Vlad Ward, on 01 December 2012 - 12:52 PM, said:
Unfortunately, sometimes it just doesn't matter what you do. Some people just hate so blindly and so vigorously that they'll turn on you at the drop of a hat if they know you're one of the "Premade scum". So please, don't fault some groups for getting tired of taking friendly fire or less friendly trashtalk from their teammates. Even if it only happens one game in 10 or 20, each experience is more than sufficient to sour the rest. A few bad apples spoil the bunch and all that.
I suppose that feeling is completely understandable. Had a game on caustic before when a PuG player (forgot his name, the guy is of no consequence anyway) asked for premade players to give a plan. Well, that game we only had myself and ONE friend with me, so while technically we're a premade a 2 man premade isn't really much of one.
We set up a plan, the PuGs moved to the crater to set up an ambush while I went to locate the enemy team. Found them, amassed the team at the enemy team's exit point. My friend (he was in a BAP raven spotter) withdrew to spot for LRM fire, I turned my Dragon to the other side of the crater to engage the 2 light Mechs on that side attempting to stealth cap. So basically, we have 6 people (+1 spotter) ambushing a team of 4 on the enemy side (technically 7v4), I engaged 2, and the remaining 2 enemy PuGs were wandering around somewhere not helping.
The team of 6 were bad shots. There was friendly fire too - the guy I mentioned earlier starting complaining in team chat about being shot in the back by friendlies, and demanding the lousy premade who shot him own up and take responsibility.
The Raven was spotting and had only medium lasers from a cliff 800m away to one side, I was fighting on the other side of the crater. Funny how he thought we could do any friendly fire under those conditions.
Eventually one of the wandering enemy PuGs (Atlas) joined his team against my team, the other one (centurion) joined the fight against me after I killed one of the two enemies. Under these conditions, the 6+1v5 fight resulted in the loss of all 6 mechs on my team, and 4 mechs on the enemy team. The spotter Raven moved to cap the base because he knew he shouldn't fight a nearly full armour Atlas 1v1. I took critical damage to basically the whole Mech, ran out of ammo, lost an arm and killed off the other 2 (fighting 1v2 or 1v3 is painful even if they're lights), but am in no condition to fight an Atlas head on either. The Atlas moved (slowly) back to his base), I sniped his rear CT from behind cover, and cored the Atlas from behind just as he entered the cap square, about 10 seconds before my friend could complete his cap.
All the way, that PuG player was complaining nonstop about lousy premades, swearing and demanding the premade who shot him own up.
When it was the premade (pair) players that survived the match, and who basically carried that match. Most games, PuGs aren't so lousy as to lose a 6+1 v 5 fight, but people are different every game.
I still continue to coordinate, still reveal when i drop with my group and all that though, the better endgame results are worth it IMO. But I do know what it means when people hate on you for no reason whatsoever, and it certainly isn't a good feeling at all.
On the other side of the coin, some premade players are just plain rude to PuGs, making very well known their perceptions that PuGs suck at the start of the match.
Stuff like:
"We're a premade, you can stick with us, or you can wander off, do your own thing and die if you prefer."
"We're a premade, please don't suck."
"Don't suck this game like the Pugs from the previous game."
People don't respond very well to instructions when you start your introductions like this, just saying.
Edited by Hayashi, 01 December 2012 - 01:29 PM.