G940 Issue
Posted 02 December 2012 - 04:18 PM
Posted 02 December 2012 - 05:55 PM
Edited by A Black Knight, 02 December 2012 - 05:56 PM.
Posted 02 December 2012 - 06:00 PM
Posted 02 December 2012 - 07:26 PM
Edited by A Black Knight, 02 December 2012 - 07:49 PM.
Posted 02 December 2012 - 11:16 PM
Steering with the stick would be unbearable. Theres no way you could operate successfully like that for two reasons.
1. Steering is digital not analog. They said they will change that eventually but that wont help with ...
2. The aiming system in MWO is 2 tiered. You have the free floating arm reticle and the slower torso reticule. How will you aim?
You will turn with your stick meaning you have a free floating vertical axis and a slow moving locked horizontal axis. Then you will try to aim with your feet?
Im sorry but even if they did enable that it would be completely useless.
Posted 03 December 2012 - 05:11 AM
I always used it this way, even in Mech 2 when others used a mouse and keyboard setup. I did quite well in fact. Its NOT useless as you claim it would be. I even had a HOTAS setup for MW4 a few years ago that had torso twisting on the ministick. It broke, sadly...
And my throttle won't move the mech in game. I don't know what to do to get it to work...
Posted 03 December 2012 - 05:45 AM
And this is not the other MW nor MPBT games. Complete torso control has been separated from the legs.
Add on top of that the convergence of both arms and torso weapons. The circle is the aiming receptacle for the arm mounted weapons, the crosshair the torso mounted weapons. Depending on the arm actuators, the arm mounted weapons have wider range of motion than the torso mounted weapons.
With this setup, the primary change is the ability to hard code a mech's turning radius. Will we see a major change in this? Very doubtful. Could we see some minor changes? Possibly but no anytime soon.
Posted 03 December 2012 - 07:45 AM
Still have the throttle issue though. Anyone have the G940 throttle working, if they have one? I've trying reading that joysticks thread, but its all confusing to me what part of the text go where. I'm no programmer.
Posted 12 December 2012 - 04:10 AM
map only your joystick axis / throttle / rudder (pedals) via MWO in-game client (under options)
i used the rudder for turning the mech
joystick for upper torso / arms & aiming
throttle, well for throttle.
make a text file called user.cfg and place it in your MechWarriorOnline game folder
user.cfg should contain this
cl_joystick_gain = 8
cl_joystick_sensitivity = 1
cl_joystick_throttle_range = 0
cl_joystick_invert_throttle = 1
cl_joystick_invert_pitch = 1
cl_joystick_invert_yaw = 0
cl_joystick_invert_turn = 0
i_joystick_deadzone = 0.1
cl_joystick_deadzone = 0.1
btw, cl_joystick_gain = 8 is the standard but i started off with 4.6 and i'm now comfortable with 10
i need help myself, haven't found a way to use the toe breaks on the pedals for jump jet & full stop... does anybody know how to do this? yes, i have tried axis commands / zone commands to no avail...
Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:33 PM
Posted 13 December 2012 - 09:01 AM
Desert Panther, on 12 December 2012 - 01:33 PM, said:
have you even tried a full HOTAS?
i use joystick exclusively even in competitive 8-mans...
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