MordorSV, on 11 December 2012 - 09:12 AM, said:
There are only several LRMs and SSRM users left in the game.
I am one of the last, playing this kind of mechs.
LRMS are mostly on tryal mechs and SSRMs on some scouts now only.
there are two points of stupudity for this device:
- Plaing LRM or SSRM mech VS ECM is not fun after feeling hepless, when you can not take a missle lock in the bubble. No shootin - no fun - dont whant to play expencive LRM asn SSRM!
- Plaing LRM or SSRM mech in TEAM with ECM, you do not suffer form LRMs and SSRM and hardly to be targeted. It is too easy to win the helpless opponents that do not feel the team mates and do not focus fire, and can not stop you coming from distance with the LRMs rain. Too easy win and NO fun!!! before a get 1-2 kills maximum for a match, than die. Now, sometimes I am able to kill 5-6 mechs for a match.
So, ECM in the game make me feel hepless looser, or a 'baby killer'.
There are no more fun of winnig and loosing. I can not feel and say that I made my 6 kills, becouse I was the best, or they killed my mech becouse they were the best.
Only ECM makes the game now! And this is wery bad. I do not see any logical resons for this feature.
Remove it!
Only because LRM and SSRM having a downside at the moment does not mean the game is now poor or stupid. Sorry, but I don't want MWO to end up as a game which is decided who has the fattest mech with the largest amount of ammo to have it rain missiles. Further terrain cover should not be only the only way to avoid missiles. ECM is part of the game and tactics should be created to counter such teams. However it needs some limitations on the setup of the teams and not by nerfing technical part how ECM is and should work.