Official Communication From The Primus Of Comstar!
Posted 24 January 2013 - 08:12 AM
Posted 27 February 2013 - 04:47 PM
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:47 PM
Primus of ComStar, on 30 November 2012 - 02:29 PM, said:
As you're all well aware, there have been bots, hacking and attempts to defraud the ComStar Bills monetary systems through multiple channels. ComStar cannot, and will not let this happen and have ordered the Com Guards to eliminate any so called ‘mercenaries’ daring to do so. Their BattleMechs will be melted down and forged into UrbanMechs.
If you're aware of any plot against ComStar, do not hesitate to send any screenshots or proof you might have to our support team of ComGuards, as they are the first source of information for our army to track down the traitors.
Primus of ComStar
Lord of Terra
Defender of the Inner Sphere
Wielder of the BanHammer.
Does this mean we're going to get UrbanMechs soon? Because there are plenty of botters, and therefore plenty of materials to make them with. :3
Posted 02 March 2013 - 05:30 AM
Ram71, on 27 February 2013 - 04:47 PM, said:
They failed to implement a mouse sensitivity adjustment option.. This is a basic option that most every game has. And what people change is not one ounce of code invovled.. It's a variable setting which is an adjustable number meant to be changed as nessicary.
People adjust thier mouse setting in game because other wise they have to adjust the windows mouse speeds sooo slow that it becomes difficult to navigate the windows desktop after leaving game. It requires multiple swipe and lifts to move around.. and forget about trying to click and drag something in this state.
I dont know about u but i like my mouse pad 5 inches by 7 inches, Not a 4 foot by 8 foot sheet of plywood. A simple easy number adjustment solves this problem until they can sit down and write the lines of code that give us a slider in game that changes this variable for us.
Posted 03 March 2013 - 05:45 PM
Posted 04 March 2013 - 05:23 PM
Geadron Kane, on 03 March 2013 - 05:45 PM, said:
This. I've seen a few folks lately that will literally run halfway through the map and then run in circles until they die. Often in an ECM-equipped raven or cicada just to make things more difficult.
They ALWAYS run to the exact halfway point of the map before they start their circle -- clearly a bot of some sort. And they always finish the map with 0/0/0. Any accounts that consistently have this kind of stat should be flagged and at least temp-banned if nothing changes 10 matches later.
At least, that's my opinion. With the advent of the Training Grounds coming soon, there's little-to-no "But i'm trying out new settings and they're all buggy" excuse left.
Posted 04 March 2013 - 05:25 PM
(new post here: http://mwomercs.com/...esting-grounds/ )
Here's hoping that functionality works its way into the multiplayer environment as well. Or even some way to filter maps.
Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:46 PM
Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:53 PM
Arguss10, on 29 March 2013 - 04:46 PM, said:
I crash at least once or twice a day myself.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 03:57 AM
AvatarofWhat, on 30 November 2012 - 02:55 PM, said:
I wouldn't worry about her, she gets assassinated by Frederick Steiner

AvatarofWhat, on 30 November 2012 - 02:55 PM, said:
I wouldn't worry about her, she gets assassinated by Frederick Steiner

Posted 16 April 2013 - 10:10 AM
Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:47 AM
JadePanther, on 02 March 2013 - 05:30 AM, said:
They failed to implement a mouse sensitivity adjustment option.. This is a basic option that most every game has. And what people change is not one ounce of code invovled.. It's a variable setting which is an adjustable number meant to be changed as nessicary.
People adjust thier mouse setting in game because other wise they have to adjust the windows mouse speeds sooo slow that it becomes difficult to navigate the windows desktop after leaving game. It requires multiple swipe and lifts to move around.. and forget about trying to click and drag something in this state.
I dont know about u but i like my mouse pad 5 inches by 7 inches, Not a 4 foot by 8 foot sheet of plywood. A simple easy number adjustment solves this problem until they can sit down and write the lines of code that give us a slider in game that changes this variable for us.
Im gussing it would mess up the difference between different chassis
Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:51 AM
Primus of ComStar, on 30 November 2012 - 02:29 PM, said:
As you're all well aware, there have been bots, hacking and attempts to defraud the ComStar Bills monetary systems through multiple channels. ComStar cannot, and will not let this happen and have ordered the Com Guards to eliminate any so called ‘mercenaries’ daring to do so. Their BattleMechs will be melted down and forged into UrbanMechs.
If you're aware of any plot against ComStar, do not hesitate to send any screenshots or proof you might have to our support team of ComGuards, as they are the first source of information for our army to track down the traitors.
Primus of ComStar
Lord of Terra
Defender of the Inner Sphere
Wielder of the BanHammer.
can i have one of the urbanmechs? PWEASE?
Posted 05 May 2013 - 01:23 PM

