Cavalry Division [4CAV]
CO: General Sachiko Ravenwater
XO: Brigadier General Smokey2
Web: http://4thCavalryDivision.enjin.com
Comms: Have a TS3 server but having DNS issues. Applied for TS3 server on Davion-AFFS server.
Timezones: All
Active: Semi (still recruiting active players)
Unit Motto: Any battle plan can succeed if those who plan it have the courage to admit when their wrong.

We're a fairly new unit, but is quickly growing. Currently have 25 members and looking for more. We admire the spirit of House Davion and will fight the clans tooth an nail to protect our commonwealth.

Unit: 501.Kampfregiment / 501.Battlegroup
RXO: Krypta
WEB: http://www.deadly-nerv-assicence.de
Status: Active
Recruiting: Yes
Comms: Davion TS3:
Language: German

Unit: 6th Davion Guard
RCO: Mick Davion
WEB: sites.google.com/site/6thdavionguard/
Timezone: GMT+10, Sydney, Australia
**: (Active)

Unit: 66th Avalon Hussars
RCO: chaas
RXO: Legioxx
Web: http://www.66thAvalonHussars.com
Recruit thread: http://mwomercs.com/...avalon-hussars/
We are recruiting.
We have channels on the House Davion ts server.
email contact: recruits@66thAvalonHussars.com

Unit: 8th Davion Guards [8DG]
CO: Rip Snorgan
XO: 3xnihilo
XO: Brimbooze
Web: N/A
Comms: N/A
Language: English
Time Zones: Any (Currently EST and PST)
Active: Yes (Casual)
Unit Motto: Don't be an Ass!

We are a lore based unit composed of a small handful of casual, but active, gamers/Battletech fans, who try to balance the full plate of daily real life responsibilities, with the strong desire to crush our enemies under the metal feet of our mechs. We are dedicated Loyalists to House Davion and the Federated Suns, and at least half of us have Locust-fever, and all of us have a propensity for craft beer and finely brewed coffee.

We hope sometime to join some of our fellow Davion units in CW drops as friends and allies, especially if it means kicking the Clans back beyond the Far Periphery!

Unit: Boondock Highlanders
RCO: Tyr Sallus
RXO: Barjona
Website: Boondock Highlanders
C3 VOIP channel: Boondock Highlanders
***: (Active)

Unit: C4
RCO: Rashhaverak and Asaru
RXO: Crey Rivers
Website: http://c4mercs.enjin.com
Time Zone: Eastern and EU
About us: Our group ranges from mid 20's to 40's, our style is somewhat laid-back, and our language is colorful. Most of our US members usually play after six on weekdays and at all times throughout the weekends and holidays. We also have a growing EU contingent.
***: (Active)

Unit: Davion Guards - Knightmare Company
C-CO: CAPT Calon Farstar
C-XO: 1st LT Baelcros Weathers
Web: None yet
Coms: Ventrio private server/Getting on davion TS3 server soon.

Unit: Davion Heavy Guard RCT
RCO: Taemien "Parias"
WEB: http://davionheavyguards.shivtr.com/
***: http://davionheavygu...ivtr.com/forums
***: (Active)

Unit : Davion Light Guard
RCO: CaptainWhitey
RXO: Unionjak
Web : http://www.vbf-12.com/DLG/
Timezone: Eastern
Just getting started, we mainly use Light and Medium mechs... contact email is vbf_12@hotmail.com
***: (Active)

Unit: Davion Royal House Guards
RCO: Mr Everything
RXO: Pereset
Website: http://DavionRoyals.Enjin.com
Timezones: International
1st BN European
2nd BN Western US
3rd BN Eastern US
We accept new and veterans alike, we are Very active, We train new Members in our basics.
We have a Private TS3 server and would love to have you visit our website and read more.


Unit: The Ebonheart Dragoons
CO: CPT Dreden Aelnir
XO: 1LT Scorch454
Web: http://sorshiaspie.enjin.com/home
Coms: Private Mumble
Language: English
Time Zone: Eastern US
Active: Yes
Recruiting: Yes (http://sorshiaspie.e...com/recruitment)
MWO Page: http://mwomercs.com/...eking-recruits/

Unit: HeadHunters Regimental Combat Team
Unit: HeadHunters Phoenix Guard
RCO: DarkBringer
RXO: Top Heavy
Unit: HeadHunters Marlette Military Militia
RCO: DemonicKilla
RXO: KillaCrome
Unit: HeadHunters Remagen Regiments
WEB: http://www.headhunters-rct.com/


***: Any Questions or to get any info contact Dark Bringer at darkbringer@headhunters-rct.com
***: Main House Davion TeamSpeak Server - Back Up vs24.tserverhq.com:7041
***: (Active)

