here are the stats:
The Uziel is a medium BattleMech.
Armor: 8 tons
Heat sinks: 4
Speed: 95kph
Beagle Active Probe
Jump jets
2x Machine gun array
2x PPC
1x SRM6
1x Flamer
Cost: 7,970,3586 C-bills
i usually drop the flamer and up ither the missles, the PPCs or the engines (although the mech tends to get skidish if its max speed gets too high)
any and all relevent opinions welcome.
Blastaar, on 12 May 2012 - 06:35 AM, said:
here are the stats:
The Uziel is a medium BattleMech.
Armor: 8 tons
Heat sinks: 4
Speed: 95kph
Beagle Active Probe
Jump jets
2x Machine gun array
2x PPC
1x SRM6
1x Flamer
Cost: 7,970,3586 C-bills
i usually drop the flamer and up ither the missles, the PPCs or the engines (although the mech tends to get skidish if its max speed gets too high)
any and all relevent opinions welcome.
for got the "why." It is a good mix of speed and firepower even if it tends to go a little light on the armor. Faster than the big ones and more firpower than the small ones.