Here is some quotes from his upcoming book:
Phelan Kell 83, on 02 January 2013 - 12:10 PM, said:
Page 262
Congratulations Primus Of Comstar. You just officially gave every Clan player that plays MWO and was planning on playing with the Clan Omni-mechs in a year or two the worst reason imaginable out of every possible reason you could have given us to boycott MWO and then tell all our Clan buddies to boycott MWO.
Primus Of Comstar do me a favor please. Go do some research, and find out whether most of the players who are disconnecting before being killed are Clanners or Inner Sphere players. I will tell you right now Primus that I know for a fact that around 80% of the players who are disconnecting before being killed are doing it for the same reason that I have been doing it. We Clanners believe in honorable combat/Zellbrigen, so much so, that we would rather commit suicide then allow a dishonorable warrior/warriors the honor/privileges of killing us.
If you do some research Primus you will see that 8 out of 10 of the MWO players who are disconnecting before being killed, we aren't doing it for money or experience or for our stats, we are doing it cuz the Inner Sphere players are fighting like Dezgra, they are ganging up on a enemy mech 5 on 1 or they are mass LRM barraging Commandos or using other dishonorable fighting tactics.
"You are a pitiful coward Major Adam Steiner! Trial or no trial, I will not dishonor myself by wasting ammunition on you!" - Star Colonel Nicolai Malthus
Now then, if you were to do some research Primus, you would also realize that in the very few instances where the opposing teams have fought honorably and they have honored Zellbrigen, we Clan players have not only fought to the death without ever disconnecting, but additionally, We Clan MWO players actually salute whatever opponent defeats us in all chat whenever we are defeated honorably. If we Clan MWO players are defeated honorably, we say things in all chat like, "I salute your skill!", or, "You just showed everyone on the battlefield who is the better mechwarrior, it is you!"
Way to go Primus, way to alienate pretty much every Clan player in the battletech community. I will be sure to tell all my Clan gaming buddies that I play Classic Battletech with to read your post. You pretty much just guaranteed that a sizeable portion of the Battletech Community will want nothing to do with MWO. First you MWO moderators say you are still considering implementing 3rd person view in the game after pretty much everyone in your poll told you they didn't want 3rd person view added, now you post something which is guaranteed to alienate pretty much the entire Clan player base, tell me something MWO moderators, you do want to make money right?
Phelan Kell 83, on 02 January 2013 - 12:10 PM, said:
Page 2526
You guys are making yourselves look like complete idiots when you make these comments about the Clans, the clans fighting one star vs two lances of inner sphere mechs has absolutely nothing to do with them proving how great of warriors they are. No matter how the odds are stacked, Zellbrigen states that Clan fighting should only be 1 on 1 combat and that a Clan Warrior can not engage any target that is already engaged unless that opponent violates Zellbrigen first. Even in Clan Trials Of Position, the person undergoing the Trial Of Position fights one opponent at a time, if he shoots a second mech even by accident, he automatically loses the trial. If you must know, the reason the Clans bid lesser amounts of forces has absolutely nothing to do with proving what badasses they are, Clanners believe in doing whats in the best interest of the entire Clan as a whole, Clanners never think of doing whats in their personal best interests, also, the Clans do not believe in wasting valuable resources when they don't have to, the Clans are very resource conscious. Additionally, the reason why Clan units do not suicide when Inner Sphere forces violate Zellbrigen and fight dishonorably, is because when Inner Sphere forces have the audacity/stupidity to violate Zellbrigen in battle, we Clanners immediately deploy everything we have into the fight to massacre the Dezgra and make an example out of them, or in rare instances such as EDO TURTLE BAY and ROMULUS, we actually go a step further, we evacuate our forces from the planet, and we bombard the planet from orbit with our Warships and we turn the entire planet into radioactive rubble till its rivers and oceans boil and no life will be able to inhabit that world for hundreds of years, we turn the whole planet into chernobyl to make an example out of that planets populace for the rest of the Inner Sphere to see.
Now then, in the only victories or draws/ties that the Inner Sphere accomplished against the Clans, most notably Tukaiyadd, and even on Tukaiyadd Clan Wolf still successfully took both their objectives, those Comstar/Inner Sphere forces who won their battles were wise enough to declare Trials/Batchalls before the battle even began, and, after battle commenced, they Honored Zellbrigen, and so as a result of the fact that they honored Zellbrigen, the Inner Sphere/Comstar forces had a legitamate chance to win, and they just so happened to win the battles. There was one Comstar Army however, I forget what army it was, which was foolish/arrogant enough to violate Zellbrigen on Tukaiyadd, and, well, lemme put it to you this way, the Comstar Commander who violated Zellbrigen on Tukaiyadd, after he realized he had brought the opposing Clans wrath down on his army, and he realized that the enemy Clan force was going to make an example out of his army, he opened communications with the enemy Clan Commander and he said, "I was the one who ordered my men to violate Zellbrigen, I beg of you, spare my men and let them live, if you want you can do whatever you want with me.", and the Clan Commander immediately responded by saying "NEG! THEY WILL ALL DIE!" and the Comstar commander who was completely shocked asked, "Why? Why are you going to kill them? They were just obeying my orders." and the Clan Commander responded "BECAUSE YOU ASKED US TO SPARE THEM!". The best two examples of what I am saying are the battle of Coventry and the battle of Wolcott, on Coventry the battle quickly got out of hand and turned into a stalemate due to the fact that the Fed-Com Commander was foolish enough to fire Arrow IV artillery against Clan Omni-mechs before they had even engaged anybody, the Jade Falcon Commander responded by throwing everything she had at her disposal onto the planet and by bringing her own artillery into the fight due to the fact that the Fed-Com forces on Coventry were stupid enough to violate Zellbrigen by using artillery. Later after Prince Victor Steiner Davion finally arrived on Coventry, he gave Clan Jade Falcon the right to leave Coventry by granting the Jade Falcons "HEGIRA". If Prince Victor hadn't granted HEGIRA, the fight would have gone on for several months. At Wolcott, The Draconis Combine intelligently used a Batchall and Zellbrigen to win the battle.
Now then, if you must know why I am disconnecting, and not fighting to my last breath against the Dezgra I fight, it is because unlike the Paper Battletech games that I play, I don't have the luxory of bringing an entire Galaxy worth of Clan Omnimechs/Omnifighters/Elementals/Protomechs onworld when the Inner Sphere Dezgra I am fighting are foolish enough to violate Zellbrigen and they force me to make an example out of them.

