Mr 144, on 09 December 2012 - 12:23 PM, said:
But it's not the's a full 20 degrees less articulation than any other mech, regardless of weight class. My initial analysis (which Lefty posted in the OP) lists the HBK and Catapult as the extreme examples, but never intended to be a baseline goal. Those two chassis' are simply the oddities, so were listed seperately. All other mechs fall into a very specific total horizontal targeting range of 130 degrees total....all of them.
What do you think the 'phract brings to the table to warrant it's 110 degree limitation that no other mech, of any class, has? I'm just not seeing a counter argument here?
Mr 144
My argument is that we should not be changing the stats of mechs just because it has an unusual drawback or that pilots find their usual strategy doesn't suit the mech.
Let's try a different angle here (pun not intended).
According to, the Cataphract was adapted from parts of the Marauder, Shadowhawk, and Pheonix Hawk; only one of which has the 'chicken leg' design; the Marauder. I would assume that under their desperation, borrowing the leg/torso mounting from the Marauder would be easier than turning the other mechs around and running backward.
From what I can see in Mechwarrior 2 and 4, the Marauder is limited to a 90 degree torso twist. Now to clarify; when you state "110 degree limitation" you are referring to, say, I'm facing north on a compass, the furthest you can turn your torso left is 250 and right 110 (90 degrees either way + 20 from the skill boost).
90 degrees in the other games seemed pretty standard, with the 20+ on the skill. Now if 90 degrees is pretty standard, why is it that all the mechs currently in game have higher twists? Hmm...

Also mentioned on is that the Cataphract was intended to stand toe-to-toe with an assault mech; in such a scenario I don't envision targeting convergence much of an issue when you're targeting a big, slow moving target like an assault mech.
But the Cataphract is a full 20 degrees less than everything else? Maybe future mech releases will follow the new trend. Or perhaps the Cataphract is intended to be this way for reasons not explained.
If this is truly a bug or error on the development side, then very well, it must be addressed. Otherwise, I'd rather see how pilots adapt rather than tinkering with the mech to suit the pilots.