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Sugestion - Canned Chat Messages

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#1 Tuku


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Posted 03 December 2012 - 03:00 PM

Imagine you are in river city scouting. You are a lone wolf and take a left turn only to run into the entire team advancing toward D5. Trying to be a good scout you target one of them and try to type into chat "enemy team D5 D6 area"

Problem is that this takes your attention half away from your mech and poof....a gaus cat cores you or that streak cat has your number.

What if you could just hit a button that popped into teamchat

Enemy Contact <Location>

My idea is this.

Canned chat messages for quick communication. It is a fact that not everyone is/can use voice chat for whatever reason and so what can we do to make communication with your team in this very team oriented game easier ?

Lets say they are bound to the F keys.

F1 - Returning To Base(For when base under attack pops up you can let your team know that you will handle it)

F2 - Enemy Contact <Location> (An intelegent chat message that checks what grid you are in and inserts it into <location>

F3 - Heavy Contact <Location> (Means there is allot of them there)

F4 - Need Support <Location> (Agian location appears as your current grid location)

F5 - Focus Fire <Current Enemy Target> Current enemy target would be filled with information such as A, Bobadoodle, AS7-D(F) So target designation letter...character name....mech variant.

And so on and so fourth....I think this would do allot to push up the level of communication in PUG matches.

#2 sycocys


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Posted 03 December 2012 - 03:27 PM

I suggested this some time ago, it would be great for pugs or cross communication with pre-mades. It'd have to work with the locking/target system though to make it useful.

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