Oh just so you guys know, I have given my Wife my MWO account. I plan on possibly coming back to MWO when the Clans are added. If you guys see Phelan Kell 83 in game it is more than likely my wife playing.
Edited by TB Xiomburg, 05 May 2013 - 01:34 PM.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 01:08 PM
Arguss10, on 29 March 2013 - 04:46 PM, said:
I don't think these innocent incidents will be the issue it is the Stats that will identify the abusers.
As someone mentioned earlier if the 0/0/0 suicide farmer stats don't change in a certain amount of rounds or something then that would obviously be a bot, identifiable.
Find a pattern, Identify it and do the proper thing.
People crashing, quitting after getting blown up, real life interference requires quitting, etc etc any of these should obviously be non-issue. I see a lot of people quit in the very beginning of the match before it even starts and I assume it is because they don't want to play alpine for the 5th time in a row, or at least that is what I have seen people state. Should the people who don't want to play the same map or a certain map be punished? I don't think so, only exploiters. A clear line must be established to avoid abusing consumers.
Honestly I prefer the proactive approach if possible, detect third party software that interferes with the games memory stream and tamper down on that, like I said, if possible. Otherwise the only real way is stat tracking, screen shots and admin identification and certification that the person isn't innocent ~ the nice thing about the proactive approach is you need less staff but the bad thing is you need more programming and some is only theoretical (people tend to not like free games scanning ram "for cheats" but if you look in the ToS of many very popular mainstream free to play games, they all say they do just that.).
Edited by karoushi, 17 May 2013 - 01:15 PM.
Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:38 PM
karoushi, on 17 May 2013 - 01:08 PM, said:
They would have to implement in-game VOIP otherwise teamspeak would be flagged. I would prefer this since it eliminates the possibility of players having a mole on the other team calling out their team's position on the TS channel and allow easy communication for all players, not just game clans.
Posted 20 May 2013 - 02:45 PM
AntharPrime, on 18 May 2013 - 07:38 PM, said:
They would have to implement in-game VOIP otherwise teamspeak would be flagged. I would prefer this since it eliminates the possibility of players having a mole on the other team calling out their team's position on the TS channel and allow easy communication for all players, not just game clans.
I'd still use TS/Vent over in game voice, I've played several games with built in VOIP and it is horrible, especially ones with lots of random puggers that drop in and out and scream/talk nonsense over coms. Its ok to shoot the breeze with a bunch of people you know on TS while playing a round, but all the random chatter then sometimes people that grief over VOIP to be total dicks... Yeah.
Posted 29 May 2013 - 02:15 PM

Posted 04 June 2013 - 05:54 AM
Primus of ComStar, on 30 November 2012 - 02:29 PM, said:
As you're all well aware, there have been bots, hacking and attempts to defraud the ComStar Bills monetary systems through multiple channels. ComStar cannot, and will not let this happen and have ordered the Com Guards to eliminate any so called ‘mercenaries’ daring to do so. Their BattleMechs will be melted down and forged into UrbanMechs.
If you're aware of any plot against ComStar, do not hesitate to send any screenshots or proof you might have to our Support Team of ComGuards, as they are the first source of information for our army to track down the traitors.
Be sure to provide the following information:
-Time/date (and time zone)
-Mech used
-List of offending players
Primus of ComStar
Lord of Terra
Defender of the Inner Sphere
Wielder of the BanHammer.
I'll like this even if you do, slander the Great Mecha God Urban
Less heresy, on a serious matter

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