HeadHunters Grim Determination RCT
RCT-CO: Gen. Aahz
RCT-XO: Col. T91
Web: www.HHGD-AFFS.com
TS3: vs26.tserverhq.com:7342
Recruiting: http://mwomercs.com/...-determination/

Unit: Hell's Legion
RCO: Superman1980 & Longshank
RXO: Aodh
WEB: hells-legion.enjin.com
TS3: Hells-Legion.enjinvoice.com
Contact: nikaodhmwo@gmail.com

Unit: The High Guard
RCO: Turtlesrun
Drop commanders: Youngbull1980, DogTagDamo, Gorfell
WEB: http://thehighguard.shivtr.com
***: (Active)
We're an active gaming community that are play a variety of games, with long and old BT/MW fan base and are hitting MWO big. Looking to recruit new members into the ranks.

[u]Unit: Knight Wardens[/u]
C-CO: Brew E
MWO-LT: LTG Renner
WEB: knightwardens.enjin.com
Status: Active
Recruiting: Yes
Comms: private and Davion TS server

[u]Unit: Mountain Wolf Renegades (MWR)[/u]
WEB: http://mountainwolfrenegades.webs.com/


***: (Active)
we welcome pilots of all ages and skill levels
casual group of players
We are a pro Fox unit

[u]UNIT: New Zion Defense League[/u]
CO: Orion Starion
XO: Capt Michael Webster 1st STG
Status: Semi-Active
Recruiting: Yes
Time Zone: US Mountain
Web/Team Speak: none currently

The NZDL is a long standing Davion affiliated mercenary unit tasked with the defense of New Aberdeen (New Zion), Bergman's Planet and Harrow's End as well as independent contracting. (Long time RP unit from the earliest days of BattleDroids.) The unit's beginnings on New Zion (settled 2198) occured during the 1st Succession War. The New Zion massacre was much smaller than Kentares IV, resulting in only 20% (around 1 million souls) of the planet's population being killed but it galvanized the defenders into forming the first NZDL unit which eventually pushed Kurita forces from the planet in 2797 with Davion military assistance. Rather than join the AFFS, the Defense League chose to remain independent in order to fight oppression and evil where it was to be found in the Inner Sphere. They have however maintained a permanent defense/garrison contract for the New Zion cluster.

We are permanently contracted to Davion in the CW setting.

[u]Unit: The Scorpion Alliance[/u]
(Mercenary Command)
RCT-CO: LordRush
RCT-XO: Bobbagels
WEB: http://www.scorpionguild.net
***: (Active)

[u]Unit: TOG Irregulars[/u]
CO: White Bear 84
XO: Spiritwalken
Comms: Private TS (Also keep tabs on Davion channels & RRB channels)
Language: English
Time Zone: Mostly AEST
Active: Yes
Website: (Public Forum) http://www.theolderg...warrior-public/
NB: Division forum requires sign up.
Recruiting: Yes (http://mwomercs.com/...tog-irregulars/)

[u]Unit: Robinson Rangers Brigade[/u]
RCO: Gregory Twilight "Zombie"
RXO: Dnarvel
WEB: http://rrb.enjin.com/
***: (Active)

[u]UNIT: The Silent Seventh[/u]
WEB: http://thesilentseventh.enjin.com/
Small but Active
Recruiting is Open
***: (Active)

[u]Unit: Strata Merc Corp. (S.M.C.)[/u]
RXO: Kalmoa
WEB: http://forum.stratagame.net/
***: (Active)
Recruting : Active
French unit.
Embacy : Coryphée, and Tearounet
Our TS is private but we'll be on the davion TS (GMT+1 time).

[u]Unit: Warpigs Mercenary Co.[/u]
RCO: RoughKnight
RXO: Dark Fawkes
Website: www.warpigs.ca
***: (Active) : Teamspeak (NGNG, Comstar & Private Server)
TwitchTV: WarpigMC

Language: English
Timezone: MST, CST, EST, & PST
Recruiting: Currently actively recruiting.
Casual, Competitive and Community Warfare based unit. Always a good time, always recruiting!

[u]No longer active:[/u]

[u]Unit: Wolves of Vehemence[/u]
RCO: Çòmppróß237
RXO: Lord Dio
Timezones: PST to CST. Usually evenings.
About Us: We're a very small, tight-knit group of friends. We have varying skill levels and knowledge of battletech/mechwarrior but are willing to help any new players get started.
WEB: Forum Thread & http://compprob.no-ip.org./
***: (Active)
Recruiting: YES


Edited by Qin, 09 June 2015 - 09:19 PM.

#2 Andrew Osis


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 07:01 PM

Good idea boss :)

#3 Grafix TM


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 07:17 PM

Hmmm... I wonder if I still have those Davion Unit files lying around.... Hmmmm...

- Capellan March
* Kittery PDZ
* New Syrtis PDZ
* Valexa PDZ

- Crucis March
* Islamabad Combat Region (CR)
* New Avalon CR
* Point Barrow CR

- Draconis March
* Dahar PDZ
* Kiborune PDZ
* Mayetta PDZ

- Edgeward March
* Anjin Muerto PDZ
* Broken Wheel PDZ
* Warren PDZ

- Terran Corridor
* Addicks PDZ
* Le Blanc PDZ
* Marlette PDZ

Yep.... Think I still have those :)

#4 Radagast


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Posted 04 November 2011 - 06:42 AM

Posted Image
1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry
The latest info is at the link below my Signature, as far as history, CO and such. Website is back up and
can be found here: www.1fsac.com

Lft. Radagast

Edited by radagast, 07 November 2011 - 04:55 AM.

#5 Paladin1


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Posted 04 November 2011 - 10:52 AM

Count me in for the 33rd Avalon Hussars!

Posted Image

Edited by Paladin1, 04 November 2011 - 10:55 AM.

#6 Aylward


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 08:13 AM

The HeadHunters of Davion will be there.. (RCO: Aylward [aylward@hhod.com], RXO: Iron [iron@hhod.com])

#7 XMenSF


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 08:43 PM

glad to see the old HH & other groups coming out of the wood work again !!!

#8 Smooch


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 04:23 AM

<Bows deeply to XMen> Welcome back!!

#9 UrinalCake


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 05:49 AM

~S~ Reporting for duty ~S~

#10 Bishop L


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 06:10 PM

If I can't restart the Bravos I willbe returning to Davion space. I am moderately skilled in most mechs in the 35t~50t range. My experience is well suited to Recon/Support roles.

Bishop Bradley signing out!

#11 Semyon Drakon


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 07:12 PM

I'm a skilled commander at up to battalion level across all weight classes and a very good heavy mech pilot. Point me in a direction and I will serve.

Semyon Drakon,

#12 Knt Maverick


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 07:54 PM

::: faint rustling behind a cracked closet door ::: "Where the HECK is my gear??!!... My Helmet, gloves, boots??!! Any of it? It's bad enough my Jenner F is in major need of an overhaul and all the rust to be kick out the joints... but.. please tell me I still have my pilot gear too..."

Don't count me absent yet... I need to get my "tail-end" back into shape for this.

I'm curious as to the exact details of how they're pulling off this new setup. I personally fell in love with the concept that was approached with the MPBT:3025 system.
Looking forward to seeing all on the inside. And finally get'n back in the cockpit of some of my more favorite mechs.

DEATH before DisHONOR!!

Knt. Maverick -<SCORPIONS>- 17th Avalon Hussars

Edited by Knt.Maverick, 08 November 2011 - 07:54 PM.

#13 Gregorri Davion


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 05:03 AM

If I can get all my friends to play (and why wouldnt they!) I'll be forming the 1st Crucis Lancers. If the 1st is already spoken for then ill take one of the other Lancer units that is not spoken for already.

UPDATE: Ok so the group of guys I was forming the unit with are not going to be playing much if at all so strike the 1st Crucis Lancers from the active roster.

Edited by Gregorri Davion, 18 January 2013 - 03:55 PM.

#14 Barantor


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 03:07 PM

What happens if we are only allowed to create merc units and not use any canon unit designations?

Edited by Barantor, 22 November 2011 - 03:07 PM.

#15 Redburn


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Posted 23 November 2011 - 03:23 PM

If no one else objects, and if it becomes available, I'd like to reserve the "89th Dragoons Regiment" under AFFS. Will post/edit with web link as soon as this becomes a reality. Just getting my claim in now ... So to speak. Or, at least go on the record as requesting the name.

Edited by Redburn, 04 December 2011 - 12:03 PM.

#16 Toto


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Posted 24 November 2011 - 05:19 AM

7th Crucis Lancers ready to rumble !!!

#17 Luger II


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 07:42 AM

А русских берёте?

#18 Pappy


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 08:14 AM

1st Robinson Rangers checking in

Co Joshua Hailey callsign pappy
Xo Skip Burns
Website in process

#19 WMC Gomez


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 10:31 PM

I am not sure who I will be able to get back, but the Warpig Mercenary Company is reporting for duty.

Fear the Moo!!!!!!!!!

#20 LordRush


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 11:46 PM

Wow! Some old names right there! Pappy and Gomez, Welcome Home!


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